Why do beginners need to go to the official opening of the motorcycle season? When is the best time to open a motorcycle season in Russia? Why the President of Ecuador is accused of betrayal

1. Open the season a little later

Many spears have been broken about when and how the season should open. A universal rule that will suit most motorcyclists is not to roll out until there is a stable "plus", at least during the day.

But even with seemingly warm weather, the asphalt still remains cold, so in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, abrupt starts from traffic lights, extreme tilt angles and emergency braking should be excluded.

The road usually warms up to the desired values ​​no earlier than at the end of April, so choose the opening date based on your own ideas about the comfortable temperature of movement and be extremely careful if you decide to “open” early.

2. Thoroughly check the motorcycle

We already know how to properly check a motorcycle at the beginning of the season. The main points that you should pay attention to: the condition of the rubber, the operation of the engine and brake system, the level of liquids and the relevance of documents.

3. Wait for the rain

The winter fight against ice has consequences: salt, sand, gravel and other debris remain on the road long after the snow masses have melted. The central streets are cleaned more often, and this problem is not so urgent there. And in the yards and on secondary routes, there is only one way out - to wait for the first heavy rain, which will wash away all the accumulated dirt, or to leave after cleaning the city with watering machines.

It is also not recommended to ride directly in the rain (in addition to the obvious disadvantages of a cold shower, a slippery film of dust forms on the road in the first minutes) and immediately after washing the roads - after winter, a special shampoo is used to clean the asphalt, which also does not add grip to the road (then it wash off).

4. Dress warmly

Image in this case is nothing, because we are talking not only about banal colds and inflammations, but also about a real threat to life. If your hands get stiff in the middle of the road, then there is a high probability of losing control on which road.

And the knees, lower back or neck can easily be blown out so that it will come around until old age. Therefore, do not rush to put ski thermal underwear, warm socks and a scarf in the closet, and you will have time to show off your new gloves with cut off fingers later.

5. Use pinlock

If your helmet is equipped with mounts for additional glass, it's time to get it (and if not, it's a reason to think about buying a new helmet). The so-called pinlock protects the visor from fogging, which is indispensable in near-minus weather and high humidity. Probably there is no need to explain what can happen with a complete or partial loss of visibility on the road at the beginning of the season. Yes, and constantly being distracted to wipe the visor is also unsafe.

When choosing a helmet, you should also pay attention to the presence of a "breath cutter" - a rubber or plastic insert in its front part. This device also reduces fogging of the visor, but using it separately from the pinlock is not as effective.

6. Rebuild your skills on the court

Professional riders train at indoor karting tracks all winter to keep in shape. It is naive to believe that such training will be superfluous for the “civilian” use of a motorcycle, although it is not necessary to bother too much with this either. It is enough to circle the "eight" several times and hone braking distances in a deserted parking lot to regain confidence in the motorcycle and brush up on riding skills.

But even after preparation, the first trip to the DOP at the beginning of the season is always unforgettable and exciting. You need to be ready for this and not plan night races or a forced march for a hundred or two kilometers.

7. Increase visibility on the road

At the beginning of spring, it gets dark early, it often rains, and the cars are smeared on the windshields with “Russian Drist”. But the most important thing is that motorists manage to forget that someone else may be on the road besides them. All this reduces the chances of a motorcyclist being seen in time, which is one of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents.

Remember to regularly clean and check the performance of lighting fixtures, and also get bright clothing items with reflective inserts. An acid "DPS-nick vest" would be ideal. Throw in a model "bow" - in this case, safety is more important. Believe me, not a single real biker will reproach you for an inappropriate choice of clothes.

8. Don't take unnecessary risks

Try to refrain from uncontrolled releases of testosterone accumulated over the winter. Together with you, the first timid street racers make their way onto the road. Don't feed them bread, let them provoke someone. You can slip on acceleration or over brake on cold pavement at once, so it’s better to postpone fun starts until the middle of summer, when the road will literally “stick” to the wheels.

You should also move with caution in the aisle and near the curb - sand remains on the markings and along the edges of the road, which is not removed for a long time and is not carried by the wheels of cars.

And it is better to refuse joint movements with a passenger at the beginning of the motorcycle season. After a long break, this will turn into unnecessary excitement and extra risk.

By the way, the second and third seasons on a motorcycle are much more dangerous than the first. The reason is simple - fear disappears, unreasonable confidence in one's own skills appears and, as a result, an increased accident rate at the beginning of the season.

9. Pay attention to the road surface

Asphalt traditionally melts in spring in Russia. Huge holes in the road, massive repairs with pavement removal and melted tar, as well as gravel and sand waking up from trucks can deliver a lot of unforgettable experiences. If you are not a happy owner of an enduro motorcycle, regular quests to overcome rough terrain are almost guaranteed for you.

Puddles pose a separate danger - under a small, at first glance, lake of water, an open hatch or a failed storm drain can be hidden. And with a slight minus, puddles can predictably turn into ice (which threatens to turn into a disaster if you are not a speedway master).

Unfortunately, there is no universal advice for getting rid of this scourge (except for changing the country of residence), so you should carefully watch where you are going. Increased attention to the surface of the asphalt has not hurt anyone, and at the beginning of the season it is especially important.

10. DDD

One of the main unspoken rules of safe driving is "Give the Fool the Way." This may apply not only to night hooligans in powerful sports cars, but also to some summer residents, “snowdrop” pensioners and graduates who have received birthday rights.

Trying to teach presumptuous or "stupid" road users is useless - this only increases the level of aggression on the roads. In addition, such lessons are tritely dangerous to the life and health of the motorcyclist himself, who is not protected by the iron body of the car. It is better to save karma in any situation and let the inadequate pass than deliberately spoil your mood and be in danger.

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All-Russian motorcycle club "Night Wolves" will close the motorcycle season on October 15, 2018. In honor of the significant event, all motorcyclists of the capital and other regions of Russia will make a trip along the streets of Moscow.

Thematic concerts will also take place as part of the event, which will delight guests with performances of Russian rock bands. Prizes will also be awarded to the best motorcyclists of the year, and the leaders of the union will report on the achievements of the Night Wolves achieved during 2018.

Bikers from all over Russia will start arriving in the capital long before October 15, 2018. The event itself on this day will begin at 15:00 local time. All participants of a significant event will gather near the column of the Bike Center located on Nizhniye Mnevniki.

The organizers allocated one hour for greeting, communication of motorcyclists and preparation for the upcoming journey. The procession of motorcyclists starts at 16:00. Within an hour, they will drive along the highways of Moscow and end their journey in the Vorobyovy Gory area.

After the first concert on Sparrow Hills, the procession of motorcyclists will make another run. They will return to the Bike Center. Participants who do not have time to arrive by 16:00 will be able to connect to this evening session, which will begin at 19:00 Moscow time.

The organizers urged all participants to be polite on the roads, not to cause inconvenience to motorists and other participants. traffic. It was also announced that every year the number of Russian bikers is increasing. This year, the Night Wolves are expecting a much larger influx of people at the end of the motorcycle season.

Between trips, motorcyclists will stop at concert halls to witness grandiose events. At 17:00, having reached Sparrow Hills, they will settle in the Park of Legends SRC. A concert venue will be organized here, where the organizers will address the participants and award the winners of the 2018 competitions. Also, bikers will be encouraged to participate in the Safe Movement auto festival.

The leaders of the Night Wolves association reported that many people still have the stereotype that bikers are violators of traffic rules. According to them, this is no longer true. Violators included in the "Night Wolves" are punished with additional fines. If the incidents repeat, they can even be expelled from the club.

At 20:00 motorcyclists will gather for the second concert, which will be held in their native Bike Center. They will say goodbye to the motorcycle season with grandiose fireworks and a large-scale show of light and fire special effects. A concert will also take place here, in which the Black Coffee group and Olga Kormukhina will take part.

The emphasis at the concert will be made towards rock music, since it is this that is traditional for the bike community. However, according to the organizers, music lovers will also like the concert, as the selection of songs will be pleasant for those who have any musical preferences.

Waiting for a new motorcycle season becomes especially unbearable already at the end of winter, when the sun slowly begins to peek out from behind gray clouds and it seems that it’s time to roll the motorcycle out of the garage a little more.

Is it worth it to open the season early or does it make sense to wait for normal warm weather? For many, such a question is not even worth it: as soon as wet, dirty asphalt begins to appear between the snowdrifts, they are already in the saddle, thus significantly increasing the season by a month or two. In contrast to the early bikers, there are many who prefer to wait for normal heat and only then start riding. Which one made right choice I'll try to tell you from my own experience.

Early opening of the motorcycle season in February-March


  1. Nicely. You are one of the first to get your dose of adrenaline and extinguish winter mototoxicosis.
  2. An experience. During the season, you roll more kilometers in more dangerous conditions, which, of course, is a plus for experience.


  1. Dangerous. Very cold asphalt does not promote contact with rubber. High chance of slipping and decomposing. How to prevent this, read the rules for safe riding a motorcycle.
  2. Car drivers are still in hibernation and do not notice motorcyclists on the road, they can accidentally knock down.
  3. Snow. The weather can change dramatically and snow can fall, making driving dangerous and unpleasant.
  4. Cold. Even if it feels warm during the day, by the evening the air temperature drops sharply. It is very easy to catch a cold, even thermal underwear may not help.
  5. Dust on the road. After winter, a lot of dust and sand accumulate on the asphalt, it is unpleasant to drive.
  6. No ride company. More heat-loving motorcycle friends prefer to sit in garages in the cold and drink mulled wine, polishing motorcycles for the season.

Normal or late opening season in mid-April and May


  1. Warm, sunny, dry.
  2. Safely. The asphalt is already warm and therefore has good grip with rubber. If the first rains have passed, then the winter reagent has been washed off the road and it is not so slippery.
  3. Dust and sand from the asphalt is also washed away.
  4. Warm even in the evening and at night, but thermal underwear never hurts.
  5. There is a company for grabs.


  1. Much of the season is already behind us.

It is not difficult to calculate that opening the season later, you get more pluses than minuses, especially in terms of safe riding. Recently, I do not strive to open the season in March as before, but leisurely wait until it gets warmer to normal temperatures. Perhaps this is age, but this is my subjective opinion.

Well, for a tasty treat, here are some fresh photos of motorcyclists and bikers frozen in spite of the sun from the observation deck.

So it's time to put motorcycles in the garage, after all, autumn. Thanks to them for the opportunity to discover beautiful views with flowering meadows and bizarre clouds at every kilometer of the way. However, not everything is so rosy in our kingdom. Let me tell you what worries me.

Several trips were devoted to the lakes. I wanted to find a beautiful lake to draw in the open air, and this was done, but sometimes it happened that there was a lake on the map, but in reality it wasn’t.
But before that, I believed the cards :) A living example: there is no longer a lake near the village of Rykun, and, as the locals say, it has dried up for three years already.

Now there is a rain puddle and a valley ridden by tractors.
The ditches created to drain the swamps back in the 60s are also drying up. As a child, I remember that bridges made of a pair of logs were thrown over the ditches, and you can’t cross the meadow as you like, but only along the path and along the bridges, and now you can safely pave the way straight, knowing that there is a place where you can overcome the moat on a motorcycle.

Yes, something is wrong with the climate, and perhaps the crazy deforestation is to blame. The forest is dotted with bald spots everywhere, and every season there are more and more of them. I can accurately judge this, because we (several people) ride along such paths, paths, or without them at all.

And the episode with the new police :) I didn’t communicate with them before. So, we (two motorcyclists) were moving along such a forest path.

They wanted to see if the foresters had spoiled the primer along the planting, plowed it under the firebreak with a plow. Suddenly, towards me, a patrolman with a chandelier crawls on her belly. It's really a miracle, it's such a miracle - to meet an elk or a wild boar in such a place is much more likely :) Have you lost your way, or what? We stop with readiness to show the way, and we get a remark that without helmets! Moreover, the argument on our part that this is a forest ... a wild forest entails a promise to be sure to fine us the next time we meet on the pavement :)
Later, intelligence reported that they were chasing the shooting poachers, fell behind, and were angry. But they could ask if we heard the shots, or maybe we saw someone? But no, it wasn't. It’s a pity, we really heard the shots and even turned off the engines for a couple of minutes, listening to see if any SUV was rushing along the clearing.
If you look at the world from two wheels, then there is also enough positive :) For example, meetings with animals. I know a place, passing through which, a bunny will definitely jump out and from a dozen meters will rush right in front of you. Sometimes, in another place, near a forest stream, beavers crossed the road. And interestingly, they do it slowly. And a fox a couple of times I had to see. The main thing is to tell less to anyone about the place of such a meeting. But there was a case of a different kind. Once I was surprised by a snow-white dove walking through the forest with a ring on its leg. It can be seen that the falcons drove into the forest. She stopped, sprinkled some seeds and informed the familiar dovecote. He took it, said, prada, that the bird is not his, but it’s troublesome to return the owner. the one in the Czech Republic.
This is how my season turned out.

Waiting out six months of snowfall and frost is not so easy for fans of the “wind in the face”, therefore, as soon as the temperature exceeds plus 5 degrees, big cities are filled with motorcycles and their happy owners. But with the beginning of the new season, amendments to the rules came into play that could spoil their holiday of “meeting spring”.

Without a passenger

Discussions on tougher penalties for motorcyclists have been going on for several years. Often, young people who have just sat on the saddle of a motorcycle, as well as their girlfriends who dared to experience a surge of adrenaline, break down. But the first timid steps to limit such fun were taken this April.

The amendments are directed against "youth" with less than two years of driving experience. It is believed that in order to achieve solid skills in riding a motorcycle, a driver must travel at least 20 thousand km, which adds up to about two summer seasons.

Rookie drivers will be banned from transporting friends on back seat. Usually, when falling, the passenger receives more severe injuries, which is why the experience of the driver is most critical here. He must first fill the bumps himself and learn how to avoid accidents.

Beginners are invited to catch using the date of issue of rights. If two years have passed since the receipt of the certificate, then the driver joins the club of full-fledged motorcyclists. For violating the requirements of the rules, motorcyclists face a fine of 500 rubles.

The developers of the amendments do not hide the fact that such a measure does not provide a full guarantee of protection against inexperience, since a person may not ride a two-wheeled unit for a day, and then immediately take up the handles of a heavy bike. But a more effective legal mechanism for controlling experience does not yet exist.

There were proposals to limit the speed limit for inexperienced motorcyclists, but such an initiative did not pass due to the impossibility of remotely determining driving experience. The possibility of limiting the sale of powerful heavy motorcycles to persons with insufficient experience was discussed in the Public Chamber, but this issue was decided to be postponed for another time. At least, this restriction does not seem unnatural to representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Faster than the flow

But on motorways for motorcycles they gave relief. The speed threshold for them has been increased and caught up with the car. If earlier motorcyclists were forbidden to accelerate over 90 km / h, now you can fly and 110 km / h. Freeways are marked with special signs depicting a road with two overpasses on a green background. As for ordinary intercity highways, the speed limit on them is the same - 90 km / h for all modes of transport.

In addition, it is not required to hang on motorcycles and stickers "Beginner Driver", which is a yellow square with an exclamation mark. Previously, it was required to be placed on mopeds, and now it has been legally canceled due to a lack of free space. There is simply no place to put them.

The Public Chamber's safety activists also expressed their wishes for unwritten rules between motorists and motorcyclists. The beginning of a new motorcycle season is always fraught with surprises. For six months, drivers have forgotten how to see approaching bikers in the mirrors, which means they often take maneuvers that are dangerous for other road users.

In this regard, it should be remembered that on multi-lane roads, motorcyclists usually ride to the right of the left lane. This is the safest place for them, as there are fewer traffic changes. The shoulder and the dedicated lane A are considered the most traumatic, since there is a high risk of colliding with cars turning right or, conversely, taxiing from adjacent territories.

The participants in the discussions and traffic police officers recommend that motorcyclists keep the speed no higher than the flow rate by 10-20 km / h, but within the rules. If a dull congestion has formed, then it is better not to drive faster than 40 km / h in the aisle. However, motorcyclists are already being warned that with the introduction of punishment for “dangerous driving”, driving between lanes will be punished with a fine of 5,000 rubles.

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