Good day to all
I have a 99 premaska. I got it in February - this is my first car :) So far I have invested a lot of money in it, starting from all consumables / seals and suspension parts, ending with soundproofing and replacing all the acoustics in a circle. Literally all this time, the machine was regularly in the services, because. did for himself and literally worked for her. At the very last moment, I left an oil change, because. the owner, who reported that the oil does not eat up, and the planned (every 10 tons) replacement will be in 3 thousand. Having left during this time (I didn’t travel much, occasionally on business) a little less than a thousand kilometers, I drove the gearshift knobs to adjust the loose backstage, and at the same time, earlier than indicated to me for replacement by 2 thousand. oil, because I was impatient to change it, I even bought 8 liters from a dealer so that there are no fakes, and rinse before, baying the second "set" next for the summer. Changed with a complete drain of the old at my request. Judging by the remainder in the canister, they filled in 3.5 with a filter replacement, which is the norm.
When I picked up the car, handing it back in the box, I noticed that I had smoked the entire repair box with white exhaust smoke. Standing nearby, went out to watch the exhaust. It smoked a little, then it seemed to disappear altogether. Calmed down, he took her to the painter for minor finishing touches (scratches, Kotska).
I was only able to pick it up after 3 days. Driving back from the stand, I noticed the smoke, again this smoke! Starting to finally understand that something is wrong here, I again observe the exhaust. It's warm outside, about +20 in the sun, noticeably warmer than on the day I picked it up from the service. The smoke, meanwhile, began to subside again as the engine warmed up. I ran my finger - there is condensate on the end of the pipe. Everything seems to be in order. The smoke is barely visible.
I decided to drive home around the city, bypass. During the route, periodically turned off the music, listened to the movement. Turnovers - as usual. The liquid temperature is in the middle of the scale. The oil pressure indicator and other things related to the engine on the tidy do not light up. Sounds are all right. Everything seems to be ok.
came and installed. Today I began to google, ask questions to motorists with experience. There were suggestions about the breakdown of the cylinder head gasket, etching of the coolant into the cylinder. The serviceman from whom I service the car (at the time of picking up the car, he was absent from the box), suggested by phone that these could be stubborn valve seals. The only question is that this smoke did not exist before.
And finally, almost the denouement - in the evening, having accumulated the theoretical course of a young fighter, I come to my Masa, check the coolant level, which is 2 centimeters in the tank, and under the radiator cap - under the neck, which seems to be excellent, I make sure that there are no whitish streaks on the oil filler cap neck of the engine and camshafts, I start the heart of the masyanya. Factory in a fraction of a second, then seven seconds of quiet, flawless work that seemed like an eternity. And suddenly! - as if fresh grass was thrown into the fire - thick white smoke begins to pour and slowly rise into the air. Dense smoke, obviously not condensate, and what the hell is condensate, when it's already over 20 degrees outside and in such conditions the exhaust activity should already be indistinguishable. Half a minute passed (no less), the density of the smoke decreased several times, becoming an exhaust visible to the eye. The father, who volunteered to help, at my request, adds gas at idle, and the smoke screen with new force spreads across the yard, hiding everything from view. During gassing, I tried to see the bubbles in expansion tank, which would indicate exhaust etching into the cooling system. NOTHING! The liquid, perhaps not having time to warm up, for all 5 minutes of engine operation did not even move anywhere, no bubble, no twitching, no oil stains on the surface of the liquid. Nothing: (Turning off the engine and opening the radiator cap, I also didn’t see any oil there. Under the oil filler neck, everything is also in normal mode, there is no emulsion on the dipstick, the oil level is closer to the maximum. Only the yard of 100x50 meters is half hidden in smoke. And it has a little smell gives off gasoline, not very reminiscent of oil, and the color is not gray or black, but white.And I did not wait for traces on a white sheet of paper attached to the exhaust.
In general, I'm completely confused.

And finally, introductory (sorry for the end of the topic):
dvig- fp-de 1.8 petrol injector, mileage 178t
oil before change 5w-40 castrol synthetic
oil after change 10w-40 liquid moly semi-synthetics
(the seller claimed that he did not reel, he did not need it). By indirect signs, I believed him then, now I don’t know.
Antifreeze - blue. Just blue :) the only thing that did not have time to change.
I chose the oil by studying the forums, since the engine was already running, semi-synthetics should be shown to it for use. Passed despite the seller's statement that he does not eat oil. So calmer. The figure of low-temperature density - in connection with the upcoming summer in Krasnodar (temperatures from 30 to 43 in the shade), I think that's what we need. I took Liquimoli through a friend, from a supplier, so that there are no fakes.
I confess, I did not measure the coolant level after the purchase, how could I know. Maybe the antifreeze was leaving - but as I wrote above, I did not see this by indirect signs. An option to unscrew the crankcase drain plug and look for the presence of a heavy water fraction at the bottom of the oil? or again unscrew the recently replaced candles and try to find “cleaner” ones, which, in theory, could “eat up” the coolant. Would you have time? moreover, replacing the old candles, I noticed that almost everything is fine with them. "Almost" - because the end is slightly coked, but the terminals of the arresters are clean and reddish, I threaded the edges - well, the mixture was over-enriched, I changed it because of this fuel filters(both) in the tank, and air filter. I wanted to clean the nozzles with ultrasound myself or in the service during the week. So all these metamorphoses with the engine began to occur after an oil change in the service. Did the cunning owner use an anti-smoke additive in the old oil? But damn it, the smoke is now pouring out so much that it can only be appeased by a young tree if you drive it into the exhaust.
Help, good people. It’s a pity for the machine, it’s scary to say how much I invested in it: (Ask questions, maybe I didn’t take something into account in my story. I’ll try to answer. Maybe one of my friends came across. I really look forward to advice. Of course, I’ll describe myself if I can (and have enough money) to solve this problem.