Chevrolet Orlando new body test drive. New Chevrolet Orlando price, photo, video, specifications, specifications Chevrolet Orlando. On different sides

What will happen in 2019: expensive cars and disputes with the government

Due to the growth of VAT and the unclear future of state support programs for the car market, new cars in 2019 will continue to rise in price. We found out how auto companies will negotiate with the government and what new products they will bring.

However, this state of affairs only stimulated buyers to make decisions more quickly, and the VAT increase planned for 2019 from 18 to 20% became an additional argument. Leading auto companies told what tests await the industry in 2019.

Numbers: sales are up for 19 consecutive months

According to the results of sales of new cars in November 2018, the Russian car market showed an increase of 10% - thus, the market continues to grow for 19 months in a row. According to the Association of European Businesses (AEB), in November, 167,494 new cars were sold in Russia, and in total from January to November, automakers sold 1,625,351 cars - 13.7% more than last year.

According to the AEB, December sales results should be comparable to November. And for the full year, it is expected that the market will reach the figure of 1.8 million cars and light commercial vehicles sold, which will mean a 13 percent plus.

In 2018, sales of Lada (324,797 units, +16%), Kia (209,503, +24%), Hyundai (163,194, +14%), VW (94,877, +14%), grew most noticeably in 2018 according to data from January to November. 20%), Toyota (96,226, +15%), Skoda (73,275, +30%). Mitsubishi (39,859 units, +93%) began to take up lost positions in Russia. Despite the growth, Subaru (7026 units, +33%) and Suzuki (5303, +26%) lagged behind the brand.

Sales improved in BMW (32,512 units, +19%), Mazda (28,043, +23%), Volvo (6854, +16%). The premium sub-brand from Hyundai - Genesis "shot" (1626 units, 76%). Stable in terms of Renault (128,965, +6%), Nissan (67,501, +8%) Ford (47,488, +6%), Mercedes-Benz (34,426, +2%), Lexus (21,831, +4%) and Land Rover (8 801, +9%).

Despite the positive figures, the overall volume of the Russian market remains low. According to the Avtostat agency, historically, the market showed its maximum value in 2012 - then 2.8 million cars were sold, in 2013 sales decreased to 2.6 million. In 2014, the crisis came only towards the end of the year, so there was no dramatic drop in the market - the Russians managed to buy 2.3 million cars at "old" prices. But in 2015, sales collapsed to 1.5 million units. The negative dynamics continued in 2016, when sales sank to a record low of 1.3 million vehicles. The revival of demand occurred only in 2017, when the Russians bought 1.51 million new cars. Thus, the initial figures of the Russian automotive industry are still far away, as well as the status of the first market in terms of sales in Europe, which Russia was prophesied in the pre-crisis years.

Representatives of auto companies interviewed by believe that sales in 2019 will be comparable to the results of 2018: according to their estimates, Russians will buy the same number of cars or a little less. Most expect a failed January and February, after which sales will go up again. However, auto brands refuse official forecasts before the start of the new year.

“In 2019, the cars bought in the pre-crisis 2014 will be five years old already - for Russians this is a kind of psychological mark at which they are ready to think about replacing the car,” said Valery Tarakanov, marketing director of Kia, in an interview with

Prices: cars went up in price all year

New cars in Russia after the crisis of 2014 by November 2018 rose by an average of 66%, according to Avtostat. For 11 months of 2018, cars on average became more expensive by 12%. The agency's experts came to the conclusion that auto companies have now almost won back the fall of the ruble against world currencies. But they stipulate that this does not mean a price freeze at all.

Inflation and an increase in the VAT rate from the beginning of 2019 - from 18% to 20% will contribute to a further rise in car prices. Representatives of car companies in conversations with an correspondent also do not hide the fact that the increase in VAT will directly affect the cost of cars, and from the very beginning of 2019, for example, this was confirmed by Renault, AvtoVAZ and Kia.

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“On the threshold of the last quarter of the year, the Russian automotive market continued to show strong growth. However, this pleasant fact did not come as a surprise, given the tailwind in the sails of the entire retail sector, counting down the time until the VAT change. There is growing concern among market participants about the sustainability of retail demand starting from January 2019,” explained Joerg Schreiber, Chairman of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee.

At the same time, automakers hope that the ruble exchange rate will not change much against foreign currencies, which will help avoid price spikes.

State support programs: gave half as much

In 2018, two times less money was allocated to state support programs for the car market, popular with Russians, compared to 2017 - 34.4 billion rubles. instead of the previous 62.3 billion rubles. At the same time, only 7.5 billion rubles were spent on targeted programs designed specifically for motorists. We are talking about such programs as "First Car" and "Family Car", which apply to cars worth up to 1.5 million rubles.

The rest of the money was spent on more specific programs like Own Business and Russian Tractor. For development and production activities Vehicle with remote and autonomous control spent 1.295 billion rubles, on stimulating the acquisition of ground electric vehicles - 1.5 billion, on measures to stimulate production in the Far East (we are talking about compensating transport costs for car companies) - 0.5 billion rubles, on the purchase of gas-engine equipment - 2.5 billion rubles.

Thus, the government, as promised, continues to systematically reduce the volume of state support for the industry. For comparison: in 2014, only 10 billion rubles. went to recycling programs and trade-in. In 2015, 43 billion rubles were allocated to support the automotive industry, of which 30% was also spent on recycling and trade-in. In 2016, spending on state support for the automotive industry reached 50 billion rubles, of which half was also spent on similar targeted programs.

As for 2019, the situation with state support remains. So, in the middle of the year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that the First Car and Family Car programs were extended until 2020 inclusive. They should allow buying new cars at a 10-25% discount. However, automakers claim that they still have not received any confirmation of the extension of the programs - the Ministry of Industry and Trade has not been able to clarify the situation and respond to's request for a month.

Meanwhile, at a recent meeting with automakers, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said that the volume of state support for the domestic automotive industry is five times higher than the budget revenues from this industry.

“Now it is 9 rubles per 1 ruble of revenues to the budget system from the automotive industry. This is with a recycling fee, and without a recycling fee - 5 rubles of state support,” he said.

Kozak explained that these figures should make one wonder under what conditions state support measures should be provided to the auto industry, adding that the vast majority of business sectors do not receive any support from the state at all.

Disputes with the government: auto companies are unhappy

In 2018, disputes between auto companies and the government over the conditions for further work on the market intensified. The reason was the expiring terms of the agreement on industrial assembly, which gives car companies that have invested in the localization of production a tangible set of benefits, including tax benefits. This situation primarily means that manufacturers, in the face of uncertainty, may postpone the launch of new models, which, by the way, threatened Renault. In addition, it is more difficult for companies to predict their pricing policy. At the moment, the government, represented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Economics, has still not been able to develop a unified strategy.

Until recently, the departments offered various tools to replace the ending decree on industrial assembly No. 166. Thus, the Ministry of Industry and Trade actively lobbied for the signing of individual special investment contracts (SPICs) between the government and car companies. The document provides for a certain set of benefits, which is determined separately with each signatory, depending on the amount of investment, including in R&D and export development. This tool has been repeatedly criticized by car executives for being non-transparent and too rigid in terms of further investment.

The Ministry of Economics, in turn, opposed it for a long time and insisted that only those who produce high-tech products, which cars do not belong to, can work under SPICs. The FAS also joined the negotiations with the position that companies should not form alliances and consortiums, that is, they should not unite to sign SPICs. At the same time, it was precisely this idea of ​​combining brands to obtain a synergistic effect that began to be promoted in the Ministry of Industry and Trade many years ago.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak had to intervene in the conflict situation, who created a special working group, invited representatives of all auto companies to it and also expressed a number of his own ideas. But even this did not defuse the situation - auto brands complained about newcomers, including Chinese companies that could count on state support from scratch, about their unwillingness to invest too much in R&D and export organization.

At present, according to sources participating in the negotiations, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has the upper hand, and a number of auto companies are already preparing to sign SPICs in the new year. And this means new investments, projects and models, the appearance of which can revive the Russian car market.

New models: there will be many premieres in 2019

Despite accurate forecasts from automakers, most of them are preparing a lot of new products for Russia. For example, Volvo said that they would bring a new Volvo S60 and Volvo V60 Cross Country. Suzuki will launch updated SUV Vitara and the new Jimny compact SUV.

Skoda will bring the updated Superb and the Karoq crossover to Russia next year, Volkswagen in 2019 will begin Russian sales of the Arteon liftback, as well as new Polo and Tiguan modifications. AvtoVAZ will roll out Lada Vesta Sport, Granta Cross and promises a few more new products.


Chevrolet Orlando (Chevrolet Orlando) is a five-door seven-seat family compact MPV manufactured by General Motors, with a focus on the Asian and European markets. In our market, the choice of interesting family cars is not so great, therefore, when this model first appeared in car dealerships, queues immediately lined up behind it. The creators of Orlando guessed not only with the needs of family car enthusiasts, but also with the functionality and design of the car. The attractiveness of the model is also given by the low cost. Unfortunately, the new Chevrolet Orlando is not available in all CIS markets, but if you really like this car, you should not be upset, because secondary market there is a fairly large selection of used copies of this car.

A bit of history:

The first photos of the Chevrolet Orlando concept appeared on the web back in 2007, it was then that it became clear that the company was preparing a completely new family car to enter the market. In 2008, the world premiere of this model took place at the Paris Motor Show, however, mass production started only in 2010. For Chevrolet, this is the first minivan oriented to the European market. Chevrolet Orlando was created on the Delta platform, but with an increased wheelbase, and were also built on it. The development of the machine was carried out by the Korean division of the GM concern. Initially, the car was produced in Korea, but most of the copies presented on the secondary market of the CIS were assembled by the SKD method at the Avtotor Kaliningrad plant (Russia) and in Uzbekistan.

Outwardly, Orlando does not look like classic minivans and more like a small crossover. This was not done by chance, the departure from the single-volume layout was intended to position the newcomer as an alternative to front-wheel drive crossovers. Car dimensions: length - 4470 mm; width - 1780 mm; height - 1650 mm; wheelbase - 2760 mm. The fact that Chevrolet Cruz is the donor of the Orlando platform allowed to significantly reduce production costs and ensure good controllability.

Problem areas and ailments of Chevrolet Orlando with mileage

The owners of this model rarely complain about problems with paintwork and corrosion resistance of the body. The only exceptions are chrome elements, which after the first winter are covered with corrosion and bubbles. Some body parts and electronic equipment can present a lot of small but annoying troubles. So, for example, very often the sensor falls off outdoor temperature. The drain under the wiper blades has insufficient permeability, because of this, a lot of dirt accumulates on the plastic bar, which, over time, gets under the hood. There are also complaints about the performance of standard parking sensors - they do not always warn about approaching an obstacle in time, as a result, a collision occurs.


Chevrolet Orlando is equipped with only two power units: gasoline - 1.8 (141 hp); diesel - 2.0 (130, 163 hp). The main disadvantage of a gasoline engine is not technical problems, but its low power, which is not enough for such a car. The lack of power is especially acute on the highway while overtaking large cars. Also, the features of the car include jumps in speed when the engine warms up. Of the technical shortcomings of this power unit a small resource of the oil pressure sensor can be noted. If it malfunctions, the indicator on the instrument panel lights up. low pressure oil, also, cases of oil leakage from under the sensor are not uncommon.

Closer to 100,000 km, on most instances, the thermostat fails, if you do not follow this, it will not be difficult to overheat the engine. Problems with the fuel line went to Orlando from the older single-platform Chevrolet Cruze, as a rule, the problem manifests itself on small runs and is fixed by the dealer under warranty (tubes and clamps are changed). Despite the small engine capacity, it is difficult to call this car economical (consumption in the city is 12-14 liters per 100 km).

There are very few diesel cars on the secondary market, as a result, there are practically no statistics on their malfunctions. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that this type of engine is very sensitive to fuel quality. If you refuel at untested gas stations, expensive repairs will not be long in coming (nozzles, injection pump, EGR valve, etc. fail). Also, it is worth noting that diesel cars warm up for a very long time, and not only in winter. Some owners have found a mysterious plastic bar under the car. After contacting the service, it turned out that this was an anther, which is located between the main radiator and the air conditioner radiator. On most specimens, it is poorly fixed.


Chevrolet Orlando can be equipped with one of two gearboxes - a five-speed manual or a six-speed automatic. Both transmissions are quite reliable, but many owners blame the machine for a fairly tough operation. When shifting from first to second and from second to third, the transmission pushes hard, and jerks and jerks are also possible after a complete stop of the car. In most cases, to fix the problem, it is enough to reflash the transmission control unit, however, there are frequent cases when it was necessary to change the valve body, and this is not a cheap pleasure. Car owners with mechanical box gears indicate a problem with the clutch pedal, after pressing the pedal does not return to its original position. To fix the problem, the spring needs to be replaced. On a run of 80-100 thousand km, due to a violation of the patency of the breather, an oil leak appears through the oil seals of the left axle shaft. Clutch at medium loads serves 100-120 thousand km.

Design, features and disadvantages of the Chevrolet Orlando suspension

This model is equipped with a semi-independent suspension: MacPherson struts are installed in front, and a semi-independent suspension with a combined transverse beam is installed in the rear. Thanks to the use of hydraulic mounts, a high level of control over the behavior of the car and good isolation of passengers from vibrations are ensured, even on roads with poor road surface quality. Despite this, many owners criticize the chassis for excessive rigidity. If we talk about the reliability of this design, then, in practice, the car's suspension has proven to be very hardy.

If you do not take into account the struts and stabilizer bushings (they live an average of 30-40 thousand km), with medium loads, the suspension does not require investment up to 100,000 km. The ball joints are the first to fail and wheel bearings, this happens on a run of 100-130 thousand km. Of the features of the suspension, it is worth noting the increased noise when driving on rough roads. One of weaknesses running is considered brake system, so, for example, the resource of the front pads is only 20-30 thousand km, disks - up to 80,000 km. Many owners managed to solve the problem by replacing the original brake pads for quality counterparts.


The interior of the car is made of quality materials and very rarely bothers its owners with crickets and other extraneous sounds. Among the shortcomings of the interior, one can note the low wear resistance of glossy plastic inserts (scratches quickly appear). Also, many owners blame the strong fogging of glasses. With regard to the reliability of electrical equipment, no frequent failures were identified. In rare cases, the air conditioner fails, this happens on a run of up to 50,000 km (the problem is fixed by the dealer under warranty). Also, leaks in the pipes of the stove are possible.


It is one of the most interesting options in the compact family minivan segment, not only due to its appearance and functionality, but also due to acceptable reliability.

If you are the owner of this car model, please describe the problems that you had to face during the operation of the car. Perhaps it is your review that will help readers of our site when choosing a car.

Sincerely, editorial Autoavenue

The 2010 model retired: this month, the GM Korea division where these five-doors were made. However, the model was removed from the Russian market three years ago. In Korea, Orlando will not have a direct heir, but new car prepared in China. What is surprising, because the former compact van was never sold here. Although, knowing the love of local buyers for this format of cars, the General Motors concern probably made the right decision.

In terms of concept and dimensions, the new Orlando practically repeats the previous model: in fact, it is a high-capacity station wagon with a clearly defined engine compartment and hinged doors. Moreover, the official pictures show a car in the Redline configuration, which for the Chevrolet brand implies a “sporty” decor with red and black splashes.

Dimensions, compared with the Korean predecessor, have changed by no more than 32 mm in all directions: length - 4684 mm, width - 1807 mm, height - 1628 mm. Wheelbase- 2796 mm (plus 36 mm). By the way, the Chinese compact van has almost the same dimensions, and the distance between the axles is the same, so it is likely that the new Orlando was converted from Buick.

You can choose from options with two or three rows of seats. In the seven-seater Orlando, the middle row is mounted on skids and can move back and forth. Trunk volume is shown only for the seven-seat version so far: with the third row folded, the compartment holds 479 liters “under the shelf”, and if the second row is folded, the volume will increase to 1520 liters against 1487 for the previous model. The interior itself is without frills: classic pointer devices, single-zone climate control, media system.

New Chevrolet Orlando will be equipped exclusively with a 1.3 three-cylinder petrol turbo engine (156 hp), already known from other Chinese models of the General Motors concern: this is quite enough for the local market. Gearboxes - six-speed "mechanics" or "automatic" with the same number of gears.

The new Orlando will be produced by the SAIC-GM joint venture and should be launched before the end of the third quarter. But outside of China, this model is unlikely to appear.

For the first time, the seven-seat Chevrolet Orlando, which is a mixture of a compact van and a crossover, made its debut at the motor show in Paris in 2010. Three years later, he survived his first and so far the only restyling, as a result of which some changes appeared in his exterior. cardinal changes in the appearance of the "American" did not happen, but, nevertheless, he began to look better than before. linger on Russian market this, alas, did not help, because in 2015, against the backdrop of the economic crisis, General Motors was forced to remove almost all Chevrolet models from Russia and leave only expensive cars, and among the “removed”, of course, was Orlando. Finding this model in the warehouses of Chevrolet dealers is still real, so details about it will not be superfluous. Read about everything you need to know about the restyled Orlando in our review!


They say looks don't matter. Maybe, maybe... For those who agree with this statement, the 2013 Orlando will certainly be to your taste, because at its core it is a very practical car. And for those who first judge by the cover, the mix of compact van and crossover runs the risk of not liking it, because today, when the second decade of the 21st century is gradually coming to an end, it looks frankly outdated. In a word, "brick".

During the restyling of 2013, the exterior mirrors of the model changed (turn signals appeared in them) and the front bumper. In addition, the body color range has expanded and the pattern of optional rims. This is where all the external innovations end. Of the so-called off-road attributes, Orlando has black plastic lining that covers the bumpers, wheel arches and door sills. Such linings reliably protect the paintwork of the body from crushed stone and sand flying out from under the wheels - for example, if you have to drive on a country dirt road.


The car is based on General Motors' "passenger" platform called Delta II. Based on a similar design built chevrolet cruze and Opel Astra(pictured), but of them, Cruze is naturally closer to Orlando, since, unlike Astra, it has rear suspension also semi-dependent without the Watt mechanism. At the same time, the distance between the axles of the wheels of the Orlando is greater than that of the Cruze: 2.76 m versus 2.685 m. The front and rear tracks of the Chevrolet family five-door are 1584 and 1588 mm, while those of the Cruze are 1544 and 1558 mm, respectively. As for the mounting points of the suspensions, their geometry, as well as the Orlando dampers and springs, they are, of course, original. The drive in any configuration is front.

Adaptation to Russian conditions

The car is not specially prepared for Russian road realities. All wheel drive not in any of the configurations, and the ground clearance is modest - only 165 mm, which makes Orlando an absolutely urban option. For a spare wheel, air conditioning or climate control, you need to pay extra, and from heating, only heated side mirrors, 1st row seats and rear window. The warranty is quite standard: two years without a mileage limit, or three years with a mileage limit of 100 thousand kilometers + a 6-year warranty against through corrosion. But since 2013, Orlando has a high-torque two-liter turbodiesel, and it also boasts a very roomy trunk: if loaded to the window line, its volume is 852 liters, and to the roof line - as much as 1487 liters.


The seven-seat Orlando saloon (or five-seat with a yard-long luggage compartment) has a “family” design, which is found in most Korean-assembled Chevrolets. On the front panel - a combination of dark, light and shiny plastic, and on the center console - glossy black plastic "piano lacquer look". The uncomplicated instrument panel has a signature turquoise backlight. Round air duct deflectors, a 3-spoke steering wheel, large keys and knobs for the climate control system - all these are various elements of many well-known Chevrolets in Russia. It is immediately clear that the family Orlando borrowed not only the “trolley” from the Cruze ... In the version with light leather trim, the interior looks as advantageous and friendly as possible - however, it should be borne in mind that after a certain time its “lordship” will fade and the interior will ask for a constriction . You can’t blame Chevrolet for this, because such a problem is typical for all bright interiors.

There are complaints about the seats. Firstly, the profile of the seats in the 1st row, obviously, was created with the expectation of too thin drivers, otherwise it would not push everyone who is larger, a little forward in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. Secondly, the front seats do not have enough lateral support - in sharp turns, they do not cope with their duties as well as we would like. Thirdly, the folding armrest at the driver's seat is too short, which is why the right elbow constantly slides off. And most of all, Chevrolet made a mistake with the "registration" of the lever responsible for adjusting the tilt of the back of the chair. It is pushed so far that it is almost impossible to find it from behind. For all their ergonomic miscalculations, the front seats delight with a wide range of adjustments, as well as steering column, which makes landing in the driver's seat more or less comfortable, unless, of course, we are talking about riders under 2 meters tall. Still, there is no more legroom for tall drivers than the “donor” four-door Cruze.

In the safety rating of the reputable European organization Euro NCAP, Orlando earned 5 stars out of 5 possible, scoring 80 points out of 100. Euro NCAP experts rated the protection of the driver and adult passenger at 95%, the child passenger at 79%, pedestrians at 49%, and electronic assistants received 71%. In the side impact crash test and in the 18-month-old baby dummy test, the car managed to score maximum points, thus demonstrating true reliability. Not poor standard equipment, which includes 6 airbags, a tire pressure indicator, anti-lock braking (ABS) and traction control (TCS) systems, as well as stability control systems (ESC), emergency braking (BAS) and emergency disconnection, helped to successfully pass crash tests. pedal assembly (PRS). The Orlando's list of additional options includes parking sensors in a circle, blind spot monitoring, cruise control and a rear-view camera.

A full-fledged media system will decorate the center console only for a surcharge. The optional multimedia complex consists of a seven-inch color touch screen, a CD / MP3 radio with 6 speakers, AUX / USB connectors and Bluetooth for connecting mobile devices, steering wheel control buttons, a rear view camera and navigation. The image from the camera is quite clear, and the sound, graphics and system performance are quite acceptable.

Chevrolet Orlando Specifications

The Orlando engine range, which initially included only 1.8 and 1.4-liter petrol "fours". (141 hp / 176 Nm and 140 hp / 200 Nm, respectively), in 2013 it was replenished with a high-torque two-liter turbodiesel, presented in two power options - 130 and 163 hp. (315 Nm / 360 Nm) Each of the engines meets the Euro-5 eco-standard and is combined with “mechanics” or with an automatic transmission. According to the manufacturer, gasoline modifications consume from 6.4 to 8 liters. fuel per 100 km, and diesel - almost a liter less.

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