What is forcing the second degree of a marine engine. The origin of horses: how to properly force an atmospheric engine. What it is

When compiling the material, photographs were used from the Internet resources Injector-VAZ, SVR Conversions, Team-RS, Dvigateli-VAZ.ru, MotoProm, Kartuning, OKB "Dynamics" and many others.

Some materials may be duplicated with the main content of the site. This is a very popular article. She, with banknotes (but mostly without), was stolen and posted on a good dozen "tuning" sites and in the automotive press of the state of Ukraine. (I am even somewhat flattered that so much is stolen from me - it means there is something. In this regard, I allow free reprinting without reference to the source for all representatives of sexual minorities passive t ipa).

It is up to you to judge the quality of the "services" of such "tuners", who themselves cannot connect two words about what they offer people for a lot of money. People, be vigilant! :

Meager figures of the roller stand.

How many horses can be squeezed out of 8-cl. serial engine 21083. Tests on the roller stand of the car VAZ 2108 - 17.10.2002 conducted with the participation of Uncle Sam.

Initial data.

VAZ 2108

  • Engine 1,6, camshaft and cylinder head cross
  • Sports receiver, 52 mm DZ, filter zero resistance, free release
  • Without flow meter, additional corrections for atmospheric pressure and temp. air.
  • oxygen sensor. DPKV - on the flywheel. Speed ​​limiter - 8500
  • Standard gearbox

What happened (data on VSH from the rollers).
Maximum power 126 hp at 7400 rpm and a speed of 206 km / h. Naturally, without taking into account Cx, because there is no wind on the rollers :).

VSH standard engine 2112

Increasing the working volume

The most common option for increasing the working volume to 1600 cubic meters. cm is to increase the piston stroke to 74.8 mm (standard - 71 mm) by replacing the crankshaft and pistons. There are several options here

a) "Forged" pistons common sizes 82.0, 82.4, 82.5 84.0 mm of various classes. "Forged" pistons come in both conventional and T-shaped. The latter are much lighter in weight.
b) Standard pistons that have been specially machined.
c) Use of pistons 21213 with mechanical refinement and replacing the connecting rods under the "floating" piston pin.

In addition to the most common crankshaft with a piston stroke of 74.8 mm, there are also KV with a piston stroke of 75.6 (serial from 1.6) 78, 79, 80 and even 84 mm. When using these crankshafts, volumes from 1580 to 1862 cc can be obtained. cm, and almost all configurations can fit in a block of standard height. At the same time, of course, the "torsion" of the engine suffers due to suboptimal R / S.

The crankshafts themselves are produced in three "weight categories" - light, medium and heavy, from different blanks - 2112, 11183, etc.
In serial VAZ cars with a volume of 1.6 liters. crankshaft 75.6, 1.5 liters is used. - 71 mm.

Owners 16-cl. engines (for which money doesn't matter, can avoid this hemorrhoids and buy an engine VAZ 21128 volume 1.8 l. (100 hp, 160 Nm) or 2.0 liters and 118 hp.

In the engine 21128, the mass of the crank mechanism is reduced by 190 gr., A “high” block is used (higher by 1.9 mm.), original crankshaft, connecting rods 129 mm long., lightweight pistons. According to the manufacturers, this modification does not bend the valve when the timing belt breaks.

For 8 V on the same opp is issued new engine 21084 with a volume of 1.6 liters. 21084 is available on OPP only in the carburetor version.

Specifications 21203 21128 21084
Cylinder diameter, mm 82 82 ,5 82
Piston stroke, mm 94 74 ,8
Working volume, cm³ 1980 1580
Compression ratio 10 ,6 10
Rated power, kW / rpm 80 /5400 60 /5600
Rated cr. moment N*m, at rpm 182 /3200 160 /? 124 /3600
Number of cylinders 4 4 4
Valve drive hydraulic pushers hydraulic pushers
Coupling/diameter mm 21203 /215
Connecting rod length, mm 129
Octane number of gasoline ai 95 ai 95 ai 91
checkpoint 21203 , 2123

Forced engine elements

throttle valve

The throttle branch pipe of the standard injection system has a diameter of 46 mm. To improve the filling of the cylinders with an air-fuel charge, it makes sense to increase the diameter of the damper. There are most often 3 "tuning" sizes - 52, 54 and 55 mm. At self-improvement keep in mind that a further increase in diameter dramatically increases the chance of damaging the pipe (a very thin wall is easily destroyed) and take into account the fact that the damper itself has a somewhat unusual shape, only apparent simplicity. When installing the DZ, it is necessary to set the thermal gap between the damper and the body of the pipe with an adjusting screw in order to prevent jamming of the damper (especially at large temperature differences) and to ensure a small air supply even at a throttle position of 0%.

IMHO, this feature makes sense only on forced internal combustion engines, and then only in the “full hole” mode. The effect of "agility" obtained from the use of such a damper is subjective and nothing more than a large air supply with a small opening of the remote sensing (similarly, if you simply press the gas harder and sharper). The disadvantage is twitching at very small chokes. The problem is solved simply - you need to ensure a smoother and proportional opening of the remote sensing. This is solved by a small "tuning" of the cam DZ drive (from Dodgev-103) The use of this profile removes all the disadvantages of control at small remote sensing angles. True, at the same time, the former pseudo - "playfulness" also disappears. Another negative factor is that the quality of manufacture of "Togliatti" DP from the bazaars leaves much to be desired.

Air filter

As you have already noticed, almost all tuning innovations are related to air and its passage along the way into the cylinders of your engine. It is important to ensure its smooth passage and a rather important element in its path is the air filter. The quality of regular filters of the domestic market is replete with fakes and leaves much to be desired, so you should weigh your attitude towards the car and decide whether to take a rather expensive sports filter for it. The cheapest one today is the JR filter (about $40). Of the “brands”, K & N is often used. Do not forget that the life of a branded sports filter with proper operation (that is, maintenance every 5–10 thousand km using only branded materials) is about 100,000 km.

inlet receiver

An important element of the intake setting. A larger volume than the standard one allows, with the right design and tuning, to smooth out air pulsations, in addition, in this configuration, the length of the intake tract is shorter, which allows you to get additional torque at medium and high speeds. To get high torque at low revs, the intake ports, on the contrary, must be longer. It would be optimal to change the length of the intake channels depending on the speed. For example, up to 2700 - 3000 rpm. a long intake tract works, after - a short one. This solution has been implemented on many foreign cars, VAZ also developed the 11193 engine with a variable length of the intake manifold and timing phases back in 1998. Larger volume receivers must be installed on tuning medium-forced engines.

Tuning receiver for eight-valve VAZ engine
Tuning receivers for 16 V - homemade and SVR Conversions

Inlet and outlet channels must be carefully processed - the diameter is increased (at the inlet, an uncalculated increase in the outlet diameter can sometimes achieve the opposite effect), all irregularities, sagging, joints are removed - everything that can slow down the movement of the flow. Channels must be carefully sanded.

16 V This is how the polished cylinder head channels look 8 V
And these are the inlet channels 16-cl. inlet. On the left - factory casting, in the center - machined. On the right - modified 16-cl. Cylinder head under the shaft with a large lift.

Some offices offer polishing - this is technically illiterate. By the way, not all “inconsistencies” in the cylinder head should be cut down, some of them play a rather important role, creating counterpressure or flow braking in the right place.

valve it is desirable to use an increased diameter and / or lightweight. When cranking the engine over 7000 rpm, it is recommended to use stiffer valve springs or "Schrick" sports springs and modified (lightweight titanium) valve plates. On the 8th cell. the engine is perfectly “implanted” by valves from BMW with a stem diameter of 7 mm. Also, inexpensively (by tuning standards) you can buy "Shrick" valves or make lightweight titanium valves with a protective coating according to your drawing (as of December 2003, the cost of one such valve is 21 USD)

If standard valves are to be used, they should be as light as possible and lapped. On the VAZ conveyor there is no valve grinding operation, the chamfer on the valves and seats is designed for “self-grinding” during running-in.

Camshafts for tuning and sports differ in rise and phase characteristics. The operating speed range in which the camshaft gives the effect of increasing the filling of the engine is determined by the width of the valve opening phases and the wave (frequency) parameters of its gas path, i.e. geometric parameters of intake and exhaust systems. But the very magnitude of this effect will be determined by the maximum lift, the "time-section" of the opening of the valves and the parameters of their overlap, provided that the resistance of the gas path is adequately reduced. It is important to decide here - for what purposes the engine is boosted and, based on this, choose a camshaft.

Currently, the range of offered camshafts is constantly expanding. The listing of “brands” alone is impressive - MasterMotor, STI, TorgMash, Dynamics, Braginskiye, Nuzhdinskiye, Stolnikovskiye…

Approximate timing phase response when using tuning camshafts

The principle of increasing valve lift by regrinding a standard camshaft

When replacing a camshaft, it is highly desirable (and in most cases mandatory) to use the so-called “split gear”, because it is necessary to very accurately adjust the phase characteristic of the path, “catch its resonance”. The device of such a gear is extremely simple - it provides the possibility of a smooth shift of the gear relative to the center, followed by fixation in the selected position. There are also "split" crankshaft pulleys.

For 8 ‑cl. VAZ engines produce a fairly wide range of shafts for every taste. The most promising for “urban battles” are shafts from the 49th to the 55th shafts, for racing - No. 62, then there are purely sports shafts, for rally and circuit racing.

Of undoubted interest is the new direction of OKB Dynamics - p / shafts with non-planar pushers - a line of p / shafts RX for the engine 21083. This technical solution makes it possible to implement a very large valve lift with a high valve opening/closing speed and a rather narrow phase response. OKB "Dynamics" has a patent for this timing profile, although a similar technical solution has been encountered on rather old foreign-owned machines. OKB "Dynamics" produces 6 modifications of RX: RX1 -RX3 for "household" engines and RX4 -RX6 for motorsport.

For 16-cl modifications of the Master Motor, only three pairs of tuning shafts are produced 38 / 32, 44 / 38 and 50 / 44 (in the recent past, a rather successful pair was produced 52 / 48, which was the most extreme in the “household” line.), with a height lift up to 9.6 mm (serial 7.6), the rest are pure sport. When installing shafts, it should be borne in mind that in new (2003) cylinder heads, they can touch the tides, and the higher the rise, the greater the likelihood. Therefore, it is imperative to check the “scrolling” of the shaft, and, if necessary, finalize the cylinder head .

Related information:

one . Tuning and sports camshafts 16 V

2. Tuning and sports camshafts "STI"

3 . Tuning and sports shafts OKB "Dvigatel"

four . Tuning and sports shafts SPF "Master Motor"

four . Tuning and sports shafts "Dynamics"

5 . A little about the quality of the shafts "STI"

Adjustment of the split gear (Vernier pulley).

Information from the site http://team-rs.ru

one . Mark on both the fixed and moving parts the standard mark according to the standard gear.
2. Install on the shaft, put on the belt and align all the marks (crankshaft, camshaft)
3 . Check the inlet and outlet valve of the 4th cylinder: if the marks are aligned, there should be an overlap (inlet and outlet valves equally open). If there is no overlap (i.e. one is more open than the other), loosen the gear screws and rotate the shaft relative to the outside of the gear). When the overlap is found, put marks on the gear (as in paragraph 1). In this position, the shaft is at the overlap point and the crankshaft and camshaft marks are exactly aligned. This is a conditional " 0", From which there is an adjustment depending on the goals set.
If the RV passes the mark before the CV, this is a “lead”, if later, it is a “lag”.

Fuel supply.

Fuel pressure control. I hope there is no need to explain how important it is to maintain constant fuel pressure in the injector rail. And, if during normal city driving a regular fuel pressure regulator is enough, at high speeds a situation arises when constantly open nozzles lead to a general decrease in pressure in the rail. As a result, there is a decrease in fuel supply, poor spraying, failure in calculations, etc. Therefore, when forcing the engine, it makes sense to increase the pressure by 0.5 - 1 atm., Depending on the degree of engine forcing. Naturally, in this case it is necessary to adjust the injection program in order to ensure the correct composition of the mixture. In the latest "transitional" models and new VAZ engines with a volume of 1.6 liters, a drainless system is used, the RTD is assembled in the tank with a gasoline pump and operates with a higher pressure of 3.8 atm.

. When forcing the engine, a situation may well arise when the performance (the amount of fuel passed through) may simply not be enough. In this case, it will be necessary to replace the nozzles with more efficient ones or install a second row of nozzles. The second option is quite complicated and time-consuming, although it is possible even on the standard block "January 5.1", therefore it is easier, nevertheless, to install more efficient nozzles, with a capacity of + 15% to + 50% (it is undesirable to use publicly available nozzles from GAZ vehicles, because they have one plus - high performance, all the rest are minuses, and the fattest ones are speed and non-linear characteristics at the beginning of the range, where VAZ XX has.) Nozzle characteristics


There is no doubt that in order to get the maximum effect from engine tuning, a corresponding adjustment of almost all injection calibrations is necessary. Moreover, it is definitely necessary to fine-tune the calibrations on a specific car, as a result of which a firmware is obtained for a specific hardware, its settings, the driver and his driving style. The final tuning of the engine and firmware is, in one phrase, a struggle for air, the engine must consume the maximum possible amount of air without interference, the firmware must be configured for optimal fuel supply and ignition angle setting in all engine operating modes. With the appearance for serial firmware versions January 5 of the engineering block J5 On Line Tuner, (and later the J7 On-Line Tuner) that allows you to adjust the calibrations on the go, in real time, this process becomes less time-consuming. Previously, such systems existed only for tuning and sports blocks "Corvette" of the company ABIT(St. Petersburg). During the tuning process, the tuner's task is to ensure the correct composition of the mixture - up to 12.6: 1 in power mode and 15.5 -16.5 in economical mode.

It would seem that everything is simple, but in reality it is a delicate and painstaking work - the composition of the mixture must be optimal throughout the entire engine speed range. In addition, there are modes of power enrichment, transient modes, etc. I had to roll out for many hours with the engineering unit, constantly monitoring the composition of the mixture. With a gas analyzer (GA), due to its large inertia, it is possible, but rather inconvenient to work with. A big breakthrough is the use in setting up Alfometers - controllers of broadband DC from Innovatemotorsports (USA).

exhaust system.

As a rule, 4-2-1 "spiders" are installed on tuning cars that work well in a fairly wide range of revolutions. 4-1 systems did not take root in civilian tuning due to a very narrow range of effective operation. The principle of operation of such an outlet is based on creating a vacuum in front of the exhaust valve that has not yet been opened, which contributes to better purging of the cylinder.

The most common “tuning” we have is the installation of a “sports” muffler. The most common (and, of course, the cheapest) products are Nex (IMHO - complete crap) and PowerFull, Remus, Asso, Sebring are less common ... Such a silencer can only be useful in combination with a direct-flow "spider", a branded main and additional silencer with pipes of increased diameter (at least 55 mm for engine 1.6 and above). Otherwise - only a deeply pathetic sound. Moreover, Powerfull produces the least "noisy" models, ASSO - the most aggressive and loud. PRO-SPORT offers "cans" with +/- 10 db "volume" adjustment via a removable liner. Well, of particular interest is the Pro-Sport silencer with electric (from the passenger compartment) volume control, from standard to Super-Sport (30 db difference). The sound of the exhaust is a matter of taste, I personally like the quiet "roar" - this is a large can of PowerFull (in the center) and a twin-pipe (DTM) Remus. However, the price of the first one is 75-80 USD, the second one is more than 300 USD.

PowerFull Sebring Pro-SPORT
Pipe set 51 mm bellows Resonator

Checkpoint rows, main pair

The choice of gearbox and GP depends on the goals and capabilities of the engine. The table lists the main popular ranges of the budget series.

range/transmission 1 2 3 4 5 6
Standard 3 ,636 1 ,950 1 ,357 0 ,941 0 ,784
21083 –05 2 ,923 1 ,810 1 ,276 1 ,030 0 ,880
21083 –06 2 ,923 1 ,810 1 ,276 1 ,063 0 ,941 0 ,784
21083 –07 2 ,923 2 ,053 1 ,555 1 ,310 1 ,129
21083 –08 3 ,416 2 ,105 1 ,357 0 ,969 0 ,784
21083 –11 3 ,636 2 ,222 1 ,538 1 ,167 0 ,941 0 ,784
21083 –12 3 ,250 1 ,950 1 ,357 1 ,030 0 ,784
21083 –18 3 ,170 2 ,105 1 ,480 1 ,129 0 ,886 0 ,784

On cars 2108 -09 -99 -15, a GP with a gear ratio of 3.9 is serially installed, on the "tenth" family - 3.7. By installing a GPU with a large gear ratio on a car, you can significantly increase the dynamics at the bottom, losing, however, at the same time top speed. As a rule, ready-made "commercial" gearbox series are offered on the market, with which it is possible to use in addition to standard GP 3.7; 3,9; 4.1, tuning GP - 3.5; 4,3; 4,5; 4,7; 4.9 and 5.1. by the most important parameter when calculating the transmission is the total gear ratio (gearbox + GP) in each gear.

A good example of an illiterate approach to transmission calculation is the standard gearbox of front-wheel drive VAZs. As a result of inconsistency in speed in 1st and 2nd gear, the latter experiences strong overloads when switching, which disables it earlier than others. When installing rows in cars of the 10th family, it is desirable to use 083 output shaft.

gear ratios and speed characteristics of different options for "crossing" the rows of gearboxes and GPs can be calculated

Differential lock.

Differential lock (limited slip differential, self-locking differential). Unlike a standard differential, "locking" allows you to redistribute torque from an unloaded wheel to a more loaded one, or from a wheel with less friction to a wheel with good traction.

"Locks" are screw and disk. Screw - "Quaife" are used on civilian vehicles - do not require special maintenance and are often made in "civilian" versions (low degree of blocking), convenient for everyday car operation. Such a lock increases the maneuverability and stability in turns, however, a certain skill is required - the control of a car with a lock is different from a car with a standard differential.

On the sports cars disc-type differentials are used, capable of transmitting almost all the moment to the loaded wheel. Such locks are mainly used in motorsport.

Brake system

Tuning a car is generally more logical to start with the brake system, namely with the front brakes, it is they that have the main load when braking. At the same time, one should not forget that interference with the standard braking system is prohibited by traffic rules.

On VAZ vehicles, it is possible to install front ventilated discs with a diameter of 14.15.16 inches. It is better not to save on this and purchase branded discs and brake pads. Rear disc brakes are expensive, but with them the braking performance is much higher.

In order not to feed the numerous personnel of tuning companies who want to earn all the money at once, the rear disc brakes can be made from the front "eighth" discs and calipers from Oka (VAZ-2108, VW) and a hydraulic or mechanical parking brake. To manufacture and install such brakes is quite simple.

It should be borne in mind that intervention in the braking system is a serious decision that affects your safety and is prohibited by traffic rules. In my opinion, if the braking performance is not satisfactory in any way, the most optimal use is in front - branded ventilated perforated brake discs, in the back - brake drums of increased diameter (from the classics). Such tech. the solution was applied to the VAZ 21106. Naturally, the use of high-quality brake pads.


Correctly adjusting the suspension for certain conditions is an important and difficult task. Options for "universal" suspension simply do not exist. Winning one always loses the other. In a boosted car, the suspension should be set quite hard and as low as possible to the standard. Shock absorbers are subject to replacement or tuning, springs are sports or trimmed regular or lowered springs with a progressive characteristic, the strut supports are replaced with a ball joint (“SHS”) or tuning supports SS20. The rigidity of the body should also be increased with the help of special struts. Suspension tuning is a very difficult and painstaking task.

Sports - crab 2108 Crossbar 2108 Supports SS- 20
Rear stabilizer Stretching front 2110 Rear stretch 2110

Nitro Oxide System

This method of boosting the engine is used for short-distance racing and, despite a huge number of unrealistic rumors, is nothing new, revolutionary and supernatural. To boost engines for short races, where short powerful accelerations are required, crude technical nitrous oxide is used. The effect is achieved by increasing the amount of free oxygen in the combustion chamber, which can effectively oxidize a larger amount of fuel.

To ensure maximum engine performance, the fuel/oxidizer ratio must be precisely maintained. in engines internal combustion The oxygen contained in the air is used as an oxidizing agent, the proportion of which is approximately 20%. The amount of fuel supplied to the cylinder directly depends on the amount of air consumed. Excessive enrichment leads to the opposite result - a rich mixture burns slowly and poorly due to the lack of an oxidizing agent. Nitrous oxide contains 35-36% oxygen, therefore, it is possible to increase the fuel supply by 15% without reducing the efficiency of the combustion process.

It should be borne in mind that in this case the temperature of the engine rises sharply and nitrous injection is applied for more than 15–20 seconds. Without the use of additional cooling means, it is detrimental to the engine. Currently, there are two types of nitros injection: the usual one, when only nitrous is supplied to the intake manifold, and the second, when an additional supply of a ready-made fuel mixture is carried out. The second system is much more complex and slightly more efficient. In carburetor systems, the installation requires the installation of an additional fuel supply system, injection systems recalibrated and may need to be installed fuel injectors with more performance.

For those who are interested, you can read more details here: http://larkon-auto.ru/tuning/motor/nitrous.htm

Resource for forced motors

Engine wear depends primarily on the degree of forcing, load, operating conditions and quality of fuels and lubricants. Modes of maximum loads in everyday life are used extremely rarely and, as a rule, for a short time. Therefore, we can safely say that with “civilian” tuning, the engine resource practically does not change. And, on the contrary, it can change upwards. Engine fine-tuning is, in most cases, individual highly skilled manual work, precise fitting, weight distribution, internal combustion engine balancing. The most modern tool is used, experience is constantly accumulated and technologies are studied. Of course, the quality of work in this case is incomparable with the conveyor assembly.


http://gt-parts.com/modules.php?op=modload& name=Subjects& file=index


http://auto 2141.narod.ru/soderzh.html







Anyone who decides to seriously tune his car is unlikely to ignore the engine. What does forced mean? In medicine, there is such a thing as forced diuresis. This means an accelerated method of detoxification. The key word here is "accelerated". It is this concept that is embedded in the phrase "forced engine".

What it is?

Setting out to boost the engine, various methods improve its characteristics, thanks to which the engine reveals all its capabilities and begins to work at much greater power. Often it is possible to double the quality indicators or more. And all this without loss of motor resource.

Ways to increase engine performance are:

  • actions that do not have the nature of constructive changes;
  • actions with constructive changes;

Works without structural changes

The most common way to make an engine boosted is to flash the ECU or, as it is often called, chip tuning. At the same time, the standard program is replaced by a more “working”, enhanced one. It will increase power by about ten percent.

Another well-known way is to replace the manifolds - intake and exhaust. A common "spider" will increase power by another five percent.

In order for the motor to “breathe to the full”, completely, however, it should be taken into account that they will be much dirtier.

The last revision without structural changes is carried out in the same part - the muffler. Here they put a straight line. Then the exhaust will not come into contact with various partitions, which will increase power.

These methods are the simplest and cheapest. But if the goal is for the engine to become truly boosted, this will require more serious work.

Tuning with design changes

Such actions are more expensive. They can reach the value of the motor itself. Some elements, for example, are changed to reduce friction. In general, you need to understand in this case that the motor will be completely rebuilt.

The following improvements are being made:

  • increase the cylinders, expanding the engine volume from 1.6 liters to 2.0 in some cases;
  • they do “sleeve”, that is, they mount more wear-resistant parts;
  • install another version of the crankshaft, made of high-strength metals and able to withstand heavy loads;
  • it is placed in a special block with liners, which are changed to more reliable ones;
  • then they replace pistons, connecting rods and low-removable rings - in addition to special materials, they acquire light weight;
  • at the end, it is the turn of replacing the block head and camshafts - here the main task will be to better fill the combustion chamber, and for this the phases are made wider.

Compressor installation

This method is very efficient. Some even believe that it is the whole range of work on tuning the motor. Despite the fact that this is far from the case, such a refinement is a very important step towards making the engine forced. This will greatly improve performance. By installing equipment with wiring from the crankshaft, you can improve the performance of torque.


Thus, it is clear that complex and delicate work is required to get the engine boosted. This includes the involvement of virtually all units of the unit and even firmware. Therefore, before deciding to take such a step, you need to study in detail and understand everything that you are going to do in the motor.

No serious car tuning is complete without boosting the engine. This procedure seriously increases engine power, which means it increases the speed characteristics of the car. In this article, we will take a closer look at what forcing an engine is, how it is done, why is it needed and is there a need for this?

What is engine boost?

In many languages, the word “forcing” can be translated as “strengthen”, “accelerate”, etc. Regardless of the type of engine, its speed characteristics are improved by replacing standard parts with improved ones, changing the size of certain chambers, adjusting power systems, exhaust, etc. Currently, there are many ways of forcing that allow, one way or another, to improve the dynamic properties and achieve the most efficient operation of the engine.

Inexpensive ways to boost engines

Video - DIY engine tuning

This ends the most inexpensive ways to boost the engine. As a rule, they do not allow to seriously increase the performance of the motor, but require less financial costs. And now, it's time to learn about more serious methods that really improve engine performance.

How to boost the motor more efficiently

Increasing the working volume of the motor. In another way, this method is called the "boring" of the cylinders. Everyone knows that the larger the volume of the engine, the more powerful it is. Therefore, an increase in displacement is mandatory when forcing the engine. The expansion of the cylinder walls is carried out as an adaptation to the new size of the pistons. This suggests that boring cylinders "from the bulldozer" is unacceptable. First of all, the necessary pistons and connecting rods are purchased, and then an increase in volume.

  • Gilzovanie. This method can be called as an addition to the first. The fact is that when boring the walls of the cylinder, they lose their properties and become less durable. Thus, the probability of failure of the cylinder block increases markedly. To reduce the wear of the cylinder walls, it is necessary to install special liners inside, which have good wear resistance. Thus, the resource of the motor increases significantly.
  • Application of a lighter crankshaft. Lightening the crankshaft is also a prerequisite for forcing. In fact, such a part is made of a more durable material and has more weight than a standard one. However, when the speed reaches 3000 rpm, the force of inertia begins to work, which spins it even more. Thus, efficient operation of the engine at a given speed is achieved.

Do not forget that along with the replacement of the crankshaft, a special bed with liners is installed in the block. This measure is necessary to reduce the wear of the cylinder block, which is achieved by rubbing a harder material against a softer one.

Along with the change in volume, or, in particular, the combustion chamber changes. Many parts of the cylinder head are subject to change, as well as parameters such as gas distribution. Indeed, along with a change in volume, the amount of mixture supplied to the cylinder must be increased. Setting the cylinder head parameters requires great skills, so it is not recommended to do it yourself.

  • Turbo application. The most serious step to increase power can be considered the installation of a turbocharger. It is a pump that pumps an additional portion of air into the combustion chamber under high pressure. The compressor works due to the force created by the exhaust gases in the exhaust manifold, and makes the maximum increase in power for the motor.

Why force the motor? Is it necessary?

Despite all the advantages of a forced motor with increased power, its use for everyday cars is impractical. The fact is that a powerful motor definitely has two drawbacks: increased consumption lubricants and fuel, as well as a smaller resource.

Such a motor can only be installed on a racing car, the repair of which is carried out after each race. In this case, its maximum speed characteristics are needed only for a short time - a race or a small series of races, and a long and monotonous ride on city roads will be completely uneconomical. That is why, before tuning the engine, it is recommended to ask yourself the question “do I need it?”.

That's all you need to know about boosting an engine. We hope this article will help you make right choice regarding this issue.

Forcing the engine, or tuning the engine is a certain complex technical processes, which are aimed at upgrading the engine. The purpose of this improvement of the engine is to increase the maximum speed and torque, thereby increasing the effective power of the internal combustion engine.

In common parlance, engine tuning is the refinement of an engine, which aims to increase its power and efficiency. In addition, forcing the engine is also called its complete replacement with a more powerful one. For direct boosting of the internal combustion engine, factory stock production parts are replaced with new improved elements (rods, pistons, valves). In addition, factory stock engine parts can be refined and lightened.

This procedure is carried out in order to reduce losses. In addition, a mechanical supercharger (compressor) or turbocharging is installed on the engine itself, the exhaust system is improved, and air filters with reduced resistance are also installed. Other types of tuning are also very common. Nevertheless, whatever the process of forcing the engine itself, the main goal does not change - increasing the effective power of the internal combustion engine.

1. What are the methods of boosting the engine.

In different languages, the word forcing means strengthening, acceleration or strength. It is because of the etymology of this word that it is used to refer to the adjustment of the power of an internal combustion engine. As for cars, then boosting the engine should be regarded as nothing more than engine tuning and all ongoing work that aims to increase engine power - refinement of factory parts and structures.

When performing the procedure for forcing the engine, the factory parameters are significantly improved and overcome. As a result, you can get a result that marks a significant increase in the performance of mechanisms and assemblies. At a certain moment, when the motorist has the idea of ​​boosting the engine, it is necessary, as, in fact, with other thoughts about tuning other systems vehicle, ask yourself a few questions: why is it necessary to boost the engine, will engine performance be improved and, most importantly, what are the material costs for this work? If all the answers are positive, then you can start boosting the car engine with peace of mind and a degree of enthusiasm.

The first method, which suits preferably modern cars, is chip tuning. In its essence, this procedure is an intrusion by the motorist into the entire electronic system vehicle, in order to correct its control programs. Often, this method generates a correction of the engine control unit, as well as the installation of additional controllers, which are modules to increase engine power. If not special equipment and, most importantly, special knowledge, it is not recommended to independently carry out chip tuning.

The second method is more radical, as it affects the mechanical part. It's called like this: mechanical forcing of the engine. This procedure includes a lot of processes, both for finalizing the factory stock already existing nodes, and for replacing these nodes with new ones that are more efficient and productive. And despite that, if a motorist is a professional in using tools such as a hammer and a chisel, one should not immediately and without preparation and knowledge proceed directly to tuning the car's propulsion system. It is important to remember that in any form of tuning, or strengthening the suspension, or tuning the interior, or boosting the engine, the beginning must be to calculate changes in the behavior of the vehicle.

2. Increasing the working volume of the engine.

The most radical way to increase the power performance of a car engine is to increase its working volume. The number of cylinders, their diameter and the amount of piston movement - this is what the engine displacement directly depends on. Due to the fact that the cylinders are a stationary device and it is impossible to change their number, only the last two parameters above can be corrected.

The cylinder diameter directly depends on the design of the engine. To increase it in an engine that has cast-iron cylinder blocks, cylinder block boring must be used. This procedure serves as a springboard for installing new pistons with a larger diameter. After that, microroughnesses are applied to the piston, which contribute to the retention of an oil film on the working surface of the cylinder.

The simplest change in displacement is a process that is carried out in engines, the cylinder block is made of aluminum, and itself carries plug-in wet liners. In this case, in order to change the cylinder diameter, appropriate new liners are used, which are available from the range. In order to increase the piston stroke in the cylinder, it is necessary to use a modified crankshaft, which has an increased crank radius. In the modern world, there is a huge selection of crankshafts for different types of engines: both standard and forced.

When directly determining the configuration of the engine in the course of increasing its volume, short-stroke and long-stroke options are used, which determine the parameter, which is the piston stroke or cylinder diameter, which will mainly increase. It is important not to forget that the working volume of the engine unit itself, in addition to affecting the maximum power value, directly affects the speed at which these maximum power and torque values ​​can be reached. Thus, the maximum values ​​of torque and power, with an increase in stroke, are achieved at the lowest values ​​of engine speed.

3. Increasing the compression ratio in the combustion chamber.

One of the main methods for increasing engine power is to increase the level of compression in the combustion chamber. It is because of this procedure that a greater return on engine volume is obtained. Thus, fuel consumption remains at the same level as it was, and engine power will increase significantly. In this case, the question arises as to why the compression ratio is not raised to the maximum possible level from the factory on stock units? The answer is simple. The whole snag lies in the characteristics of gasoline, which do not allow raising the compression ratio above a certain specified level, without the formation of various kinds of detonation. If the compression ratio is significantly increased, then the engine power will also increase significantly, but, nevertheless, the problem will be that the car will have to be filled with higher octane fuel. But, on the other hand, since the engine after all this will work more efficiently even at the power that it had before, fuel consumption and fuel consumption will be much less, and the difference in price will not be significant.

There are two ways to increase the compression ratio in the combustion chamber. The first way would be to install a thinner gasket for the engine itself. In this case, there may be a problem of valve collision with pistons, so everything must be carefully calculated. A variation would be to fit brand new pistons into the engine that would have deeper valve recesses. In addition, there will be a change in the valve timing of the engine, so they will have to be completely re-tuned.

The second method is to bore the engine cylinders. This process will require the replacement of pistons. However, this method contributes to an increase in engine displacement, and, at the same time, an increase in the compression ratio, since the combustion chamber itself does not change, but the cylinder volume changes. It is the ratio of the first volume of the combustion chamber to the volume of the increased cylinder that will indicate a large value of the compression level. It is important to know that the lower the compression ratio of the standard engine settings, the higher the power increase due to chamber compression.

4. Reducing mechanical losses.

There are several types of mechanical losses: block cylinder friction, pumping losses, and auxiliary equipment losses.

The first problem is friction directly in the block cylinders. Reducing the cylinders themselves can be done by increasing the gap between the cylinder and the piston, using prefabricated oil scraper rings, and also by lightening the connecting rod. In general, in practice it is recommended to carry out careful balancing, as well as the selection of all parts of the crank mechanism by weight. There are also pumping losses. Often, such losses are caused by friction in the crankshaft journals. This problem is very solvable and can be compensated by installing a camshaft with wider phases. In addition, it is necessary to apply a “dry sump” system, which contributes to a significant reduction in pumping losses that are spent crankshaft. This is due to the fact that getting oil on the crankshaft helps to slow down its rotation.

In addition to the above, there may be a problem with ancillary equipment. Air conditioning, generator, water pump and hydraulic booster - all this leads to a decrease in the effective performance of the engine. To solve the problem, it is recommended: on vehicles where the procedure for boosting the engine was performed, increase the ratio of the generator drive and the water pump.

5. Optimization of the mixture combustion process.

In order to produce, or rather give recommendations for optimizing the process of combustion of the air-fuel mixture, it is not necessary to go into a deep theory of the entire procedure for the combustion of the mixture in a particular combustion chamber. It is important to remember that the combustion chamber itself must be compact. This is necessary in order to reduce all heat losses, as well as the likelihood of detonation. In addition, efficient mixing of fuel and air will be ensured. Only by reducing and cleaning the combustion chamber can the entire combustion process of the air-fuel mixture be optimized.

In order to increase the filling of the cylinders, it is necessary to reduce the aerodynamic resistance in the intake and exhaust systems. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the same resistance in the channels of the internal combustion engine head. Of great importance directly for engine tuning are: the design of the resonator, its location, as well as the installation of a multi-throttle system that has an exhaust pipe for each individual cylinder.

That's all. Forcing the engine is a very difficult and resource-intensive process. Nevertheless, the result obtained should please the car owner. It is important not to forget that an increase in vehicle power entails the correction and refinement of many other vehicle systems: the brake system, corrections in the suspension. This is due to the fact that in the process of forcing, the stock design factory parameters that were programmed for all the functions of the car, as one single device, change, and the amplification or at least touching one subsystem in the correction leads to an undoubted change in others.

Forcing the engine implies a set of measures to improve the performance of the standard configuration power plant. The indicators mainly mean power, since it is mainly responsible for the accelerating dynamics of the car. Thus, the user, for a relatively low price, can achieve sports performance from a conventional car.

Forcing the engine is to eliminate the energy losses that occur inside the motor, which go to friction and work. additional equipment. Use this energy to increase the coefficient useful action power plant, and increase its power as a whole. Forcing allows you to take advantage of all the capabilities of the motor laid down at the design stage.

To increase the power of the unit, various methods are used: they change the standard parts of the motor to improved ones; re-flash the electronic control unit; modify factory units and much more.

Finalization of the power plant

To begin with, it is worth noting that almost any engine, regardless of the type of fuel it runs on, can be boosted. If you sort out the factory motor and take into account all the subtleties and nuances that were missed during the assembly line, you can get a power increase of 10-20%. The fact is that during mass assembly, individual tuning and fitting for each unit is not applied. The task of the conveyor is that the motor falls into the established range of tolerances and landings.

With individual assembly, even the smallest errors are taken into account in order to achieve maximum performance when entering the afterburner of the engine. In addition, parts and assemblies are changed to more durable ones, capable of withstanding serious loads.

The disadvantage of the method is a significant price and the need to replace other components of the car ( brake system, gearbox, etc.).

The main methods of forcing the power plant

Improving engine performance due to forcing is gaining more and more popularity. There are a number of companies that carry out fine-tuning and modernization of units immediately after they leave the assembly line of the plant. Forcing an internal combustion engine, as a rule, occurs due to some changes in its design, these include:

Changes in the cylinder head

Finalization of the cylinder head plays one of the most important roles in modernization. Properly done work can add 20% to the capacity of the installation. The boosted engine not only demonstrates improved performance, but also has an increased resource due to the greater filling of the cylinders with the mixture, the correct and complete combustion of fuel, and the removal of combustion products.

Since the combustion chamber is the place where the main working processes of the power plant take place, the main work is aimed at improving it. Processes such as mixture formation, blowing, ignition, and combustion directly depend on the combustion chamber. To improve them, the chamber is polished, the intake and exhaust channels are enlarged, the flow sections of the cylinder head are increased, valves, manifolds, etc. are improved.

Camshaft Replacement

A positive aspect in the application of such modernization is the absence of the need to change the working volume of the installation. This design solution allows you to shift the power range relative to the operating conditions of the unit. Thus, in certain engine operating modes, the valve timing will be changed, and the engine will receive an increase in power.

However, there are also disadvantages, for example, at low speeds, traction will be raised, while when high speeds are reached, the dynamics will drop.

Increasing the volume of the power plant

This forcing method is the simplest and most popular. To implement it, you can resort to several actions: increase the diameter of the cylinders, or install a crankshaft with a longer stroke.

Increasing the compression ratio

The method allows to significantly increase the efficiency of the power plant. The degree of compression directly depends on the closing delay inlet valve, as well as from the opening angle throttle valve. The process is achieved by installing a special camshaft, which allows you to influence the valve timing by expanding them.

The method provides an increase in the power of the unit in the entire range of revolutions. In addition, it requires the use of a different type of fuel, with an increased octane rating.

Increase in filling of cylinders

The principle of the method: to reduce aerodynamic resistance in the intake and exhaust system, in the channels of the cylinder head. To increase the filling factor of the cylinders, work is being carried out to completely replace the intake and exhaust or modify them.

In addition, a split exhaust manifold, a direct-flow exhaust system and a zero-resistance air filter are installed in parallel. As an example, a VAZ 2108 with a coefficient of 0.75 after revision has a coefficient of 1.0 and higher.

The disadvantage of the method is its significant cost in relation to the increase in power obtained at the output.

Reduction of mechanical losses

Mechanical losses during the operation of the power plant include: friction losses, pumping losses, losses on the drive of motor mechanisms.

The strongest friction occurs in the cylinders of an internal combustion engine. To reduce force, one way is to install pistons with a smaller skirt area. In addition, they reduce the piston stroke, adjust the pistons and parts of the crank mechanism by weight, and balance. Pumping losses include power losses due to air intake by the engine.

At this moment, all systems of the unit work to overcome aerodynamic resistance. By lowering it, you can get additional power savings.

The drives of the gas distribution mechanism, generator, pump, etc. also require energy. Ideally, when forcing a power plant, all of them must be balanced in order to reduce and evenly distribute power. Sometimes for this it is enough to use a change in the gear ratio.

Installing a dry sump also has a positive effect on power savings. When the vehicle is moving, excess oil fluctuates in a conventional crankcase, which, falling on the crankshaft and other mechanisms, cause their imbalance. As a result, the loss of power to resist him. A dry sump minimizes these losses.

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