Fishing caracat swamp. Homemade swamp rover on low pressure tires: photo and description of homemade products

There are areas where for comfortable movement you need a car that has more high permeability, than usual. But what can modern industry offer us for this? Are there inexpensive, economical, small all-terrain vehicles? Unfortunately, there are no such offers on the market at the moment. Therefore, in this article we will analyze how to make an all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor with our own hands, and the video will help you more clearly understand all the features of the procedure. Today, the most popular are two types of home-made all-terrain vehicles: tracked units and pneumatic mechanisms. low pressure.

We turn a walk-behind tractor into an all-terrain vehicle

Before you start converting a walk-behind tractor into an all-terrain vehicle, you need to decide on the type of all-terrain vehicle that suits your needs. In the absence of experience with mechanisms on tracks, it is recommended to start with pneumatic machines.

Next, you need to decide on the operating conditions, load capacity and capacity of the all-terrain vehicle, then make sketches of the future design. To do this, it is necessary to outline the location of all components and assemblies of the future machine.

To create an all-terrain vehicle, you will not be able to use any engine. It must be equipped with forced cooling. Motoblock engines with air or water cooling are perfect. In addition, the engine must have a large supply of power so that the all-terrain vehicle can move almost anywhere.

nmo. max.=10-3Nsp.n.

Here n.max - maximum speed, Noud. - specific power for a ton of weight. Power limits vary in the range of 20-35 hp. With.

Which engine is better for an all-terrain vehicle - gasoline or diesel?

There is no specific advice on this issue, since each has both pluses and minuses.

In all-terrain vehicles they showed themselves perfectly domestic engines: motorcycle M-67 and automobile "Zaz". Quite common are engines based on tractor launchers. Recently, all-terrain vehicles made from walk-behind tractors have become widespread. This is explained by the fact that there are many cheap Chinese motoblocks on sale, equipped with fairly powerful engines. Such motors are inexpensive, reliable and unpretentious.

To create a chassis, it is advisable to use independent suspension wheels. This technology is more complex, however, it will be more comfortable for both the driver and passengers. Excellent result can be obtained by combining them with wheels on low pressure tires.

The frame is made of two types of construction: spatial and flat. The frame of the tracked vehicle is solid, and the wheeled frame is articulated. Although tracked all-terrain vehicles can also be done on an articulated frame, which will allow you to better develop a constructive idea.

But frames of great complexity are little used in homemade all-terrain vehicles. For the manufacture of an all-terrain vehicle frame, you will need channels, corners and pipes of various sections and sizes.

We convert the walk-behind tractor into an all-terrain vehicle with our own hands

For example, consider the manufacture of a light all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor. Such machines are called caracats or simply pneumatics. It is equipped with large cameras, due to which the cross-country ability on strong off-road is increased. As for the design, such home-made all-terrain vehicles turn out to be very simple to manufacture, since they do not have a complex technical base. Due to this, they are preferred by many home craftsmen.

Let us analyze the main stages of creating the design of an all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor.

  • Stage 1. We select the basis for the all-terrain vehicle. You can use frames from URAL or IZH motorcycles, and any other details that you have. The all-terrain vehicle built on the basis of the IZH is more maneuverable, so it is great for crossing slopes and ravines.
  • Stage 2. We make suspension and rear axle. To do this, it is necessary to connect the spars used with a special stand, strut, and also a steering sleeve. So an independent front will be obtained, as well as rear suspension. Any light all-terrain vehicle should have such a suspension. It is due to it that the all-terrain vehicle will gently and maneuverably pass uneven terrain.

  • Stage 3. We install the wheels. Each type of light all-terrain vehicle is equipped with cameras with trucks. The cameras are attached to the suspension with a metal hub. Strong tapes are installed on it, across the wheel. Low pressure chambers are suitable from KamAZ, Ural, as well as their trailers. Thereby, steering will be easy, and this, in turn, makes the movement on such an all-terrain vehicle safer.
  • Stage 4. We mount the engine with additional systems. Having finished with the installation of the suspension and wheels on the frame of the future all-terrain vehicle, we proceed to the installation of the motor-block engine. At the same stage, you need to connect all the necessary systems: gas emission, clutch, brakes. Upon completion of the assembly, the all-terrain vehicle must be tested. If during testing no deviations were found, you can begin the full operation of the all-terrain vehicle.

Operation of a homemade all-terrain vehicle

It is also necessary to pay attention to the possibilities of using a light all-terrain vehicle. Popularly, such models of all-terrain vehicles are usually called pneumatics, since they have low-pressure wheels. It is simply impossible to do without such machines in the conditions of passage along the channels of rivers, swampy areas, and mud. Such machines are distinguished by good buoyancy, they perfectly cope with small water obstacles.

It is also comfortable to go fishing or hunting on pneumatics when you need to travel a considerable distance. As a rule, such an all-terrain vehicle can accelerate up to 75 km / h. When there are no roads, this is quite enough.

A selection of videos about do-it-yourself all-terrain vehicles from walk-behind tractors:

Homemade all-terrain vehicle swamp on low-pressure tires with all-wheel drive made by hand.

This all-terrain vehicle is built for off-road forest and swamp trips, mainly for fishing trips.

The all-terrain vehicle is equipped with a single-cylinder, four-stroke ZiD engine with a capacity of 4.5 l / s. The Soviet-made engine, I got it in a new condition, so I began to do it based on it.

Checkpoint (shortened) from Moskvich. The engine is mated with the gearbox through a homemade clutch made from the Zaporozhets flywheel, its basket and clutch, the release clutch guide is homemade. The disk had to rivet the splined part to put on the input shaft of the Moskvich box. The reduction gear is mounted on the engine.

Fracture type frame (two half-frames connected by a fracture node).

The swamp vehicle has successfully passed the tests and is used for fishing trips. The engine is quite economical, fuel consumption is about 1.5 liters per hour.

The steering wheel is located on the right, it was done so because the cord that starts the engine came out from this side, and it’s more convenient to start it while standing on the frame with your right hand. Homemade karakat is transported on a trailer, the trailer is from Taiga. The wheels are removed before packing into the trailer and the karakat drives into the trailer under its own power on bare discs. It can be transported by any passenger car, it is unloaded and assembled on the spot in a few minutes.

To inflate the wheels, there is a regular compressor driven by the engine, the all-terrain vehicle is loaded with everything necessary and off-road.

There are no mudguards on the all-terrain vehicle, it does not splash mud and water, in the worst case, only bog boots suffer from mud. And even then only on mixed forest tracks. The speed of movement is low, so nothing is thrown from the wheels in all directions, and in the swamps there is nothing more than grass and water, there is no dirt.

The all-terrain vehicle is more designed for traction, it freely travels through the swamp with a load of 500 kg (fish, driver, passenger) speed about 8-10 km/h according to GPS.

When the swamp is not loaded, then you can go faster, the empty speed is greater. And for severe cases, there is also a downshift, which makes it possible to load the device to pull the UAZ out of the mud, or cross deep ravines. There are no differential locks in both axles, but there are separate front hydraulic brakes on front axle, which makes it possible to brake the slipping wheel, thereby forwarding torque to the other wheel. Such brakes help a lot if the wheel falls through the "window" in the swamp.

This is how the do-it-yourself all-terrain vehicle swamp turned out.

The use of all-terrain vehicles is necessary in places impassable for humans. However, it is this area that attracts hunters and fishermen with possible trophies.

Outdoor enthusiasts use swamps. It is not necessary to buy a tool, many construct a swamp rover with their own hands from improvised materials.

Why does a fisherman need a swamp?

The swamp vehicle is used by professional fishermen, novice fishermen are most often content with open-access reservoirs. While professionals are looking for complex and hard-to-reach places catching fish. In such places you can hunt for large trophies.

The use of the swamp has the following features:

  • allows you to overcome shallow water;
  • allows you to overcome swampy places;
  • very often used for new locations that were not previously fished
  • can be used as a transport in areas with no roads.

Good to know! A tool like a swamp vehicle can be used in any weather, regardless of the amount of precipitation, while conventional vehicles cannot cope with the task.

You can buy a swamp rover in specialized stores; many anglers make such a device on their own. This allows you to realize all the necessary requirements and make the device according to personal preferences.

For self-production, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Make all the necessary drawings and prepare materials.
  2. Make a frame for the future all-terrain vehicle.
  3. Prepare the suspension.
  4. Mount wheels.
  5. Install the engine.
  6. Install wiring and lighting system.

At the last stage, the device is checked and all shortcomings are eliminated.

Engine selection

When choosing an engine, you need to consider the power of the device and its dimensions.

The following types of engines can be used:

  • engine from a motorcycle - is used if a small tool is being designed for one person. However, many anglers do not advise using this type of engine, the swamp must be able to overcome heavy loads, which a conventional motorcycle engine cannot handle;
  • car engine - is used very often, especially if it is a ZAZ car brand. The devices have a high level of power and traction, which allows the use of the swamp even in extreme conditions;
  • engine from a walk-behind tractor or a small tractor. It is a frequent case, since such devices meet all the necessary conditions.

Good to know! Among the engines, it is often the automobile that is used, since it is easier to purchase it in a used condition. Using a used engine is possible if the device has been overhauled before.


When installing the chassis, it is important to choose the quality of the metal and observe all the little things that will affect the comfort of movement and the duration of operation. Manufactured chassis using corners, sheets of durable metal.

Metal pipes can also be used in the design. Hitch frames are used, however, many anglers use frames from old vehicles, changing their design to their liking.

Track or tires?

When choosing tracks or tires, each user individually considers this type of issue. Caterpillars are a more complex type of construction, however, in the process of moving through impassable places, they have a greater advantage than tires.

Tires for swamps are used much more often, this is due to the availability of parts and easier installation.

How to make wheels for a swamp with your own hands?

How to catch more fish?

Every ardent fisherman undoubtedly has his own secrets of successful fishing. I myself, during the time of conscious fishing, have found quite a few ways to improve the bite. I share my TOP:
  1. . Stimulates a strong appetite in fish, attracting them even in cold water. Blame it all pheromones included in its composition. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. Proper selection of gear. Read the relevant manuals for the particular type of tackle on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

To make wheels at home, you must perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • prepare the slopes from the truck, wash them to eliminate possible damage, dry thoroughly;
  • using a white marker to draw a picture, the most commonly used ornament is in the form of a herringbone;
  • make a small incision and, using pliers, remove the wire cord;
  • using a construction knife, it is necessary to make cuts in the places where the top layer of the tire will be removed. Eliminate the top layer, leaving only the places where the drawing will be viewed. A winch can be used to remove the top layer;
  • the surface of the wheels must be carefully sanded with sandpaper or a special grinding device;
  • used for mounting standard disc, is pre-cleaned and any sharp edges that could damage the tire are eliminated.

Cameras can be used in tires, such a device will allow you to move faster. Often swamps do not have cameras, this not only increases safety, but also improves the patency of the vehicle.

The wheels of the vehicle can be pre-equipped with chains that increase the patency of the devices, do not slip on swampy soil, and in winter on ice. Such chains can be purchased in special stores or made independently.

How to assemble a trailer for a swamp yourself?

For the manufacture of the trailer, you must choose a simple design. You can use a metal corner from which a small trailer on wheels is made.

Ready-made fixtures from a walk-behind tractor can be used. For fastening, a regular through pin with a lock from below is used. The use of a trailer will allow you to move goods over long distances that are difficult to carry in your hands, especially off-road.

Feedback from fishermen

We made such a machine for a year together with my brother. The process is very time-consuming and requires not only material costs, but also skills. I was lucky my brother is a car mechanic, so the drawing was done very quickly. Despite the amount of effort, the device came out quite well. Now we regularly go fishing, regardless of weather conditions.


I think that mounting a swamp rover is a very complicated and lengthy procedure that does not justify itself. The use of such means of movement is not so common, and the cost of parts and labor is too high.


The car turns out to be big, and several times I would ride it for fishing. However, it seems to me cheaper to purchase a small Chinese all-terrain vehicle and ride quietly, without wasting effort and nerves on creating such a monster.


I have been building this car for several years. The engine was used from a Zaporozhets car, a frame and a profiled sheet trailer. However, it turned out well, a small expense, but the speed is small on the road. When loaded, the speed increases. Now I'm building a small garage for storage.


Once I rode with a friend on such a unit. Very comfortable and allows you to move even in difficult places. I want to make such a vehicle myself, while I'm just collecting material.


Which is better - make a swamp yourself or buy one?

Making your own vehicle is much cheaper than buying a ready-made swamp. In addition, the finished model may not have the necessary qualities directly for the area where it will be used.

However, the independent manufacture of the device is a laborious process, requiring not only money and time, but also the presence of certain knowledge in the auto industry. Many experts do not recommend doing this installation alone, it is much more convenient if there are several assistants.

Now only I bite!

I caught this pike with a bite activator. I have never caught these before, but now every time I bring trophy specimens from fishing! It's time for you to guarantee your catch!!!

What is a swamp? This is a machine that is characterized by a high degree of patency even in places where there have never been roads. Such machines have earned the greatest popularity among hunters, fishermen and travelers.

Making or buying?

Many people buy ready-made swamps due to the fact that making them on their own is quite problematic. Firstly, for this you need to have a small car. Secondly, a huge amount of knowledge and skills is required. In addition, different goals of a fisherman, hunter or traveler will require different characteristics from the blanks. It is this abundance of requirements that drives people to what is better to make it on their own, even knowing how difficult it is. Of the most important criteria for assembling a homemade swamp buggy, the following points can be distinguished:

  • good knowledge of auto business;
  • it is important to be able to work with a welding machine, as well as carry out various plumbing work;
  • it is also important to understand that assembly is not only difficult, but also quite long, and besides, not everyone succeeds in assembling a good product the first time;
  • the entire process of assembling a homemade swamp vehicle will require significant material investments;
  • you also need to know the features of machines running on tracks and low-pressure tires so that in the future you will not regret your choice.

Start of assembly work

Regardless of which type of swamp was chosen, the entire design process will be divided into several stages.

  1. The first and very important stage is a drawing for a homemade swamp buggy. It is strongly recommended to entrust this preliminary stage to those who already have such experience. Any inaccuracy at this stage will lead to the collapse of the entire structure in the future.
  2. Next comes the stage at which you need to choose a base frame for the machine. It is important to note here that you need to choose a frame based on the purposes for which the device will be used in the future. It can be a motorcycle frame, a car frame, or a homemade frame. It can be added that the first two methods are the most commonly used when assembling a homemade swamp.

Manufacturing process

The assembly stage begins with the fact that they take up the manufacture of the suspension and rear axle. These two parts will be interconnected using a steering sleeve, as well as a special rack. At this stage, it is strongly recommended to use homemade designs. Of course, their production will be quite lengthy, and will also require certain financial costs. But in the end, a design will be obtained that is as comfortable and convenient as possible for the intended purposes.

The next step is to install the wheels. Those attached to the rear axle use hubs made of metal. Most often, at this stage, low-pressure tires are used for a homemade swamp vehicle. On such wheels, which can be taken from large trucks or their trailers, the controllability of the device and the overall level of human safety will significantly increase. Instead of such tires, you can use caterpillars, as some craftsmen do. But the process of attaching them is much more complicated and time-consuming, and therefore it is strongly not recommended to use them during the first self-assembly.

Engine and final part

The next step will be the installation of the engine. At this stage, it is very important not to forget one nuance - the installation of a cooling system for this part. Also here we must not forget about the installation of a variety of additional systems that are responsible, for example, for clutch, exhaust gas removal, and so on. In parallel with these works, you need to take care of the installation of the case and wiring.

The final stage is considered to be a trial run and subsequent test of a homemade swamp rover. Here it is very important to notice even the slightest deviations or malfunctions in the operation of the device. If any are found, then they need to be eliminated at this stage.

Detailed description of engines

The stage of engine selection is very important, and therefore it requires a more detailed description. It is important to understand here that almost any design is suitable as a motor for a homemade swamp, but the power of the device is very important here. The most common options that are used for self-assembly:

  • You can use motorcycle engines. However, this option did not deserve great popularity, since in addition to it you will have to install a more thoughtful cooling system.
  • The most preferred engine option was the four-stroke ZAZ. I use it more often than others, as it has proven its reliability in operation even at fairly low temperatures.
  • It is possible to use other engines from cars domestic production, if they meet all the requirements.
  • Some craftsmen use walk-behind tractors, but this option is not very common. Most often, those elements that are removed from tractors are used. However, they have to be additionally equipped with other spare parts from other engines.

Tires or tracks?

A rather important issue is the choice of the driving part. Will it be tracks or low pressure tires? Homemade swamps on tires are more popular due to the fact that they are much faster in terms of assembly, and also require less material costs. The process is accelerated due to the fact that all the most complex nodes are removed from the structure.

If we talk about the caterpillar version, then, of course, it is much more difficult to manufacture. However, the most important plus stands out here - this is a huge cross. According to this characteristic, such swamps are practically unrivaled. However, it is worth noting here that an automobile is used for the operation of such a device. power unit, which means that fuel costs will also be much higher, and this is an increase in financial costs not only at the assembly stage, but throughout the entire period of operation. The biggest drawback lies precisely in the use of a caterpillar mechanism. The fact is that it is almost never possible to use factory units, which means that you need to assemble everything manually, and this process is long, complicated and expensive.

On the territory of our vast country there are still many places where there is no developed transport network and it is impossible to find even traces of infrastructure.

It is to move through such impassable areas that special equipment is required, such as a swamp vehicle.

But an industrial vehicle is already quite expensive in itself, and maintenance costs make such vehicles completely inaccessible to most people.

Therefore, residents of remote areas prefer to make swamps out of improvised means with their own hands.

Features of a homemade swamp

To create a homemade swamp vehicle, it is required not only to have certain, albeit used, technical details but also some skill. Only technical skills, coupled with an extraordinary imagination, will make it possible to make a real off-road conqueror.

Then the machine assembled by our own efforts will be of really high quality, not inferior in its technical characteristics to factory-made swamp vehicles. And best of all, it saves a significant amount of money.

The easiest way to create a homemade vehicle of a similar plan - a car on low-pressure tires.

Tires are almost the most important part of the swamp, because the quality and reliability of the operation of the machine directly depends on their design.

Tires and their fastening should be thought out as simply as possible in order to minimize possible material costs for the manufacture of a swamp vehicle.

A simpler option is to create a boat swamp. Particular attention in this case is paid to the engine of the device.

For this, a do-it-yourself boat motor is assembled. Such a device will allow you to move around shallow water bodies. The outboard motor is very convenient, because it can be attached to almost any boat, thus creating a swamp.

For more overgrown reservoirs, a different type of equipment will be needed. In this case, you should pay attention to the manufacture of a caterpillar swamp with your own hands. This option is quite labor intensive. This is due to the fact that you need to attach the tracks to the swamp.

What you need to create a swamp

Of great importance in the process of creating a homemade swamp vehicle are such factors as comfort and simplified vehicle control. Therefore, in the manufacture of the unit, these indicators should be given special attention.

In order for the swamp to perform its direct function, namely, to quickly and safely transport its owner and possible cargo across wetlands, you need to have certain skills.

You will need knowledge from the field of auto mechanics and milling, welding experience. Physical training will also be necessary, because some parts of a home-made apparatus are quite heavy.

In order to assemble your own swamp rover, some technical basis is required. Usually they take the parts of an old motorcycle or a chamber of a faulty car and, as mentioned above, low-pressure tires.

To make a future swamp with your own hands, you can also use parts from an old UAZ car.

This design is popular because of its excellent performance. At the same time, the creation of such a unit does not require a huge amount of effort.

To these advantages, another factor is added, which is important for swampy areas: low-pressure tires provide buoyancy to the vehicle, which will allow you to make a kind of boat out of a swamp with your own hands.

Manufacturing instructions: do-it-yourself drawing of a swamp rover

First you need a frame from an old motorcycle, such as IZH Planet-4. To it you need to weld the previously made homemade frame suitable sizes.

But the motor for a do-it-yourself swamp rover must be new. This point is especially important, unless, of course, you want to stall in the middle of the wilderness.

The most optimal version is considered to be an engine taken from the Tula motorcycle, which has not been used before. Its mechanism is distinguished by a forced air cooling system and increased energy savings.

However, it is worth replacing the original engine ignition with the magneto used to start the tractor. This is due to the fact that in a swampy area you should not count on a conventional battery - it can easily fail from such a large amount of work.

Then you should put the gas tank, strengthen the seat and install the steering wheel. Voskhod-2M will become an ideal donor of these parts.

The next element of the swamp will be a chain drive, the chain of which is selected in accordance with the gear. rear axle and axle shafts are taken from the old UAZ-469.

Attention! Brakes are not needed in this design. To stop homemade all-terrain vehicle just turn off the engine. Then you need to install the wheels.

The easiest solution is to take the wheels from the combine, having previously removed the top layer of rubber from the tires. But for the rear tires, it is necessary to install more complex wheels, with a good tread for the most convenient off-road movement.

How to make wheels for a swamp with your own hands

To make a camera, first you need to decide on the size of the tire. It is selected in accordance with the model of a do-it-yourself swamp buggy, for example, tires from Oka are taken, but GAZ-66 and ZIL 131 are most often used.

Peeling will require a spacious work area and the following tools:

  • knives, ordinary and with a double-sided cutting edge;
  • sharpener to process knives;
  • big awl;
  • a hammer;
  • wire cutters.

You will also need special tool, popularly called "dralka". It is he who will help to quickly remove the top layer of rubber from the tires. The design of the “dralka” is quite simple and is an electric winch with a power button connected to the workplace.

Sometimes a model with a foot drive is taken, which is more convenient for work. When choosing a "dralk" you should pay attention to the number of revolutions - they should not be too high.

After the workplace is prepared, and all the tools are at hand, you can start making wheels for the swamp. First you need to get rid of the outer bundle of wire cord.

A small window is cut through the chamber, through which one of the screws is bitten with wire cutters. Then the wire is wound around the pliers and removed around the entire perimeter.

After that, the sidewall is cut. It goes from the cord to the tread, the distance from one cut to another must be at least 8 cm, and their depth must affect the first layer.

The tusk is undermined by wire cutters. Then, using a knife, the edges of the canine are also trimmed. The demolition itself must go in a clockwise direction, otherwise the top layer of the cord will be knocked out on the right side.

Next, the tire tread is formed. First you need to mark the picture on the camera itself. When choosing a pattern, you need to take into account the functional purpose of the tire and calculate your strength to create a more complex contour.

The simplest option is a herringbone protector with or without a central flange.

After drawing, you can start cutting the contours. The blade of the knife must be placed on the surface of the tire at a certain angle. When cutting, the cross-sectional shape should resemble a regular trapezoid.

The next step after cutting the ends of the pattern is directly stripping the tires. This is the longest process, taking a lot of time and requiring from a person such qualities as perseverance and patience.

But if the drawing and cutting of the contour were performed at the proper level, then the peeling work will be faster and more accurate.

You need to peel off the wheels with care, otherwise there is a risk of touching the tread canine, which is unacceptable. If in the process a layer of cord appears on the right, you should not think that something went wrong - after the complete treatment of the fangs of the tire, it will disappear by itself.

It is necessary to hook the fang with wire cutters and cut its side edges with a knife. In this case, it is necessary to gradually increase the tension of the winch cable. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, you just need to be attentive and not be distracted during the process.

However, even a minimal undercut made in the wrong direction will cross out all the work. Such a tire will be unusable, during operation it will begin to delaminate and become unusable.

Choice of tread and disk of a swamp tire

In order to select the ideal low-pressure tires for the swamp, the following must be considered:

  • The protector must have a self-cleaning effect. This is especially true for operation in harsh wetlands;
  • if you plan to move around peat bogs, then the tread relief should not be too deep and high. Otherwise, the top layer of the tires may break, and the grip will be insufficient for high-quality operation;
  • for sandy and snowy areas, tires with a sparse tread pattern should be selected.

The disks are selected as standard, however, there is still some fitting of elements for the swamp. This can manifest itself in the form of inserting a liner strip or equipping it with aluminum basin discs.

At the same time, the disks and the camera are fastened with special belts, but a regular transport tape will also work.

The grain harvester is equipped with the Lateralfloat system, which eliminates the loss of grain when harvesting in hilly areas.

An article has been prepared for you about the features and technical specifications small-sized manual trenchers TGKM 1200.

How to assemble a trailer for a swamp with your own hands

To use the machine to move goods, it is enough to make a homemade cart. For a do-it-yourself swamp rover, an ordinary metal corner with wheels from a tractor or walk-behind tractor is suitable.

It is better to choose the device for coupling the trolley with the unit as simple and reliable as possible, such as a through pin with a lock from below.

On such an impromptu trailer, you can transport goods in off-road conditions and move them on loose and wet soil.

The popularity of homemade designs

For rural areas, making do-it-yourself swamps is no longer considered a rarity. This is an urgent need, especially relevant where groundwater rises to the surface of the earth.

After watching the following video, you will understand that in order to build a swamp buggy with your own hands, you need patience, small financial investments, details from the old trucks and specific skills

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