Dream Interpretation. handshake - all interpretations. Interpretation of the dream handshake in dream books Dream Interpretation online handshake

Why do you dream of a handshake? This ambiguous symbol in a dream promises successful business connections, good rest, the end of hostility, and for women - special attention from the opposite sex. However, dream books also provide another interpretation: difficulties, collapse of important plans.

Look forward to pleasant events

Seeing a strong handshake in a dream means a good friend will visit you and your soul will rest when communicating.

The dreamed plot foreshadows help, support from friends, and if the person is well-known, the sleeper will receive high patronage.

The Islamic dream book calls a handshake a sign of love. Sometimes a symbol in a dream foreshadows the conclusion of a trade deal or a vow to do good. With the enemy - to reconciliation, the end of hostility.

Why does a purposeful woman dream of shaking hands with a guy, a man? The dream book says: it promises an excellent vacation. Also, nice people will become her new acquaintances, and later they will help her move up the career ladder.

Interpretation for a girl according to Miller's dream book

The meaning of the dream depends on who had to shake hands:

With a man who is an influential person: participation in entertainment will bring fame, and friends will be jealous;

With a guy or someone else, shorter: she will be loved for her kindness and warmth;

A handshake in a dream of a tall person, for which you need to reach up: a clash with a rival. But if the dreamer was wearing gloves, he will prevail over her;

With a man - an ancient old man: where she thought she would have fun, she would be upset.

Did you dream about a dead person? Don't be scared

Why dream of greeting a dead person in this way? According to the dream book, the vision promises a meeting with an old friend or a person who previously influenced your life. Perhaps you will see an influential acquaintance or partner with whom you once did business together.

Shaking hands with a deceased person in a dream means deterioration in health or even illness. If you greeted the deceased without a handshake, you will learn unexpected news.

A vision with a dead person means: the dreamer will find himself in a difficult situation, from which he will have to find a way out himself.

Business sphere

A similar plot in a dream foreshadows the interaction of business partners and friends. If the dreamer felt joy, successful business cooperation awaits. When it was unpleasant, joint affairs can turn into problems.

Did you dream of shaking hands with a deceased relative or acquaintance? The dream warns of the futility of your plans. The plan will not come true. It is worth changing projects and postponing them until better times.

Why do you dream of shaking hands with an enemy or competitor? In reality, you will find yourself in a situation that can reconcile you, and the result depends on how you behave.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of a Handshake in a dream according to 10 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Handshake symbol from 10 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Family dream book

A girl who dreamed that she was shaking hands with some prominent political figure- expect entertainment and many fans.

If in order to shake someone's hand they have to reach up- that means she will have a rival. But if she is wearing gloves, then she will be able to get the better of her.

A dream in which you said hello to someone shorter than you- says that you will be loved for your kindness.

A girl shaking hands with a decrepit old man in a dream- will find grief where joy was sought.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A handshake is a reflection of the desire for contact (also a necessity and/or opportunity).

Dream book for a bitch

Handshake - fun, entertainment, wonderful relaxation and communication with strangers, but very nice people await you, who will later help you climb up the career ladder.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Handshake in a dream- symbolizes close interaction with partners or friends.

If, shaking someone's hand in a dream, you feel joy- such a dream portends you successful cooperation.

If the person you shake hands with in a dream is not familiar to you- his appearance can tell you in which area you can count on unexpected support. For example, if this is a businessman- expect support in business, if a fireman- assistance in resolving heated disputes and quarrels, and so on.

If shaking hands is unpleasant or causes you pain- such a dream warns that cooperation with someone threatens to result in big problems.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

A handshake is an attempt to strike up a friendship with the right person.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

A handshake means a catch, an assurance of friendship that does not exist.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A handshake means asking for a loan of money.

Miller's Dream Book

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some prominent figure (high-ranking official, ruler)- this means that she is expected to have entertainment and worship from people she does not know. And if she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn the special favor of her friends.

If in order to shake someone's hand, it must reach up- this means that in life she will have to face competition. True, if she is wearing gloves, then she will be able to overcome these obstacles.

Say hello in a dream to someone who is shorter than you

If in a dream you feel like your hands are dirty- this means that in reality you will discover that not all of your friends are true.

This means that she will find grief and grief where she was looking for fun.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some high-ranking person- soon she will have fun in the company of unfamiliar people who will become her fans.

If she takes this opportunity- will earn the special favor of friends.

If you have to reach up to shake someone's hand- in reality she will have to face competition.

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with a decrepit old man- she will have to face grief and misfortune where she sought entertainment.

Greet someone shorter than you in a dream- a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence.

If in a dream you feel like your hands are dirty- in reality you will be convinced of the insincerity of one of your friends.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Handshake according to the dream book?

Handshake - recognition, support, help from others; with a famous person- high patronage.

Video: Why do you dream about Handshake?

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Did you dream about a Handshake, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Handshake in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I met our president in a dream, shook his hand, and didn’t let go for a long time, then I was offered to study at a presidential training school, I also thought maybe they took me because of my appearance, then I began to imagine how cool it would be to become president, glory, expensive cars.

    I dreamed of a classmate with whom I recently quarreled and now I don’t communicate. I don’t remember half of the dream, but I had the feeling that I forgot something... In the dream, I clearly remember when a classmate began to extend his hand, the person sitting next to me and this person also extended his hand, the first handshake occurred. A classmate was sitting on the right and a classmate also extended his hand to her, they said hello. I was sitting in the middle and at that moment, for some reason, I was the first to extend my hand to greet him, but he did not extend his hand to me. What does it mean? He doesn't want to communicate with me in life?

    Hello, today I had a dream: In reality I usually can greet my friend (and the boy I like) with a handshake, but in the dream when I wanted to shake hands, he did not reciprocate and removed his hand... then my friends and I were going to go to the cinema, but there was no buses, then one was driving, a girl was sitting, I asked her to wait while I went to get the rest of him and his two friends... when I left, I couldn’t find the house... and I came across some man and woman, he beat her.. but I prevented this... then I found my friends and when we got out the bus had already left...)

    Hello! A few days ago I saw in a dream a lot of strangers, some of them with very short clipper haircuts, and some of them had beautiful, black, long, wavy hair, and some of them were bearded. I stood 20-25 meters from them, a little higher. One of them saw me and pointed his index finger at me and said something to the others loudly and joyfully. Then they all came up to me and greeted me with both hands, and they all stood on my right. But I didn’t say anything….nobody said anything at all. All.

    I shook hands with the managing director of a large company, his palm was simply huge, while pulling his hand, I helped him get up from the bench or from the floor (he was sitting on something low), then we started talking to him about work, Then the dream was interrupted.

    Hello, I dreamed that I shook hands with some man once, and lowered my hand. But he told me that only girl to girl can greet like that and he shook my hand three times

    I dreamed of a handshake, the dream was not in color, but everything was gray.
    My friend was standing in front of me, I extended my hand to him to say hello, but he just looked me in the eyes and smiled and didn’t even bother with his hand,

    We were vacationing somewhere abroad and went into a local store. There was a girl there who, having heard Russian speech, said that there were a lot of people from Russia. After thinking for a while, I asked her in surprise: “Oh, you’re from Russia too.” She looked at me without any interest and shook my hand,

    I was standing in the hallway at school. Two guys walked past me. I loved one before, but now the feelings pass. He was the first to shake my hand, and I was, as I remember, indifferent. Just being kind. The second guy I think I have a crush on also shook my hand. A pleasant shiver went through our whole body, and we seemed to want to hold it longer, but it went away.

    I dreamed of my loved one and he shook my hand. So he greeted me. This was the first time I had such a dream.
    This dream in full:
    I was sleeping, woke up and went into the corridor. There was a bench there. There was Vanya (my favorite person), Pisar (Ruslan Senchenko) and it seems someone else. I don’t remember who exactly. I was braiding the girl’s hair. And when she was braiding, he gave me his hand and said hello. I shook him too. He also asked: why didn’t I quickly shake his hand? I told him that maybe he’s not for me!
    I don’t remember further.
    What does this all mean? Help!

    I was flying holding a parachute, but when I looked up I saw that it was not a parachute but a huge flag of my Republic (Kazakhstan). It was difficult to control, but I could barely cope. And I fly into a huge tower, and with the speed of the wind the flag drags me to the top of this tower. At that moment I was very scared, I wanted to let go of the flag and land, but I thought that I would crash. Didn't let go. And here I am at the top and the wind that was pushing me up immediately disappears. I look like I’m on the roof of a castle, like I’m in a hostel in the UK. And there all the Kazakhs, Kazakh women, it seems, are students. One girl fell in love with me. And as if I were with the girl who fell in love with me, we were seeing off the rest of the students, and when I was returning back to the landing I saw Putin, in official clothes. As I stood up, I said “Hello Vladimir Vladimirovich,” Putin smiled slightly and extended his hand, I shook his hand, but it seemed that my hands were wet, as if I had just washed my hands.

    I saw how we met with old friends at school, but there was one handsome guy I didn’t know and he extended his hand for me to shake, he didn’t want to let go of my hand, he even lightly pressed and unclenched my hand, but then he let go.
    And also, I saw how my girlfriend fell from the bench and was injured. I also saw how I was choosing food in the cafeteria, but I just couldn’t decide on the choice and just this guy said that he liked me, for the whole cafeteria.

    I saw my beloved father, He shook my hand in a dream. He said absolutely nothing. She never had the chance to meet him in real life, since her parents are divorced. Although I am very eager. Then there were some actions somewhere with someone, but I remember well that my girlfriend’s friend hugged and kissed me. That's the whole dream.

    1) handshake - a former classmate was going to a meeting and we said hello (with a handshake), and my hand hurt in my sleep (because now there is a small cut on it)
    2) I saw a film (in a dream). The first hour was boring, but the remaining two hours I was completely delighted, since the film was very colorful, very bright, a lot of science fiction, fantasy.
    3) Hugged a person

    Hello! This is what I dreamed about. School, corridor, walls painted beige, soft light. We (several people and me) were assigned to greet guests on the stairs that lead from this corridor to the hall. I am standing on a high step, but there is also someone else behind me. Our president and his delegation are passing by. I think: “I need to smile.” I smile. So happy. Then we sit in a large room. Empty. Only the table at which V.V.P sits. and two rows of people. First row - we sit at our desks. I'm sitting at the first desk. Another row - soldiers, healthy, wounded, among them lie corpses covered with white bloody cloth. I dreamed that V.V. shook my hand. Putin. It was very pleasant and joyful. And then he hugged me, we talked about something, I don’t remember what. Then I saw the theater, we performed on stage and rehearsed. And then home. The view from the window is a plowed garden, a large, red, smooth-haired dog with sharp fangs is tearing up the ground, looking for bones. It was unpleasant to see this. And then that's it, I woke up

    hello, my name is Azami, I saw Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin the other day, I was in his office, I don’t remember what they talked about, and he shook my hand, and I somehow woke up, then a couple of days later I saw President Ilham Aliyev

    I was on my way to work, stood at the bus stop, two of my former classmates passed by, looked at me and walked past, then they returned, shook my hand, both of them, and left, this is not the first time I have had this dream, all with the same people.

    Hello! I had this dream:
    I shook hands with a man I used to know; he seemed to be trying to hug me, but he was much taller than me. In real life he is taller than me, but in the dream he was very tall.

    I saw a deceased acquaintance, a living acquaintance and a dirty-looking woman in the store, we shook hands, and the woman had a dirty hand like soot, but I also shook her hand

    Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that I was shaking hands with young people, students. They sit at tables and have notebooks and notes in front of them. There were foreigners among the students. There were a lot of handshakes with young people. The dream was pleasant and interesting. At the same time I saw various acquaintances from my old work.

    I dreamed that I was greeting two girls when we met, and an old friend with whom we had not spoken for a long time (we were in a quarrel) was greeting me. Then the four of us started playing fire or football, I don’t remember exactly. And it was winter, that’s all.

    I saw a classmate who I liked. He walked past, didn’t recognize me. Then he went into some room and then came out and again didn’t notice me and got into the car and drove away. Then I was walking home and my other classmate came up, smiled and shook give me your hand!!!

    I was walking home along the evening street and saw two of my comrades ahead of me, they were walking with their backs to me. I ran after them to say hello. But for some reason they ran away from me without even turning around (you can say I recognized them only from the back). I caught up with them when they already ran up to the entrance, one of my friends ran into it, and I stopped the second, called out and extended my hand to say hello . After some time, he hands me his, I shake it and begin to look at the face of my, as it seemed to me, comrade, but he was wearing a white and black mask and in a dream I felt strong surprise and fear of him, he let go of his hand and I woke up in the middle of the night.

    I came to the store with my boyfriend. he helps everyone. repairs a door in a store. the saleswoman is delighted with him and says to me: let me shake your hand so that I, too, can be so lucky with my husband. and extends his hand to me. I press it.

    I dreamed that I was sitting in the bathroom and I felt very bad mentally and the most influential people began to come to me and say hello. And there were also people from the president’s side. They should have helped me. And then, unexpectedly for everyone and me, the president himself came in and shook hands.

    I shook hands with someone I didn’t know. They shook hands with each other as if in sparring. They pressed in a friendly manner, not out of malice. Trying to kind of overpower each other, I ended up winning. Then he shook hands with 2 acquaintances of this guy, but without sparring, there was a strong handshake. One guy even pressed a little on his hand without calculating the force.

    Darkness. Night. Rolling thunder and flashing lightning, rain... No one on the streets. I’m in the house, I’m warm and comfortable, but I’m overwhelmed with passion to go outside, as if there’s something really pulling me and that interests me! In a small street square of approx. 150 - 200 m2 not far away, I see a bright glow in the form of a dome and understand that in this dome (energy) it is dry, warm and light. Having made my way into this dome, walking around the perimeter, I notice in the center sitting (a magician) of an inexplicable appearance, he looks at me with three eyes! I start having a conversation with him, being careful of him, he doesn’t answer anything. I ask him to transform and he transforms into a tall man, an old man... I feel like I’m a baby in diapers in front of him. I understand, without speaking to him, that he is about to leave this world and I ask for the transfer to me of his knowledge and opportunities for carrying it through the passing life and preserving it. To which he, without answering, extends his right hand to me, and I, as if from a diaper, stretch mine upward towards him and shake hands. Dream Bright Clear in the morning.

    You see, a few weeks ago I liked one person... He is a well-known artist throughout Russia, young and handsome... But I realized that I don’t have the opportunity to meet him yet. My interest in him faded away... I fell in love with someone else whom I had loved before. And so I dream that, while getting to know each other, I shake hands with this very artist of mine, so tenderly and sensually, my hand lingered a little in his hand. I had never dreamed of him before. And when I understood his hand, the same guy I fell in love with again walked past us. Please tell me what does this mean?!

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Handshake

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some high-ranking person, she will soon have fun in the company of unfamiliar people who will become her fans. If she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn special favor from her friends. If in order to shake someone’s hand, she is forced to reach up, in reality she will have to face competition. If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with a decrepit old man, she will have to face grief and misfortune in the place where she was looking for entertainment.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Dream about Handshake

Recognition, support, help from others; with a famous person high patronage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does Handshake mean in a dream?

Meaning of dreams Handshake

A girl who dreams that she is shaking hands with some prominent political figure will have fun and many fans.

If she has to reach up to shake someone's hand, then she will have a rival. But if she is wearing gloves, she will be able to get the better of her. A dream in which you said hello to someone who is shorter than you says that you will be loved for your kindness.

A girl who shook hands with a decrepit old man in a dream will find grief where she was looking for joy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does a Handshake mean in a dream?

Symbolizes close interaction with partners or friends.

If, when shaking someone's hand, you feel joy: such a dream portends successful cooperation for you.

If the person you shake hands with in a dream is not familiar to you: his appearance can tell you in what area you can count on unexpected support.

For example, if this is a businessman, if the handshake is unpleasant or causes you pain: such a dream warns that cooperation with someone threatens to result in big problems.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Meaning of sleep Handshake

Shake hands - spend time in good company, make new acquaintances.

If a man dreams that a woman is shaking hands with him, he will have a secret admirer.

If a woman dreams that she is offering her hand to a man, she will have to accept very unpleasant courtship.

If someone refuses to shake your hand, in reality there is a threat to your reputation.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Miller's Dream Book

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some prominent figure (high-ranking official, ruler), it means that she is expected to have entertainment and worship from strangers. And if she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn the special favor of her friends.

If she has to reach up to shake someone's hand, it means she will have to face competition in life. True, if she is wearing gloves, then she will be able to overcome these obstacles.

Greeting someone shorter than you in a dream is a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence.

If in a dream it seems to you that your hands are dirty, it means that in reality you will discover that not all of your friends are true.

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with a decrepit old man, it means that she will find grief and grief where she was looking for fun.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Family dream book

A girl who dreamed that she was shaking hands with some prominent political figure - entertainment and many fans await her.

If in order to shake someone's hand, she must reach up, then she will have a rival. But if she is wearing gloves, then she will be able to get the better of her.

A dream in which you said hello to someone who is shorter than you means that you will be loved for your kindness.

A girl who shook hands with a decrepit old man in a dream will find grief where she was looking for joy.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Shaking hands in a dream symbolizes close interaction with partners or friends.

If, shaking someone's hand in a dream, you feel joy - such a dream portends you successful cooperation.

If the person you shake hands with in a dream is not familiar to you, his appearance can tell you in what area you can count on unexpected support. For example, if this is a businessman, expect support in business, if a fireman, expect help in resolving heated disputes and quarrels, and so on.

If the handshake is unpleasant or causes you pain, such a dream warns that cooperation with someone threatens to result in big problems.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Spring dream book

A handshake means asking for a loan of money.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Summer dream book

A handshake means a catch, an assurance of friendship that does not exist.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Autumn dream book

A handshake is an attempt to strike up a friendship with the right person.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some high-ranking person, she will soon have fun in the company of unfamiliar people who will become her fans.

If she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn the special favor of her friends.

If in order to shake someone’s hand, she is forced to reach up, in reality she will have to face competition.

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with a decrepit old man, she will have to face grief and misfortune in the place where she was looking for entertainment.

Greeting someone shorter than you in a dream is a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence.

If in a dream it seems to you that your hands are dirty, in reality you will be convinced of the insincerity of one of your friends.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Handshake - recognition, support, help from others; with a famous person - high patronage.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Psychological dream book

A handshake speaks of friendship.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Handshake - as if you were shaking hands with some famous person - in real life you will shake hands with some prominent figure; This person will like you, he will pay attention to you and will patronize your career. A girl dreams that she is shaking hands with a certain famous person - some strangers will do everything to please this girl and thereby make her like her. It’s as if you are shaking hands with a person shorter than you - due to your duty you will be close to high-ranking people; they will take part in your destiny, in your problems, not because they like you so much, but because you know too much about their personal life and can use this knowledge against them - which they would not want. What does a handshake mean in a dream - It’s as if you are shaking hands with a person of very advanced years - you were counting on entertainment, but you will find trouble. You find that your hand is dirty and sticky after shaking hands - not all of your friends are sincere with you; one of them will not open your heart, and the other will mislead you for his own benefit.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Women's dream book

Dreaming about Handshake - If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some high-ranking person, she will soon have fun in the company of unfamiliar people who will become her fans. If she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn special favor from her friends. If in order to shake someone’s hand, she is forced to reach up, in reality she will have to face competition. If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with a decrepit old man, she will have to face grief and misfortune in the place where she sought entertainment. Greeting someone shorter than you in a dream is a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence. If in a dream it seems to you that your hands are dirty, then in reality you will be convinced of the insincerity of one of your friends.

Why do you dream of a handshake?

Islamic dream book

If someone sees in a dream that he is shaking the hand of an enemy or hugging him, then enmity will disappear, and mutual sympathy will be established between them according to what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said - “A handshake strengthens friendship.”

If you saw your enemy greeting you in a dream, then he offers to restore good relations. Greeting someone with whom you have no hostile relationship in a dream means that a feeling of sympathy has gripped the one you greeted. A greeter in a dream can rejoice even when there was hostility between him and the one he is greeting, since his greeting signifies a desire to establish peace and a desire to ensure his safety as a protective measure.

a sign of love, forgiveness of sins and forbearance, and sometimes it indicates the conclusion of a trade deal, an oath or a vow made to Allah to do good. Shaking the hand of your enemy in a dream means making peace with him in the near future. In the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, it is said: “A handshake adds sympathy, love and affection.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation - Handshake

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some prominent figure (high-ranking official, ruler), it means that she is expected to have entertainment and worship from strangers. And if she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn the special favor of her friends. If she has to reach up to shake someone's hand, it means she will have to face competition in life. True, if she is wearing gloves, then she will be able to overcome these obstacles.

Greeting someone shorter than you in a dream is a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence.

If in a dream it seems to you that your hands are dirty, it means that in reality you will discover that not all of your friends are true.

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with a decrepit old man, it means that she will find grief and grief where she was looking for fun.

Interpretation of dreams from

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you yourself must choose which system is more suitable for you - on Sunny days (days of the month) or on Lunar days. Observe and you will very quickly understand which system is yours.

Today is the 7th day of the month. The dreams you had last night are happy, but you should not tell anyone about them.

Today is the 18th lunar day. Dreams dreamed on the night of today come true on the 20th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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HANDSHAKE – Miller's Dream Book

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some famous person - an actor, a high-ranking official, a government representative - she will soon have the opportunity to have a good time. She will be worshiped by people she doesn't know. And if she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn the special favor of her friends. If she has to reach up to shake someone's hand, it means she will have to face competition in life. True, if she is wearing gloves, then she will be able to overcome these obstacles.

Greeting someone shorter than you in a dream is a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence.

If in a dream it seems to you that your hands are dirty, it means that in reality you will discover that not all of your friends are true.

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with a decrepit old man, it means that she will find grief and grief where she was looking for fun.

HANDSHAKE – Modern Dream Interpretation

It’s as if you are shaking hands with some famous person - you will shake hands with some prominent figure in real life. This person will like you, he will pay attention to you and will patronize your career.

A girl dreams that she is shaking hands with a certain famous person - some strangers will do everything to please this girl and thereby please her.

It is as if you are shaking hands with a person shorter than you - due to your duty, you will be close to high-ranking people. They will take part in your destiny, in your problems, not because they like you so much, but because you know too much about their personal life and can use this knowledge against them, which they would not want.

It’s as if you are shaking hands with a person of very advanced years - you were counting on entertainment, but you will find trouble.

You find that your hand is dirty and sticky after a handshake - not all of your friends are sincere with you, one of them will not open their heart to you, and the other will mislead you for their own benefit.

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Admiring your own hands in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity.

In the old days, it was believed that the right hand in a dream means the present or close male people, and the left hand means the future or close female people.

Losing a hand in a dream means losing a loved one.

Shaking hands in a dream means establishing a good friendship with someone.

If in a dream some important person shakes your hand, then soon you will have a high-ranking patron, using whose capabilities you will be able to succeed in life.

A dream in which you shake someone's hand to comfort the person indicates that you will soon fall out with that person.

If you dream that you want to shake someone's hand but cannot, it predicts that you have competitors.

A dream in which you saw someone kissing your hands encourages you not to trust this person.

If the person is unfamiliar to you, then you should be wary of envious people and slanderers who want to discredit you, but at the same time gain benefit.

If in a dream they say about you that you are sitting with your hands folded, then you should immediately begin to implement your plans.

Having many hands in a dream is a sign that you will have a lot of work that will provide you with a decent living. But such a dream foreshadows criminals that they will soon be caught and they will suffer a well-deserved punishment.

If you dream that your hands are stained with blood, then soon you will face a difficult separation from a loved one. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a quarrel with relatives awaits you.

A dream in which you saw that your hands are covered with ulcers or pimples portends you sadness and disappointment.

If you break your arm in a dream, then poverty, deprivation, need, hunger or illness await you.

For women, such a dream predicts a short separation from a lover or husband.

Seeing dirty hands or getting your hands dirty in a dream is a harbinger of failure in business. Sometimes such a dream warns you that you should refrain from risky or gambling activities or games. Sometimes such a dream warns you of slander or envious people.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of some unpleasant responsibilities or will be able to refuse to do some unpleasant work.

If you dream that someone said about you that you have golden hands, then success in business awaits you. However, it is believed that having golden hands in a dream means that obstacles await you in business.

A dream in which you saw that your arms have become stronger and longer promises profit and wealth.

For women, such a dream foretells that their husband or lover will become richer or receive a promotion.

Seeing hairy or rough hands in a dream is a sign of wealth and good luck in any endeavor.

If you dream that your arms have become muscular, then you will successfully overcome difficulties and be able to stand up for yourself in any matter. For patients, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery.

Seeing the hands of a child in a dream is a sign of prosperity and family happiness.

If in a dream you find out that your hands have become weak and small, then you will be disappointed due to constant failures in everything you undertake. Sometimes such a dream indicates that your friends or partners may betray you at the most inopportune moment.

A dream in which you saw an arm without a torso predicts losses in business and the danger of deception.

If you dream that your hands are tied, then you will find yourself in a difficult situation and will be powerless to do anything to improve this situation.

To give up on something in a dream means that you do not have enough patience and perseverance to carry out your intentions.

If in a dream you saw that someone covered your hand with his or took you by the hand, then someone will interfere with the implementation of your plans or will convict you of a dishonest or vile act.

See interpretation: palm, fingers, wash, soap, foam, nails, hair.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Why do you dream of a handshake? Such a multi-valued symbol in a dream prophesies success in business development, a favorable vacation, the end of hostile relations with enemies, and the female half of the population - the close attention of men. But dream books also give other explanations: troubles, failure of all the most important plans.

Look forward to pleasant events

Considering a strong handshake in a dream means an old friend will come to visit you, with whom you will have a good time.

The dreamed plot promises the help of comrades, and when the person is familiar, stately care awaits the dreamer.

The Islamic dream book calls shaking hands a sign of love affairs. In some cases, an image in a dream prophesies the completion of a trading operation, or a promise to do good to everyone. With the enemy - to peace, an end to hatred.

Why does a responsible person dream of shaking hands with a young man, an adult member of the stronger sex? The dream book says: it portends a wonderful vacation. In addition, you will soon meet pleasant personalities who will help you achieve career success in the future.

Interpretation for a girl according to Miller's dream book

The essence of the dream vision will be determined based on who you shook your hand with:

  • for a man who is an influential person: if you participate in some event, you will gain fame, and your friends will envy you;
  • to a guy or another character of shorter stature: you will be loved for your sincere feelings;
  • shaking hands in a dream with a high personality, for which you need to pull your body up: a competitor will arise. However, if the sleeping woman wore gloves on her hands, she will be able to defeat her;
  • to the old man: where you wanted to have fun, you will find grief.

Did you dream about a dead person? Don't be scared

What does it mean to greet a deceased person in this way? According to the dream book, the vision foreshadows a date with an old friend. It is also possible to meet a person who influenced your destiny in a past life. There is a chance of meeting an influential friend or companion with whom you had common activities in a past life.

Shaking the hand of a deceased person in a dream means a complication of a health condition or the development of ailments. But, if the meeting with the deceased was without a handshake, you will be told about unexpected news.

A dream with a dead person means: the sleeper will find himself in a difficult situation, which he will have to resolve on his own.

Business sphere

A similar plot in a dream predicts a common conduct of business with partners or friends. When the dreamer experienced happiness from this, success in mutual cooperation is foreseen. But if this caused irritation, common affairs can lead to trouble.

Did you dream of shaking hands with a dead loved one or friend? The vision warns about the futility of your plans. The plans are not being realized. It is necessary to change the terms of the projects and postpone them to another time.

Why do you dream of shaking hands with an enemy or rival? In reality, you will find yourself in a situation where it will be possible to reconcile you, and the outcome of this will be determined depending on your behavior.

Remember how you dreamed about it. To see active, proactive behavior means a struggle is anticipated, and such a prospect pushes you, giving you courage. Lazy and indifferent actions - resistance will be tiresome.

Love, relationships

At some points, dream books explain this plot as deceit, assurance of friendly feelings that do not exist in reality, or a push to establish a friendly relationship.

If an adult woman shakes hands with a man who is a public figure, she is expected to have great success among the male part of the population.

Seeing a handshake with a young man in a dream promises a married lady according to the dream book: a guy he recently knew is trying to win her favor.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 07/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Similar: handshake, handshake, handshake, Crab

Handshake in Miller's Dream Book:

  • Greeting someone shorter than you in a dream is a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence.
  • If in a dream it seems to you that your hands are dirty, it means that in reality you will discover that not all of your friends are true.
  • If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some prominent figure (high-ranking official, ruler), it means that she is expected to have entertainment and worship from strangers. And if she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn the special favor of her friends. If she has to reach up to shake someone's hand, it means she will have to face competition in life. True, if she is wearing gloves, then she will be able to overcome these obstacles.
  • If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with a decrepit old man, it means that she will find grief and grief where she was looking for fun.
  • Interpretation in Family dream book Sleep Handshake:

  • A dream in which you said hello to someone who is shorter than you says that you will be loved for your kindness.
  • A girl who shook hands with a decrepit old man in a dream will find grief where she was looking for joy.
  • If she has to reach up to shake someone's hand, then she will have a rival. But if she is wearing gloves, then she will be able to get the better of her.
  • A girl who dreams that she is shaking hands with some prominent political figure will have fun and many fans.

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