Daewoo Nexia radiator repair. Self-replacement of the heater radiator in Daewoo Nexia - which stove radiator can be installed instead of the native one

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Nexia radiator replacement

Almost all mainstream radiators have one common problem - they are quite fragile, and at the same time they have to withstand a lot of tests. As a result, the replacement or repair of this device is a rather frequent phenomenon. But there is one undoubted advantage that most radiators have, including the Nexia cooling radiator - you don’t have to be a professional auto mechanic to remove them. You just need to have a minimum set of tools and know the order in which this process is carried out.
You will have to find the tools yourself, and we will tell you about the execution order ...

First, disconnect the cable from the battery. After that, disconnect the hose leading to the lower radiator pipe and drain the coolant from the system. When the coolant has flowed out, you can take up the upper pipe - loosen the clamp and remove the hose. We do the same with the steam pipe - loosen the clamp and disconnect it.

Next in line are the electrical connectors. First, on the fan casing, disconnect the sensor connector showing the oxygen concentration, and then turn off the fan itself. If we remove the Nexia cooling radiator on a car with an automatic transmission, then we disconnect the hoses that supply transmission oil to the heat exchanger (it is located on the left side of the radiator, in the tank).

After that, we unscrew the two main bolts securing the radiator and remove it together with the fan from the car. The last step is to unscrew the bolts and disconnect the fan from the radiator.

As you can see, such a disassembly is even easier than filming (if someone is not in the know, then our website has detailed instructions), where you have to pre-disassemble the entire center console dashboard. But when working with the main radiator, great care must be taken, because the aluminum from which it is made is thin, and it is very easy to damage it. Naturally, if you plan to simply throw away the damaged cooler, then you don’t have to bother, but if you are going to use it further, then it is very advisable not to drop the radiator and check it for strength with a hammer.

There is probably nothing more unpleasant than going to cold car long distances in winter. Any malfunction of the stove radiator in the Daewoo Nexia makes it impossible to operate the car in the cold season. Therefore, in the fall, all car owners usually carefully check the condition of their car. heating system and, if necessary, immediately replace the furnace equipment.

Preparing to replace the heater core

Removing the stove radiator on the Daewoo Nexia, however, as on any other car, is an unpleasant task. Firstly, it will take a lot of time to sort out the tangle of wires and mechanisms, and secondly, you will have to sign almost every harness coming from the stove, so as not to confuse it later during installation.

The preparatory stage of work is the following operations:

  1. Installing a car in a viewing hole.
  2. Disconnecting the negative terminal of the battery.
  3. Removing the protection from the engine (to make it convenient to get to the radiator pipes).
Without exception, all work with cooling and heating systems involves draining antifreeze

After preparing the machine for work, you can begin to remove the stove radiator.

What tools will be needed

Dismantling the central panel and removing the clamps on the nozzles require only screwdrivers, but a variety of - both Phillips and straight, both small and very large. Therefore, you will have to stock up on a large number of a variety of screwdrivers. Of the locksmith's tool, only a ratchet on "7" is needed. No other keys or accessories are needed.

Ratchet on "7" - the main tool when replacing the stove radiator

What heating radiators are installed on the Daewoo Nexia

Many Daewoo Nexia owners, even after a short period of using the car, notice that the factory radiator does not do its job very well. Of course, without normal interior heating, using a car in winter is extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, motorists are wondering: what heating radiators, when installed on the Nexia, will work better than the factory one?

The main advantage of the Daewoo Nexia heating system is that it conveniently includes a stove radiator from any other models. The only caveat is that the dimensions of the nodes and the location of the nozzles must match.

Traditionally, Luzar products are used to replace the "native" heater radiator. However, the company's products are quite expensive, so not every motorist can afford such a replacement. There are only two budget options:

  • install a stove radiator from Lanos on the Nexia;
  • connect the stove radiator with the VAZ-2106.

Luzar is a domestic manufacturer of units and mechanisms for various car models

Having decided on the choice of model, you should pay attention to the material from which the radiator is made, and the build quality of the product itself. Radiators of the heating system can be made of copper, brass or aluminum.

Products made of any material have approximately the same performance characteristics and conduct heat well. That is, the main selection criterion is still the build quality. If the radiator has even seams along the edges and an integral structure, then it will work longer.

Most motorists believe that copper heating radiators last longer than aluminum and brass ones, but in fact they have about the same service life.

Replacing the stove radiator

It is necessary to change the furnace radiator no more than once every 6–8 years of car operation. Therefore, it is highly likely that the owner, in principle, will never encounter this kind of problem. Replacing the stove radiator is required in cases where it starts to leak or stops heating the interior.

I know, I changed it myself - according to the book, in fact, everything is simpler than it is written there. The torpedo does not need to be removed, just remove the glove compartment (so that there is more space). You remove the plastic casings (there are 7 screws), under the hood you disconnect the pipes that go to it, and pull out the radiator. I did not know how to change, no one suggested, I changed it in 8 hours (in total): 3 days in winter - for several hours, it was very cold -20 degrees. Just stock up on antifreeze, because some part will pour out.



Where is located

The radiator of the Daewoo Nexia stove is located exactly in the center of the cabin. To be more precise, it is “hidden” behind the front panel of the car (just where the temperature control buttons in the cabin and the fan come out). The radiator is practically in contact with the wall of the engine compartment.

Because of this arrangement, changing the stove radiator is not very convenient - you need to disassemble almost the entire central panel. However, there is an alternative way to accomplish this task - to work from the cavity of the engine compartment.

The heating radiator is located behind the control panel

How to remove the stove radiator with your own hands

Contrary to popular belief, replacing the stove radiator with a Daewoo Nexia is not associated with dismantling the steering wheel or disassembling the center panel. Due to the convenient location of the stove itself, all work can be done under the bottom of the car on a viewing hole or overpass.


  1. Remove the floor console (it will interfere with free access to the radiator).
  2. Through the engine compartment, you need to remove the pipes from the radiator. Each branch pipe can be easily removed if you first loosen and then unscrew the fixing bolts to the end.
  3. Immediately after removing each pipe, you need to block the hole in the stove radiator - you can use a prepared rubber plug or a regular piece of rags.
  4. From under the bottom of the car, you need to remove the adapter from the radiator.
  5. Next, dismantle the metal clamps that secure the radiator shroud to the body.
  6. With your fingers, you need to bend the casing latches and pull out the stove radiator itself.

Photo gallery: the main stages of dismantling the furnace radiator

First, the pipes are disconnected from the expansion tank, then from the radiator. The furnace radiator must be blocked so that the coolant does not leak out. Pull out the furnace radiator carefully so as not to damage the casing.

How to install a new radiator

Installing a new stove radiator is complicated only by connecting pipes. In general, the procedure is quite simple:

  1. Change the sealing rings on the pipes.
  2. Insert the new radiator into the old casing.
  3. Fix the casing inside the body, it is best to use new clamps.
  4. Connect adapter.
  5. Connect two pipes (the main thing is not to confuse which one is responsible for supplying and which one is for draining coolant).
  6. Reinstall the floor console.
  7. Pour antifreeze into expansion tank.
  8. Connect the negative terminal on the battery.

After that, you can start the car and make sure your actions are correct.

Photo gallery: the main stages of installing a furnace radiator

To facilitate the work, you can pour a small amount of used antifreeze into the new radiator. Only two hoses fit the radiator - one for the supply, the other for the antifreeze outlet. The drained antifreeze can be used again if it does not have deposits

As mentioned above, the Daewoo Nexia factory radiator does not quite cope with the duties assigned to it. Therefore, in order not to sit in the cold in an unheated car, the owners of the Nexia come up with a variety of ways to eliminate this drawback of the car.

An additional heater radiator will create optimal conditions for people to stay in the car interior

Why do you need an additional oven

The second (or additional) stove is the easiest way to create normal temperature conditions in the car. There are other options for getting a warm interior (installing a second pump or adjusting the thermostat). But additional stove easier than other devices to cope with maintaining heat in the car, so Nexia owners usually resort to this option.

An additional stove will heat the interior better even at the most low temperatures. And this means that you can ride in winter without outerwear and not experience discomfort.

How to install a second stove in a car

Before installing an additional heating radiator, you need to carry out work to collect necessary materials. So, for the installation of the node, you will definitely need:

  • radiator from VAZ-2106 or VAZ-2109;
  • two hoses of 1 meter each;
  • two tees for connections;
  • ball valve;
  • two tap fittings;
  • metal clamps;
  • isolon (preferably with a foil surface);
  • door seal.

All work is carried out with the antifreeze drained, removed with the “-” terminal and in the inspection hole.

Removing the contact from the “-” terminal is a mandatory safety rule when working with a radiator

The installation procedure is the following work:

  1. Remove engine protection.
  2. Under it is the casing of the heating system - unscrew the bolts, remove the casing.
  3. Remove recirculation damper.
  4. Install an additional radiator to the main one.
  5. Lay the entire bottom under the devices with isolon, also close the hole for antifreeze recirculation through the system.
  6. The second stove should be slightly higher than the first, between them also lay a layer of isolon for the quality of thermal conductivity.
  7. Connect two hoses to the stove, fix them well with clamps.
  8. Connect these hoses through tees to the hoses of the main radiator of the stove. The place of connection does not matter.
  9. After that, connect the stove to the free connectors in the control unit.
  10. Screw the system cover to the body.

Video: how to install an additional stove radiator with your own hands

Such a simple procedure can create really comfortable conditions in the Daewoo Nexia salon even in frosty weather.

You can replace the stove radiator with a Daewoo Nexia yourself. But you will need a good knowledge of the design of your car and the presence of a large amount of time. The installation of an additional radiator, as well as the preparatory stage, will again “eat up” a couple of hours to drain the antifreeze, disassemble the front panel and other work. Therefore, if the owner has the opportunity to pay for the services of a car repair shop, it is better to seek help from specialists.

Replacing the stove radiator with a Daewoo Nexia is a very time-consuming job. Replacing the stove radiator (heater) with Daewoo Nexia can be done through partial disassembly of the center console, or through the removal / installation of the dashboard. On some models, replacing the heater core is done through the engine compartment.

If the replacement of the radiator of the Daewoo Nexia stove is done in cold weather, before the start of the replacement, the car must be kept warm for several hours so as not to break the plastic elements of the interior. Do not try to replace the Daewoo Nexia heater core yourself. If there is no experience, you can easily get spilled antifreeze from the pipes, which will soak the entire floor covering. And this is the dismantling of the cabin, eat the floor and dry it.

The cost of replacing the radiator stove Daewoo Nexia:

In terms of time, replacing the stove radiator with a Daewoo Nexia takes from 3 hours to 2 days.

When to replace the Daewoo Nexia stove radiator:
- lowering the level of antifreeze without visible smudges;
- the smell of antifreeze in the cabin;
- fogging of the windshield;
- the appearance of smoke or haze in the cabin;
- The stove is not heating.

Radiator replacement warranty- 180 days.

Which stove radiator to choose. Rating of stove radiators according to reviews:
1. Valeo (France)
2.AVA (Netherlands)
3. Nissens (Denmark)
4 Denso (Japan)
5. Termal (European Union)

When buying a stove radiator (heater) from us, we will provide a discount for the replacement.

: 1-electric fan; 2-electric fan casing; 3.36 nuts; 4,7,9,10,12,13,15,17,18,20,27,29,32, 34,38 40,41,43,45,47 clamps; 5,30,48,49,53-bolts; 6-inlet hose for heating the throttle assembly; 8-tee; 11-heater supply hose; 14-bypass hose; 16-heater outlet hose (dotted line shows the shape of the hose when installed automatic box transmissions); 19-outlet hose for heating the throttle assembly; 21-sensor for turning on the electric fan; 22-O-ring sensor; 23-thermostat housing; 24-O-ring thermostat cover; 25-thermostat; 26-pipe water pump; 28-outlet hose of the water pump; 31-connecting pipe; 33-liquid expansion tank hose; 35-expansion tank; 37-plug expansion tank; 39-steam outlet hose of the expansion tank; 42-radiator supply hose; 44-radiator; 46-outlet radiator hose; 50-radiator mounting bracket; 51-top radiator mounting cushion; 52-air conditioner electric fan; 54-lower radiator mounting cushion.

DAEWOO NEXIA Engine Cooling Radiator with a horizontal liquid flow, with a tubular-tape aluminum core and plastic tanks. at the bottom of the right tank is a drain cock. In the tanks there are inlet and outlet hose pipes to the engine water jacket, hose pipes connecting the radiator with expansion tank, and a threaded hole for installing the sensor for turning on the electric fan (the sensor is installed only for the SONC engine).

DAEWOO NEXIA engine cooling expansion tank serves to compensate for the changing volume of the coolant depending on its temperature. The tank is made of translucent plastic. Its walls are marked "MAX" and "MIN" to control the level of the coolant, there is a filler neck on top, hermetically sealed with a plastic stopper, with two valves inside (inlet and outlet), assembled in a single block. The exhaust valve opens at a pressure of 120 kPa (1.2 kgf / cm2), providing an increase in the temperature at which the coolant begins to boil and preventing intense vaporization. When the liquid is cooled, its volume decreases and a vacuum is created in the system. Inlet valve in the tank it opens at a vacuum of about 3 kPa (0.03 kgf / cm2) and lets air into the expansion tank.


The serviceability of the plug valves is very important for the normal operation of the cooling system, but often when problems arise (boiling of the coolant, etc.), motorists pay attention only to the operation of the thermostat, forgetting to check the valves. Leakage of the exhaust valve leads to a decrease in the boiling point of the coolant, and its jamming in the closed position leads to an emergency increase in pressure in the cooling system, which can cause damage to the radiator and hoses.

DAEWOO NEXIA engine cooling water pump centrifugal type provides forced circulation of liquid in the cooling system, is installed on the front surface of the cylinder block and is driven by a toothed timing belt. The axis of rotation of the water pump pulley is made eccentric to the axis of its housing, which allows you to adjust the belt tension by turning the housing around the axis. The water pump has sealed bearings that do not need to be relubricated. The water pump cannot be repaired, and in case of failure (liquid leakage or damage to the bearings), it is replaced as an assembly.

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