The magic of numbers. Dream interpretation of burning in fire in a dream, why dreaming of burning in fire Means burning in fire in a dream

Anchor points:

What does it mean to dream in which you are burning?

In your dream you saw yourself on fire - this means that your feeling of love and sexual desire is so great that you cannot fight it. Such a dream is more positive than negative. Escape from the flames - a good dream, for the sick - to recovery, for the healthy - to good luck. If something was burning, then you will find yourself in the thick of events that will change your life and the lives of the people around you.

Did you dream that your home was set on fire? This dream predicts betrayal, deception, hypocrisy on the part of loved ones. A flame burns you - it means money, but if there are many more burns, then such a dream means illness. The flame did not burn you, it means that someone is in dire need of your help. Putting out the fire - you need to work hard to achieve what you want.

What could burn in a dream

If you were on fire yourself, and at the same time felt comfortable and calm, then your dream suggests that you feel your impunity, you need to realistically assess your capabilities and the consequences of your actions. A city burning in your dream indicates that you are overusing alcohol or drugs, stop before it's too late! If the earth is burning, you should be more decisive and get rid of the burden of fears that prevent you from living fully. You saw another person’s head on fire, which means you still have a lot to learn, don’t stop there, but if the hair on your head was burning, expect unexpected profits. A flaming tower foreshadows good news, and a fire in a certain vessel dreams of your acquiring intangible values ​​- you will become enriched spiritually. Firewood that burned in your dream predicts an unusual, unexpected situation. Positive changes in your life are foreshadowed by a flame in the fireplace, a blazing house - by the success of your close friends. Was the candle burning? Such a dream predicts a quick meeting with an old good friend.

What was the flame like?

A pillar of flame in dreams symbolizes new, promising ideas. If the flame looked like a wall, then you should be patient - there is very little left to the goal - just one obstacle. The fire was powerful, all-encompassing, even unreal - a signal of your lack of self-confidence, of dissatisfaction with your position. A dream in which he limited you on both sides, forcing you to walk only along a narrow path in one direction, means the right direction. Blue flame– a bad sign, you should go to the doctor about an old disease

Burning in a fire in reality is painful and unpleasant. But dreams with such a plot often foreshadow pleasant events. The exception is dreams in which the dreamer completely burns out or feels severe pain. Such dreams are often a warning.

Interpretation of the dream book

Walking through a flame and not feeling it is a good sign. In real life, your soul will be cleansed and freed from passions. Your spirit will be reborn, you will look at everything around you in a new way.

Knowing why you dream that you are on fire, you can change your plans in time

If clothes on your body burn in a dream, you may soon quarrel with your relatives over money issues.

Getting a burn in a dream is a warning about some important event. In such a dream, the affected place is important. A burn on your arm means you will get something, on your leg it means a trip or a long journey.

Why do you dream that you are burning in fire?

Burning in a ring of fire is a sign of warning. You have many ideas and aspirations, you get lost and cannot determine the main thing. You need to make the right choice as quickly as possible, otherwise you will never achieve anything.

If a patient saw himself burning in a dream and was saved, it means that a speedy recovery awaits him.

Feeling pain from a blazing flame is a good omen. You will soon make a new friend or hear good news.

The meaning of sleep for a woman

If a girl or woman sees a brightly blazing flame in a dream, this may symbolize an all-consuming passion that will soon overtake her. But don't give in to your feelings so easily. Even in a state of intense love, you need to be as careful and prudent as possible. Reason must prevail over feeling.

But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Every, even the most insignificant detail of a dream is of great importance.

Burning with your lover is a good sign. The flame of your love will burn brightly for many years, you will be happy together. But you shouldn’t tell everyone you meet and even your friends about this, otherwise envy will ruin everything.

If a girl lit a fire in a dream and fell into it herself, it means that her life is too boring. On a subconscious level, she is looking for bright emotions and does not find them.

Burning in a fire is a bad sign. You should not start a new business now, as it will fail.

You can find out what fire means in dreams in any dream book. It should be borne in mind that the values ​​may be different, so you can choose for yourself the option that seems more suitable.

Burning in a dream means in reality to encounter strong doubts about what seemed positive and unshakable as two times two. If only the hair on your head burns, this means making a profit.

Firewood burning in a dream foreshadows an unexpected event. A brightly burning gas means success and joy, a dim gas means failure in business and love. Seeing a burning brand or smoldering brands is a favorable sign in all respects.

Seeing a fire burning in a fireplace in a dream means that something very good is coming for you. If you dream of a burning building, this is a sign of either happy changes or joy for the good fortune of your friends.

If the burning building supposedly belongs to you, it means that you will get down to business with renewed energy, and besides, joy in your family awaits you. Seeing a light bulb burning evenly foreshadows well-deserved success and universal recognition. A kerosene lamp burning with uneven light is a sign that your plans and hopes will suddenly turn into failure.

Seeing a burning candle in a dream means that a pleasant occasion will bring you together with old good friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

This symbol is directly related to many fairy tales and legends. According to the ancestors, the mountains concealed secret powers and served as a haven for their owners.

Many believed that the mountains contained treasures that were inaccessible to people and brought misfortune to those who went in search of them.

For those who lived near the mountains, there were forbidden places that were not allowed to go, so as not to disturb the spirits.

Slavic oral literature interprets mountains as eternal, beyond the control of human forces. The mountain is a large and serious obstacle on the way.

There is a well-known expression: “A smart person will not go up a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain” and another one: “If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain,” which means: do not wait in vain for the impossible, do as you can.

If in a dream you climb a mountain, then this means your desire to realize some idea.

Reaching the top of the mountain means achieving what you want, making your dreams come true. If, despite all your efforts, you are unable to climb to the top of the mountain, then this indicates that external circumstances will interfere with the implementation of your plans; perhaps you should wait for some time and try again to achieve your goal.

Seeing a mountain with two peaks - such a dream predicts success in some important matter, because you have the support of an influential person.

If a river flows along the slopes of a mountain, this means that many events await you ahead, but they will be small and insignificant.

The work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of hectic pursuit of empty tasks will soon end.

Seeing a chain of mountains is a warning dream. If a mountain range blocks your path, this means that you will encounter insurmountable obstacles on your way.

If a chain of mountains stretches along your path, then this is a sign that you will achieve your goal despite the actions of ill-wishers.

If you dreamed of a mountain with settlements on its slopes, then this means that you are surrounded by a large number of friends and good acquaintances who will help you in difficult times, which will not keep you waiting.

To see in a dream how a person moves a mountain from one place to another at will - you are looking for strength to carry out your plans, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not rely on outside help.

To dream that you are going to a mountain and understand that it is approaching you on its own - this dream means that external circumstances will develop favorably and you will receive what has long been due to you according to your deserts.

To see in a dream a friend who came at night looking for help: you need to dig a mountain, and you immediately go to help him.

This dream means that you do not spare yourself for the sake of others, but every day you become more and more disappointed in those you help and for whom you sacrifice yourself.

To see in a dream that a mountain begins to move, like the belly of a pregnant woman, and after that many mice appear in the area - you foresee the uselessness of what you are doing now and what your best forces are going to.

To see a nag in a dream that is barely dragging itself up a mountain - endless hard work tires you too much, so you do not see any clearing ahead; You will have to work hard to complete something that requires close attention.

Interpretation of dreams from

Despite the fact that even in a dream, burning in a fire is not the most pleasant activity, the dream book generally interprets such a vision as favorable. To understand why such a dream occurs, it is enough to remember that flame is associated with ardent love and passion. However, when interpreting, various nuances should be taken into account. For example, the nature of the fire itself, the environment, your own feelings, etc.

The main meaning of fire, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is joy. However, the flame itself can symbolize both earthly passions and Divine manifestation. To give an accurate interpretation and understand why such a phenomenon is dreamed of, you should remember all the details of the dream.

Feelings in a dream

If in ordinary life you experience strong feelings on the love front or vivid emotions in any other area, it is not surprising that you had a dream in which you had to burn on fire. It is important that there is no pain during this process.

If you have experienced spiritual pain, it means that some idea or problem is gnawing at you. The dream book interprets physical pain as a possible disease. If you dreamed that you escaped the fire or escaped from it, it means that in reality you will experience a speedy recovery and relief from mental anguish.

Fire of ideas

Did you dream of a pillar of bright flame without smoke that goes from the ground to the sky? This is a good omen. Soon you will have insight and even divine revelation, all worries and doubts will go away.

If you had to burn in a ring of fire, this may mean that you are lost among many unrealized ideas and new knowledge. And when you receive good news or find family happiness, you will know exactly why you dream about an unusual sign.

Hell fire

If you dreamed that you were burned in a fire of a fantastic type or dark color, then the dream book advises you to exercise caution and caution in reality. Such a devilish flame can promise danger to life and even death to the soul. Additional elements of the dream will help you understand why you are dreaming and make a more complete decoding of such an unusual symbol.

For example, hellfire usually has several tiers and is fraught with sadness, discontent and bad thoughts. The burning earth around is interpreted by the dream book as obsessive fears, fear of losing a loved one or oneself.

It is very important not to burn in this flame even in a dream. This can result in big mental troubles. If you calmly walk through fiery obstacles, without fear and without losing your presence of mind, then the dream book interprets this as liberation and revival of the soul after long hardships.


If you dreamed that the city was on fire, then you should take note of this. According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is exactly what your own body looks like in the other world. Most likely, you are literally on fire at work and should take a break immediately.

The article on the topic: “dream book of burning in fire” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Fire in a dream represents a person’s emotions, inner experiences, purification and illness. When a person gets sick, his internal heat rises - a prototype of the fire element. Why do I dream that I’m burning? This is the question people ask after having a dream. Does this plot bring danger to a person’s life? Let's analyze the question in detail with the help of dream books.

Burning flame

A flaming fire whirlwind is associated with danger and the risk of losing life. If the dreamer is burning with fire in a dream, perhaps the subconscious is warning about a disease. If you dream of fire, but no pain from burns, which means the problem is in the psyche - you are filled with worries about some matter or person.

If there are no experiences, the dream reflects the internal desire to achieve something: to solve some difficult issue, start your own business, solve love problems. If during a fire hair was singed, this promises quick enrichment.

Spontaneous combustion

Science knows many cases of sudden spontaneous combustion of people. What does this dream mean? Esotericists believe that the plot speaks of the internal restructuring of a person and changes in the inner world. Fire started inside the body– the dreamer has enormous internal potential, which strives for realization. If nothing is done about it, the internal fire will harm a person’s health.

See the fire

If the plot of the dream includes a fire in the house, the dream warns of future events related to society. If the dreamer was not harmed by the fire, the situation will bring him good. If in a dream the fire caused burns, you will have to take part in unpleasant events. If no one was injured during the fire, significant changes are coming - for example, all employees of the company will receive a salary increase or a bonus.

Burn alive

This dream is considered favorable for people of creative professions. This plot foreshadows a new phase in human development, sudden insight and new creative ideas.. Inner fire will contribute to sudden and rapid career growth, exploration of new creative horizons and unexplored distances.

This story is for young people portends passionate love: they will burn with love for the chosen one/chosen one. Soon you will meet a person who will fill the dreamer’s life with new emotions and brightness of feelings.

Interpretation of dream books

Modern dream book believes that an epiphany will descend on the dreamer: he will see what was previously hidden from understanding. Sometimes such a dream precedes the revelation of the gift of clairvoyance: the dreamer will begin to recognize the true intentions of people and distinguish lies from the truth.

Miller's Dream Book sees the image of fire as a symbol of financial well-being. If the dreamer received burns from a flame in a dream, favorable news awaits him. Burns on the legs - the dreamer is ready to go to the end in making his dream come true, burns on the hands - true friends, burning completely - to the betrayal of friends.

Vanga's Dream Book believes that this dream warns of a planetary catastrophe: a meteorite or comet will fall to the earth. If during combustion the dreamer smells burning, this indicates gossip behind his back. You will have to work hard to restore your reputation.

Freud's Dream Book believes that the dreamer will fall deeply in love. Feelings will be reciprocal, relationships will be harmonious. If a woman dreams of lighting a fire and then burning in it, it means that she lacks the ardor of her feelings. A woman strives for new bright contacts in order to experience new sensations. If the dreamer experiences horror during combustion, it means that he is afraid of sexual contacts.

ABC of dream interpretation claims that burning in fire means illness. If the dreamer was present at the fire, a new tempting offer will soon await.

Italian dream book sees in the symbol of fire the burning of emotions in vain: look for constructive solutions instead of aggression and anger.

  • Russian dream book: burning in fire means joy.
  • Modern dream book: changes for the better.
  • Grishina's dream book prophesies misfortune.
  • The esoteric dream book sees love languor and ardent passion in the plot.

Dream Book of the Wanderer warns of a losing business: do not sign contracts, do not make deals. Burn in fire - succumb to your own vices. However, if the fire does not burn, this indicates the beginning of spiritual perfection.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina believes that burning in fire means illness, being saved from fire means recovery. Walking through the flames of fire means spiritual rebirth and exaltation. Burning in fire without being consumed means the offense will remain unpunished, joy and liberation.

Aesop's Dream Book warns not to get involved in a new business. Refuse to a tempting offer: the deal will turn out to be dishonest, and there is a possibility of being sued.

Other interpretations

  • If you dream that you are burning alive - in reality you cannot control your ardor and emotions, this will lead to disaster.
  • If you are rescued from the fire, you will soon receive an answer to a question that has been tormenting you for a long time.
  • Burning in your house means great troubles and difficulties are coming.
  • Burning without pain and consequences is a sign of fun and joy.
  • Burning for a long time without getting burned out means great success in life.
  • Burning in hellfire means great losses.
  • Burning in hellfire and being saved means recovery.
  • Burn and run to the water - your plans will soon come true.
  • Burning and not getting help means trouble.
  • Self-ignition - you don’t know how to get along with people, reconsider your behavior.
  • Fire burns your hands - to unexpected money.
  • Putting out the fire means achieving what you want is delayed.

What does it mean if clothes burst into flames in a dream? This plot foreshadows a scandal with relatives or close friends over money.

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Burn in fire interpretation of the dream book

Burn in fire

It is unpleasant to feel yourself in the arms of a flame in a dream. When you wake up, you analyze your uncomfortable state, thinking with fear about the consequences. Don't be so quick to be horrified. Dream books explain in different ways: why you dream of burning in fire. And not always, interpretations have a negative meaning.

Fire is traditionally identified with love and passion. Sometimes it is a sign of joy, and in some cases, a manifestation of divine power. The details of the dream will help you decipher it more accurately, because they are of no small importance. We must not forget about the sensations and thoughts experienced during sleep.

Emotions of a fire dream

Sometimes a dreamed fire is a direct reflection of the dreamer’s feelings and emotions in reality. If you think about it, you can find their cause, hidden, for example, in experiences of a romantic, love nature. Or relating to certain projects, completely, with which a person is literally “burning” at this moment in life.

However, if in such a dream you felt pain, then in reality not everything is going well. Mental tension that causes torment means that there are problems, obstacles that do not leave even when you try to disconnect from the worries of the day. But physical pain makes it clear to the dreamer that his health is in danger.

It’s great if you remember that in the dream you managed to escape from the flames. Dream books interpret these actions as a solution to important problems that are tormenting physically or mentally. And as a sign of the onset of recovery.

The fiery power of thoughts

The interpretation of a dream in which a real pillar of fire was noticed, rising from the ground to heaven, without smoke or soot, promises the dreamer some kind of insight. It may concern his work, study. However, in addition to important discoveries, this dream promises a person long-awaited relief from painful thoughts and doubts, instills confidence and gives a powerful impetus to action.

If you dreamed that you were in the center of a ring of fire, then keep in mind that you urgently need to systematize your thoughts. Perhaps you are confused among the mass of new ideas, or you cannot find a scope for applying the knowledge you have acquired. Don't panic. Be calm, act with a precise plan.

A family idyll or good news is prophesied by a dream in which you witnessed a fantastic fiery eclipse. For people who are not yet married, this vision prophesies that they, too, are about to find family happiness.


A terrifying-looking dark flame, why dream of burning in such a fire? Unfortunately, dream books explain the plot pessimistically. It may foreshadow danger or an act that will destroy the dreamer. And not in the physical, but in the spiritual sense. Therefore, dream interpreters persistently warn - in reality, exercise caution and restraint.

Does the fire, like hell, rage, as if distributed into several separate tiers? This means that a person having such a dream is deeply depressed. He is consumed by bad thoughts and fears. And when in a dream he watches a terrible flame spreading across the ground, then the experiences that exhaust him both physically and mentally concern primarily his relatives. He is afraid of losing a loved one. However, this same vision is typical for those who are in panic fear for their own lives.

Why do you dream of not just burning, but being consumed by fire? This, alas, is a sign of serious mental turmoil or a possible fall from grace. Take this as advice to show restraint and will in the near future. But bold, desperate steps across a fierce flame, taken in a dream, may mean that you will be able to free yourself from hardships that have haunted you for a long time, or you will perform a plausible act for which you will be duly rewarded. And not only financially. Habits and behavior

There are other answers to the question: why do you dream of burning in fire? Seeing a city blazing with fires in a dream, according to the dream book, means that this is how your physical shell (body) is reflected in the other world. But it’s not the nimble little devils who have already prepared a frying pan for you, but you yourself are mercilessly exhausting yourself, literally burning out in the service. Hence the conclusion: urgently put everything aside and find time for proper rest and recuperation!

Another option for interpreting this plot is bad habits. Even in a dream, higher powers are trying to convince you that you urgently need to quit smoking or excessively drinking alcohol. Why do people who lead a very free, sometimes frankly immoral lifestyle dream of burning in fire? Moreover, you will have to answer for all your tricks and bad deeds. And it seems that retribution is about to follow such a meaningful dream.

The dream book in the section “burn in a dream” also explains an unusual plot in which a person passes between two pillars of fire. In reality, this may mean that he will witness serious passions boiling around him.

Fire wounds

Many people are interested in the interpretation: why dream of burning in fire, but staying alive, receiving only burns. According to dream books, any burn that you can remember when waking up from sleep predetermines important events. If your hands are affected, then a gift or profit awaits you. Burns on the legs promise a long journey, or serve as confirmation of the correctness of your actions and decisions. If wounds received in fire appear on the body, then in one case the dream books assure that the dreamer will achieve his cherished goal, and in another they promise him illnesses.

Dream Interpretation burn in fire

Dream Interpretation burn in fire

As the dream book suggests, burning in fire, even in a night dream, is not a pleasant experience, and therefore it is so important to understand the reason for the appearance of such an unusual symbol.

As practice shows, dream interpreters talk about favorable events, but you should not rely only on them.

Why did you dream about the image?

When deciphering what dreams of burning in fire mean, many dreamers come to mind associations associated with love and passion.

Being engulfed in flames in a dream

However, during decoding you will have to pay attention to a large number of details that may be forgotten after waking up.

Professional interpreters

Fire, according to some dream books, is considered a harbinger of joyful events. When it comes to flame, it often symbolizes passion. To get a more accurate interpretation of the dream you saw, try to analyze it in detail and seek help from reliable sources.

Modern dream book

Burn in a dream - an epiphany will descend on you, revealing hidden information. The dream interpreter believes that your worldview will change for various reasons, and this will allow you to create a harmonious personality.

Such a dream sometimes reflects the sleeper’s clairvoyance abilities.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a hand in a flame in a dream

If you dreamed about burning in a night dream, it means you will gain financial well-being. A dreamer who has received burns from a flame should remember the affected areas:

  • legs - to overcome a large number of obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • hands - to the appearance of true friends who can help if necessary;
  • body - you will have to become a victim of betrayal by loved ones.

Vanga's Dream Book

Burning in a dream means a catastrophe on a planetary scale. The fortuneteller is trying to warn the sleeper about the possible fall of a meteorite or other cosmic body. If the person on fire smells an unpleasant odor, then behind his back people have begun to spread unpleasant gossip, but you should not pay any attention to them. The dreamer must understand that only those who are the best at something are discussed, and therefore this can be taken as praise.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the dream book, when a person catches fire in a dream, strong love should appear in his life, but we must not forget about caution. Feelings can cloud your judgment and lead to problems.

You may dream about how you and your partner caught fire - this means creating a happy and harmonious relationship that will be the envy of others. The main thing is not to try to prove your sincerity to someone.

Burn in a dream from a fire

A representative of the fair sex lit a fire and burned in it - to a lack of bright emotions. Perhaps her chosen one has stopped paying attention to her, and it’s time to change his partner. If a heart-to-heart conversation does not lead to the expected result, then feel free to give up on such a relationship.

Burning yourself, experiencing horror, means a subconscious fear of sexual contacts. In Freud's dream book you can find recommendations regarding a similar problem. The best solution would be to visit a psychotherapist who will help get rid of blocks, revealing hidden sexuality.

ABC of interpretations

Burning alive means future illnesses. The subconscious is trying to say that the dreamer devotes little time to his health, and soon this problem will worsen to catastrophic proportions. Seeing a fire in a dream means you will receive a tempting offer, but you will have to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Burning in a dream, the dreamer must prepare for a losing cause. The interpreter advises abandoning all important matters that were planned. Deals or contracts will not bring any benefit, and therefore it is better to postpone them until better times.

I burn in a night dream without feeling pain - you will be able to resist in the face of your own vices. If the fire begins to burn, then you will not be able to successfully complete the work you started, and therefore be prepared for this.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Burning in a flame in a dream: interpretation for women

Burning yourself means a possible illness; saving yourself from death means a quick recovery. If you yourself pass through the pillar of fire without feeling pain, your offense will be unnoticeable, but you should not rejoice ahead of time. Spiritual revival will require some time, and therefore it is better to give up immediate pleasures.

Aesop's Dream Book

The burned-out dreamer should know that the new business will not bring any positive results. The dream interpreter advises you to abandon the dubious adventure, since it will bring not only disappointment, but also criminal prosecution.

Italian dream book

Feeling cleansed by fire in a dream

The most interesting thing is that purification by fire in a dream is a favorable sign. The dreamer will be able to get rid of the emotional burnout that has haunted him for a long time. You will have to learn to make constructive decisions, putting aside anger and aggression.

A few short interpretations

Some dream books do not always examine certain symbols in detail, but even concise wording helps shed light on the dream picture:

  • Russian - for an interesting and fun event;
  • Miller - to improve the current life situation;
  • Esoteric - to meet a person who shares similar sexual inclinations.

What did you feel in your dream?

It happens that after waking up, the emotions experienced in the night vision remain, so try to remember them during decoding.

Feeling the pain of a flame in a dream


If in reality you often worry, and vivid emotions become a natural consequence, then there is no point in being surprised by such dreams. Dream books believe that such dreams reflect emotional constriction, which is high time to get rid of. It is important to ensure that no pain occurs.

If your soul is torn by pain, then some problem is preventing an interesting idea from being realized. Dream interpreters advise paying attention to the root cause, so that later you can confidently move forward.

Where did you end up?

A dreamed flame does not always turn out to be what it was imagined to be. Some images go beyond logical justification, and then various dream interpreters come to the rescue.

A flaming pillar that has no beginning or end is a good sign. Experts believe that you are on the verge of an interesting discovery that will allow you to get rid of worries and doubts for a long time.

To be in a dream in a ring of flame

The main thing is not to relax and continue your path, no matter how thorny it may seem.

Why do you dream of a burning ring from which you can’t get out? Such a sign will tell the dreamer about his own disorganization. A large amount of knowledge does not lead to the implementation of ideas, and therefore it’s time to reconsider your approach to life. The most interesting events will await the sleeping person after waking up, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to prepare for them in advance.

Fantastic flame

If you have been burned in a fantastic fire, then it’s time to be vigilant and careful. Dream interpreters say that such a symbol warns the sleeper about problems that threaten health and safety. To obtain a more detailed decoding, you will have to pay attention to the accompanying elements.

Seeing hellfire in a dream

I dreamed of hellfire, consisting of several tiers - to sadness and the appearance of bad thoughts. Burning people running around such a fire mark the beginning of an unfavorable period in life, which will bring many diseases. The dreamer will be overshadowed by worries not only about himself, but also about loved ones.

The biggest problem is ignoring unusual flames. If a person dares to look into it, then great troubles of a spiritual nature await him. To go through it and ignore it will lead to liberation and spiritual rebirth, which the soul so needed. Long hardships affected the dreamer’s condition, but conclusions can be drawn from what happened.

What did you encounter?

Becoming a victim of a city fire is a special symbol. The problem with such dreams is that those who sleep are not always able to determine their deeper meaning.

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