Pitfalls Renault Logan. All owner reviews about Renault Logan I Strange ergonomic solutions

Hi, in touch Nikolay. Today I decided to show the shortcomings of the new Renault Logan 2 and the problems that the owner of the new Renault Logan 2 will have to face, redo or get used to. I bought the car about a month ago. Before that, I had the previous generation Logan and Duster and Largus. That is, I know many problems of B0 platform machines.

Let's start with the most important thing - the body. In appearance, Logan 2 looks much more spectacular than its predecessor, but the quality of painting at AvtoVAZ is very lame.

I have a hood deflector on my car - but with a run of less than 2000 km on the highway, quite deep chips appeared.

Another disadvantage of the new Renault Logan 2 is the lack of front wheel arch moldings, which covered the edge of the wing from sandblasting when driving on our roads. There are no moldings on the rear arches either. But I will say right away that there are holes there and the moldings from the old logan are suitable - you have to install it yourself.

Established plastic mudguards and doors and rear bumper throws mud very cheerfully. The problem with all Logans is opening the trunk when there is dirt on the street. When you press the button, the trunk itself does not rise and you have to get your hands dirty on the trunk lid.

Disadvantages of the trunk of the new Renault Logan 2

As for the trunk - the lack of trim is not surprising, but at least there is a handle.

Another disadvantage of the new Renault Logan is that the trunk lid fastening loops eat up space for bags.

From the factory, the thresholds and lights are not covered with plastic and there will be scratches on the metal during loading / unloading.

Of the pluses - the spare wheel has a huge compartment and a folding rear seat back.

Tools - jack and wrenches - everything is nearby.

Lanterns of wires stick out and they can be accidentally touched and torn off.

The trunk itself is huge - 510 liters.

Disadvantages of the rear window and the gas tank hatch of the new Renault Logan 2

Rear window - a wide area on top does not warm up - very sad in winter - the viewable space decreases significantly.

Gas filler hatch - there is a key for the cap, but walking around with a cork and a key around a gas station is not very cool. Moreover, you need to turn off the car - in winter it is inconvenient - we immediately turn off the interior heating and run to refuel quickly so that the passengers do not freeze.

Disadvantages under the hood of the new Renault Logan 2

The hood has a huge plus - the hood stop. Thank you very much for this designers. But when looking under the hood, we immediately see a drawback - the engine compartment is dirty and I had to install a hood seal. The hood cable drums when driving - I had to wrap it in a soft tube.

The washer reservoir is fixed with one bolt - it starts drumming when driving when empty.

When replacing bulbs in low beam headlights, you will have to bend or even remove a bunch of hoses.

The power steering reservoir is a song - it is at the bottom right and it is not at all clear how to see the level.

Huge cells in the radiator grill give direct access to the radiator - you need to put a grid.

About the engine of the new Renault Logan 2

The engine I have H4M — Nissan engine 113 forces. The L7M and K4M engines are Renault engines - reliable and resourceful, but with high fuel consumption - at least 10 liters per 100 km with a quiet ride. Moreover, on 8 valves, the car only drives if it is empty, and when it is loaded, it crawls.

The H4M engine has the advantage of good traction at a fairly low consumption - 5 people plus a full trunk - I have no problems.

Disadvantages of the interior of the new Renault Logan 2

The rear row of seats - the door opens wide - I sit down behind myself with a height of 180 cm.

Large rear shelf, three L-shaped head restraints, good visibility, there are two pockets and handles. There is ISOFIX, and finally a folding back row.

Power windows, but the handle is very uncomfortable - it's hard to grab your fingers - your hands slip out. And in front of normal full-fledged handles.

In the cabin - there are buttons for heating the seat, adjusting the seat height, adjusting mirrors and parking sensors, but there is no ESP disable button - which asks for a plug.

My car has ESP - they say it strangles the car - but I didn’t experience any problems even in winter on the hills - it all depends on the rubber.

I have a standard radio tape recorder - there are no frills, it plays well - the sound is average, but not for music lovers.

The steering column joystick is a controversial thing - but I'm fine with it - I got used to it quickly.

Disadvantages of the dashboard of the new Renault Logan 2

I have big complaints about dashboard- no engine temperature sensor, no engine warm-up light.

On the old Logan, the computer had time and parameters. There is no such thing - the time is not fixed. There is still space on the screen, but it is not used at all.

The speedometer is digitized every 2 km / h - why is that? Maybe I don't like even numbers? This will take some getting used to.

Disadvantages of the electrical equipment of the new Renault Logan 2

The heated windshield is made in such a way that it will only work when the heating fan is at maximum. When you try to reduce the fan speed, the windshield heating is turned off.

The climate control buttons and on the steering wheel do not raise questions.

Seats - with good lateral and lumbar support, seat heating works well.

Another disadvantage of the new Renault Logan is that earlier there was a signal button in the left switch. She was moved to her usual place. But now the signal is very nasty sound.

Power windows are all electric, but none are automatic. Fuse box - drumming on bumps.

The gaps on all the cars that I have seen are all different, one is assembled this way, the other that way. In general, AvtoVAZ makes itself felt.

Disadvantages of the new Renault Logan 2 when driving in the rain

When driving on the highway in rainy weather, mirrors and windows are very heavily thrown with mud. The viewing area of ​​the side mirror on the glass is also covered with dirt from the same mirror, because the glass is not of the correct shape and without recesses-water traps.

On many foreign cars, drainage systems are made on the sides of the windshield, which divert dirt and water from the glass to the roof. On the new Renault Logan - the water from the janitor climbs onto the side glass.

A feature of the car is the noise or howl of the gearbox - especially in first gear. It will also take some getting used to.

In general, Renault Logan 2 is a great workhorse and well suited for city life. That's all - leave your questions and feedback in the comments.

The rapidly gaining popularity of the French "state employee" Renault Logan attracts an increasing number of fans to his person. And this is no coincidence, since today a vast army of owners has managed to make sure of its undeniable practicality, unpretentiousness, maintainability and competitive price, as evidenced by numerous reviews of the owners. For most amateurs, the enviable volume for classmates also plays an important role. luggage compartment"Frenchman". This car has both advantages and disadvantages. Fortunately, all the cons are minor.

After the release of the third generation, the shortcomings that occurred in previous generations and identified over a seven-year period of operation were kindly eliminated by the manufacturer, as noted by the owners' reviews. Also in the updated Renault Logan, useful options appeared.

Further, we will indicate in detail the advantages and disadvantages of this car, based on reliable facts and reviews of the owners, which will allow the future owner to form a picture before buying the specified car.

Features in ergonomics and quality aspects of performance

Ergonomic moments are very important for every motorist, since they indicate not only the list of functions that this or that Renault Logan equipment has, but also allow you to get an understanding of the quality conditions of the materials used by the manufacturer to build the interior.

Among the main advantages there is a low and competitive cost of the car. If we ask ourselves by comparing the cost parameter of similar configuration options with those present in budget classmates, then one important point becomes clear: an adequate price tag is one of the main advantages of this car.

The basic Renault Logan is able to offer the client a minimum list of convenient options, which allows the rational owner not only to save money at the time of purchase, but also to acquire a balanced and practical car.

Having analyzed all the minuses and pluses of the “Frenchman”, one cannot ignore the build quality of its nodes. Looking at the photo, you do not notice any flaws in fitting the panels of both the body and interior decoration. Nothing hints at the desire of the manufacturer to succumb to the temptation in terms of savings.

However, many video reviews are able to refute this misleading impression. Especially clearly this moment affects the interior, which sins with uneven joints, constantly present "crickets", the presence of backlash in the dashboard elements. Such shortcomings cannot leave the driver unirritated.

If we neglect some of the inaccuracies present in the assembly of the interior panels, we can state that Renault Logan does not have so many shortcomings. All the cons are not so terrible. This is evidenced by the reviews of the owners.

In a cohort of advantages, one can single out the presence of an innovative multimedia complex, which has become available for second-generation sedans, but for an additional fee. Among the functional capabilities of this progressive system, the main ones can be distinguished, namely:

  • the presence of a modern navigation module;
  • the ability to listen to music programs in high quality, reproduced through 4 speakers;
  • video accessibility.

The climate control system, which did not undergo its structural transformations after restyling, showed its best sides in the harsh conditions of Russian climatic regions.

Many drivers have noticed that in cold weather, the standard heating system is enough to quickly ensure the optimal air temperature inside the cabin. In the summer, the air conditioner is also able to work without significant failures and does not need to be refueled for 3-5 years.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the consideration of the interior space of Renault Logan and the volume of the luggage section. These aspects have received a lot of attention in recent years. In terms of the reserve of space, the “Frenchman”, if not the leader, then definitely confidently belongs to the cohort of favorites. Official data indicate the presence of as many as 510 liters of usable space at the disposal of the Renault Logan trunk.

Let's touch on the operating experience

Renault Logan plows the Russian expanses for over 10 years. For such a solid period, the owners were able to identify with sufficient accuracy both the positive aspects of the model and all the disadvantages.

An indisputable preference is the colossal reliability of motors, which is now rare. In the engine lineup, you can find both 8-valve and more advanced 16-valve units. Experience shows that engines reach the milestone of 300 thousand km without the need for major repairs. Such enviable indicators can be achieved by those owners who clearly comply with all regulatory requirements regarding maintenance regarding the timeliness in replacing candles, liquids, filter elements, etc.

The disadvantages of aggregates are obviously losing dynamic and speed indicators. In these disciplines, the "Frenchman" can only compete with representatives of domestic production.

Also, the fuel consumption of the model is not able to please the practical owner. Sometimes Renault Logan can upset with consumption reaching 12 liters in urban mode. That's probably all the cons.

As transmissions for this car, the manufacturer used the following units:

  • Manual transmission (it has 5 steps at its disposal);
  • 4-level "automatic", which is based on a hydromechanical design.

There were no comments to the mechanical unit. The box is endowed with a relatively simple design solution, which allows it to achieve enviable mileage in a non-repair mode. Also, this transmission is able, in tandem with the engine, to provide the car with faster acceleration compared to the version equipped with an “automatic”.

Let's move on to the suspension. Its design features will please with simplicity. The front end features a MacPherson layout that has proven itself with positive side due to energy efficiency and reliability. In the rear chassis, there is a semi-dependent design that has long been familiar to everyone with its indispensable and main attribute - a torsion beam.

An important advantage of the suspension is the absence of complex elements in its design, and this is almost the main factor in the reliability and cheapness of many parts.

Summing up

Today Renault Logan is one of the most inexpensive and unpretentious cars presented in the open spaces. Russian market. The model has enviable reliability and maintainability, which makes it possible not to often resort to the need for repairs, although it has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is not in vain that the owners' reviews say that the disadvantages are very small. If such a need arises, then the costly part is not capable of ruining the owner. By and large, the model will suit practical motorists who put the advantages indicated here at the forefront and are ready to forgive Renault Logan some minor shortcomings.

➖ Noise isolation
➖ Body paint quality


➕ Suspension
➕ High ground clearance
➕ Spacious interior
➕ Trunk


The pros and cons of Renault Logan 2018-2019 in a new body are identified based on feedback from real owners. More detailed advantages and disadvantages of Renault Logan 1.6 (82, 102 and 113 hp) with automatic and manual can be found in the stories below.

My car is already 1.2 years old, so we can already draw preliminary conclusions. For me, the main criterion for choosing was — reliability, and my car is still fully justifies my expectations.

In general, there are no complaints about the car. Not voracious on fuel. Yes, there are horse races idling, but this is not critical. Mileage at the moment has exceeded 15,000 km, passed MOT, which cost 5,300 rubles.

The car is pretty frisky. Short passes at first strained, but then I got used to it. You need to switch from 1 to 2 immediately and immediately to 3, the third one is quite elastic, you can turn the engine on it in a wide range, pass intersections, and also overcome small bumps in the form of speed bumps on it, but 5 gears are not enough on the highway. On the track is smart, 140 for her is not the limit (no longer overclocked).

Review of Renault Logan 1.6 on the mechanics of 2016

Video review

Excellent suspension. Working in a taxi 6 days a week for 10-11 hours, I am not overjoyed at the endurance of the car. Excellent ergonomics, very comfortable seating, doors open enough. All passengers feel comfortable, at the rear - the legs do not rest on the front seats. Huge trunk. For 2 years of such operation, I changed 2 ball joints and 4 steering tips — nothing else broke in it. Multipurpose vehicle. Corresponds to the price-quality!

Evgeny Rudin, review about Renault Logan 1.6 (82 hp) manual transmission 2014

A couple of times there were glitches with electronics. Once serious. The car just did not go, caught fire ABS bulb. Stopped, turned off, started again. The car drove off, the light was on. Stopped once more. The light bulb has stopped burning. Checked ABS and it works. Some kind of miracle. What happened, I did not understand.

In general, I'll start with the shortcomings, determine the degree of criticality yourself.

1) Russian assembly. The hands of the collectors of Togliatti "grow out of the ass" - this is a fact. P
2) Short first gear (many people complain about the first 4 short gears). Literally just move on. The car quietly starts from the second.
3) The native audio system does not digest the bass. Not at all.
4) The armrest at first really interferes with working with the handbrake. Then you get used to it.
5) In dirty weather, the trunk is covered with mud, it is almost impossible to open it without getting your hands dirty.
6) The reverse gear is stuck very badly. You have to re-depress the clutch and turn it on. This is a constant problem.
7) Until you get used to the box, there is a risk when switching from 5th to 4th by accidentally turning on the back.
8) Although all the brochures and sweet lips of the dealer talked about improved sound insulation, this is true only for summer conditions at speeds up to 100 km / h. From above, you can already hear the engine well. And in winter, the noise from tires with spikes in the cabin when driving on asphalt is audible even at low speeds.
9) Often you have to turn the starter for a long time to start the car. The reason is unknown to me.
10) Despite the impressive volume of the trunk, luggage arches are very disturbing. Also when laying out rear seats a huge step is formed, which greatly reduces the usable volume. When folding the rear seats, the maximum length of the transported goods is only 1.80 - 1.90 m. I expected more.
11) In severe frosts, the car starts to eat gasoline, even on the highway. In addition, plastic begins to creak, and throughout the cabin.
12) The situation with frontal heating is not very clear. It turns on only with maximum windshield blowing. What if it's minus 30 outside? Therefore, I always warm up the car for a couple of minutes first, and then just turn on the heating of the windshield.
13) Airflow modes (“on the front”, “on yourself”, “on your feet”) do not work well together. The "on itself" mode takes the lion's share of the flow, practically not giving air flow to the windshield or under your feet. You have to drive with the “on the front” + “under your feet” mode. So even more less.
14) In severe frosts, the interior on the highway does not warm up very well. In addition, the interior cools down very quickly if you turn off the stove (and even in mild frosts).
15) A very noisy stove. Tolerant up to the 3rd, maximum up to the 4th division. What follows is just a nightmare. The sound of a jet plane. And since the heating of the windshield is available only with maximum airflow, this creates additional problems when, for example, the windshield needs to be warmed up in the direction of travel.
16) The vibration of the gear lever is almost like on my former 2114. To be honest, this fact surprised me unpleasantly.
17) Space under rear window, hidden by the trunk lid, is a garbage bin in summer and a place for ice formation in winter.
18) Narrow front mud flaps do not protect the body from dirt flying from under the front wheels. The front doors leave very clear marks in muddy weather.
19) Onboard shows only one indication! Although the display allows you to accommodate much more. And no engine temperature. Only indication of excess.
20) The windage of the car is above average. At high speeds and strong winds, you have to constantly taxi.
21) Bad closes driver's door(I'm not the only one with this problem).

Now, of course, about the merits of Logan 2.

1) Suspension. Indestructible, quite comfortable.
2) Climate. Very good, albeit one-sided.
3) Cruise. On the track only with him.
4) Heating lobovuhi and mirrors. Despite the disadvantage of heating the windshield, this is still a very big plus for any car.
5) I personally am very satisfied side mirrors, set up so that there is practically no blind zone.
6) Good optics. Both low beam and high beam work well.
7) Daily running lights. Very comfortably.
8) Very high landing for a sedan. The car really looks much higher than its budget and not only brothers.

Review of Renault Logan 82 hp with mechanics 2016 onwards

Where could I buy?

New Renault Logan 2017 took in April. I did not write a review right away in order to test it well. In April-July, the car drove 20,00 km. From the pluses I will note:

1. The suspension is soft, holds the road, simple and reliable
2. Huge trunk!
3. Salon for a family of 5 is enough, not crowded

Disadvantages (cons) Renault Logan 2:

1. Fragile windshield. In three months, three small pebbles flew in. And three cracks at once! Seeing this for the first time
2. Quiet sound of the radio, the microphone is very weak - you can’t communicate normally via bluetooth, although there is such an option.
3. Factory autostart is complete bullshit. To start the engine, you need to see the car and be very close to it. So it's better to set autorun yourself.

What else I will note. The engine is a new 1.6 liter chain engine with 113 hp. He took it, because. chain is more reliable than timing. For the city, the motor proved to be perfect. Fast acceleration, confidently going in the stream. The only downside is short passes.

On the track, the picture is different. After 70 km / h, the car accelerates very slowly, every 10 km is a real victory! I know that many people are interested in rpm at different speeds. I have so:

90 km / h - 2,500, consumption 5 liters.
100 km / h - 2,900, consumption 6.5 liters.
110 km / h - 3,500, consumption 8 liters.
150 km / h - 4400, consumption 11.5 liters.

I specifically wrote about 150 km / h. I drive on the highways often, the car goes well, there is no noise. But here it is difficult to disperse it to 150, it picks up speed very slowly.

The owner drives a Renault Logan 2 2017 engine 1.6 (113 hp) manual transmission

Easy to manage. Virtually no noise. For me, it's spacious. But the metal of the car is "liquid". In cold weather, the driver's door seal does not hold. Cold air enters while driving. The car has passed 16,000 km, knocking rear suspension. Most of all, the knock is manifested on the potholes of the roads. Apparently, the assembly of the machine by specialists in Russia is affecting ...

Alexander Titov, drives Renault Logan 1.6 (82 hp) automatic 2013

Good soundproofing. Smart not blunting automatic transmission. Excellent climate. Machine corresponding to the price today. But at the same time, a small rear-view mirror and a high fuel consumption of 12 liters. Not comfortable jet mudguards. There is no windshield heating on the automatic transmission, only airflow.

Margarita Utkina, review of Renault Logan 1.6 (102 hp) AT 2015

In principle, the car is not bad, the patency is impressive! There are very serious drawbacks regarding the front side windows: if you lower the side glass halfway and close the doors, then it feels like it will fly out, that is, it hangs, you can go and demonstrate this in car showrooms.

Thresholds wide are not protected from dust, ie. there is always dust (dust collector). The windshield wipers are also not satisfied, they are rough, there is a lot of noise, there is a scratch on the windshield, when traveling in wet snow they just freeze and even heating the windshield with a pair does not help ...

Nurlan Arykov, review of Renault Logan 1.6 (82 hp) 2014

Auto for a smooth, measured ride. At the intersection, when starting on a green traffic light, the car lags behind the others. Fuel consumption for an 82 hp engine is too big, more than 10 liters in the city, 6 liters on the highway. In the cabin, at a speed of 100 km / h, you can hear the street, the sound insulation leaves much to be desired.

Alexander Petrov, drives Renault Logan 1.6 (82 hp) MT 2014

Renault Logan is a car that has quite a lot of obvious advantages, and is operated by millions of people around the world. But despite all the flawlessness, Logan has some weak spots. These shortcomings and problem nodes arise mainly due to the use of inexpensive materials when assembling a car. Main problem areas Let's take a look at the infographic.


  • Sticking of the gas pedal at sub-zero temperatures. In cold weather, the braid of the pedal cable is deformed and can cause the cable to get stuck. In winter, it is required to lubricate the cable with machine frost-resistant oil.
  • Engine tripping and. It occurs already after 10-15 thousand kilometers, if the fuel is not systematically filled with high quality.
  • Rapid wear of the camshaft seal.
  • The pump can fail already at 30-40 thousand of the distance traveled.


  • During operation, wipers wear out quickly, a strong creak appears. Replacement required.
  • Poor paint quality. Chips and can appear quickly enough.
  • The front door stoppers are loose and loosen.


  • Wheel bearings rarely live longer than 30 thousand kilometers due to lack of lubrication.
  • On a run of 10-15 thousand, they fail.


  • Crunch when reverse gear is engaged - due to design feature(no reverse synchro).


  • The upper mounts of the headlights - crack even from bad roads.
  • Front foglights fall out from vibration.

Brake system

  • Squeaking and further failure of the rear brake force distributor. It starts with a run of 10 thousand km and requires lubrication every 10 thousand km.
  • Uneven wear.

see also

Did not find an answer to your question?

Ask in the comments. We will answer for sure!

    2019-07-19 17:30:36

    Mileage 60,000 km - the only thing that was abnormal - it was a torn boot on the gearshift lever. There were no more problems!

    2019-02-07 15:38:13

    Maybe because I have a DACIA Logan, not Renault, then this whole list does not fit my car (mileage 230t.)

    2019-02-07 15:35:49

    13 years mileage 130 thousand just now replacing the pump and a year ago the Stoics plus replacing ball joints three times the rest is better than fret


    2017-02-03 09:40:28

    Inaccurate information - I drove 40,000 km on Logan, there is a weak point in the crankshaft oil seal front, rear, left inner boot of the drive. Bearings with a run of 73,000, still good, I also disagree with the rest.

    2017-02-02 14:28:28

    Outdated stereotypes, 90% of the information is not true

    2017-01-22 07:57:22

    logan 2010 mileage 41000km. I own 5 years. Great car. no damage, no repair

    2016-11-24 08:39:40

    Phase 1 never had such problems, it started with phase 2, when the power wires were shortened by a few millimeters.

    2016-06-24 12:14:28

    I can’t say that everything is true, I will only agree with the coloring and add steering tips.


    2015-07-14 08:49:57

    Breaking the wires of the signal button on the left steering column switch is a common failure. And not only not Logans, but also on other Renaults, where the same node is found.

    Ivan atlib.ru

    2015-07-09 13:17:05

    Thanks for the idea of ​​strong places, worth considering.

    2015-07-09 11:26:50

    Phase 1 2008, mileage 85k, all rubber bands were changed for 70k (bushings, racks, salent blocks) as well as brake discs. We welded a muffler, rotted away (even faster it rotted away than there was a breakdown) Where are the statistics of strong points? at minus 38 without warming up, it started the first time

    Alexander Sukhinin

    2015-03-11 22:06:20

    Logan 1.6 16th grade 2011. From the repair, not counting the scheduled maintenance, the replacement of the front brake discs every 80 thousand. mileage, 120 thousand. replacement of steering rods and front hub bearings, 140 thousand. replacement of the resonator, 160 thousand. replacement of ball bearings and zad.kolodok. 200 thousand replacement of silent blocks and shock absorbers, wiring in the sound signal sensor I re-solder every 40 thousand. I travel around Moscow.

    2014-12-24 12:43:32

    Thank you, Pavel, for sharing with us, and with all the owners of Logan, your breakdowns. Such remarks will certainly take note of more than one loganovod.

    Pavel Petrukhin

    2014-12-24 11:03:31

    Renault Logan 2008, engine 1.4 - class 8 Mileage for 2014 - 121 thousand km. I don’t consider this a breakdown, but my foglights cracked after 3 months, one by one. I didn't even change it under warranty, I just turned it off. The windshield cracked at 45 thousand, and it cracked not from a stone hitting it, but cracked from under the left wiper - a crack started. Well, light bulbs burn out everywhere and always. Yes, the sinking of the gas pedal began about half a year later, I was terribly scared))). And the first serious damage happened at 75 thousand, the timing broke. The result - the valves were bent - Repair -16 thousand. And so the norms. The suspension is excellent, consumables for oils and filters are very small, and I change everything myself. And forgot. At the current moment, almost all the illumination of the front panel buttons burned out - only the illumination of the right power window remained, the rest does not light up, but replacing all these buttons is quite expensive. So I see no reason to change. Good car. anything is better than our Bucket-Vaz.

    2014-10-27 17:07:11

    Renault Logan 2011 dvig. 1.6 8 cells Mileage 81,000 km. First breakdown 31,000 km. the signal button stopped working - replacement for the steering switch under warranty. Second failure 60,000 km. signal stopped working again. I didn’t change anything, I took it off, soldered it, and removed the factory disease with a soldering iron, melted a groove for the wire inside and I think it won’t break again. Third breakdown 75,000 km. the thermostat began to open earlier, the car did not warm up until operating temperature, 3-4 divisions did not light up, I replaced it myself for 15-20 minutes. I changed the belts at 80,000 from the officials, at 60,000 I didn’t see the point, they looked better than new ones. Door locks creaked on potholes, it is treated by installing silent locks or simply with electrical tape. Wedging of the gas cable can be in severe frosts, it is felt that the pedal is pressed with small "checkers", but at the same time it does not hang back. I replaced the foglights, took phase 1 from Logan, the H8 lamp, I don’t want to spend on native psx 24w lamps, but they shine badly. I don't understand how they can fall out. There is a crunch of the rear gear with a sharp turn on, you need to pause for 2-3 seconds after depressing the clutch and there will be no cod. Brakes hodovka rack and so on, which is not changed or repaired. In general, a reliable car, it doesn’t have so much weaknesses, at least in my case.

    Sergey Ivanovich

    2014-07-15 14:25:59

    The information was selected on the basis of reviews and comments of Logan owners on thematic forums, blogs and websites. "From the ceiling" no one came up with anything, all of the above diseases manifested themselves in certain car owners (naturally, not on one car at the same time).

    2014-07-15 12:04:26

    Sticking of the gas pedal in sub-zero temperatures - it happens but rarely 1 time during the winter at -35. Trouble of the engine on gasoline did not notice on gas when cold engine there is. Rapid wear of the camshaft seal did not change the mileage of 107 thousand. The pump can fail already at 30-40, I did not change anything. During operation, wipers wear out quickly - it depends on the climate and frequency of use. Poor paint quality. Chips and scratches can appear quite quickly - this is not a disadvantage, it also depends on where the car drives. The front door limiters are not tightened and the mileage of 107 thousand is unscrewed, everything is in place. Wheel bearings rarely live longer than 30 thousand km changed to 107 along with the brake drums on the handbrake traveled)))). At a run of 10-15 thousand shock absorbers fail. also depends on the quality of our roads if the pit is in the pit and the pit drives everything, maybe the front struts changed twice for 60 and 107 rear 1 time for 100 thousand Crunch when reverse gear is engaged - due to a design feature (there is no reverse gear synchronizer) there is such a thing, but for me does not interfere. The upper mounts of the headlights - crack even from bad roads. Front foglights fall out from vibration. Where does such data come from? Squeaking and further failure of the rear brake force distributor. Starts with a run of 10 thousand km and requires lubrication every 10 thousand. Uneven wear of the front brake pads. It is also not clear where such data comes from.?

What has been produced at AVTOVAZ in Tolyatti since the spring of 2014?

In fact, the difference between the machines is not so great. It certainly is, and we will make a reservation about it every time the need arises, but it is not as significant as in the case of two really different generations of the model. In this case, Logan was “new” only in terms of design, a few new features and marketing - after all, there was no platform change, which means, strictly speaking, there was no generational change either. And if this statement can be argued in the comments, giving a dozen more fair examples when the car was called “new”, having received only a restyling of the body, then with the fact that driving habits and the lion's share of both Logan's strengths and weaknesses remained the same, arguing, alas, is pointless.

Hate #5: Weak paintwork

Weak paintwork Logan is noted by many owners, and indeed, chips in the front of the hood appear on new sedans with disappointing speed. However, the paint technologies of low-cost brand manufacturers do not differ much, and if one part of the problem is attributed to not very appropriate (but, pardon the sad pun, almost ubiquitous) "paint" economy, then the other lies Russian roads: a rare car manages to drive around the Russian Federation without the notorious chips. One of the first automakers should decide and offer a complete set with a “raptor” color - and this will definitely be a trend ... In short, Renault’s fault in the “weak paintwork” is a little more than other brands.

Renault Logan" 2004–09 Renault Logan "2013–present

Love #5: Design that "got better"

What at the beginning of the “zero” was just a modest appearance, by the beginning of the “tenths” turned into sheer utility - Logan simply ceased to be perceived otherwise than as a taxi car. In the new version, it has become much more presentable (mainly in the front part, as usual during the restyling), and many owners are happy to talk about this. Especially those who previously owned the "first" Logan. But they rarely compare the current Logan with competitors in the segment, because almost all budget brands have learned to make a rather catchy design. If you allow a sports analogy, then in design Logan broke a personal record, but he is quite far from world records.

Renault Logan" 2004–09 Renault Logan "2014–present

Hate #3: Expensive Bodywork

This reason for hatred is only the fourth line in our rating, because only those who had the misfortune of getting into an accident and being repaired at their own expense faced it. In addition, the prices for original body parts look impressive only in comparison with domestic brands. So, in Moscow you can find an unpainted front fender for your Logan for 3,500 - 4,000 rubles, but if you prefer the original, the price will jump to 5,500 - 6,000 rubles. The wing for Kalina costs about the same or even a little cheaper, but ... already painted. But the prices for a similar item from Volkswagen Polo- about the same as Logan.

Love #4 decent cross

Logan is good ground clearance- 155 mm under load (that is, at full weight). The VAZ Kalina, for example, has a slightly larger passport value, 160 mm. But there is an opinion that it is even more convenient to make your way along the broken-down dirt road on Logan than on AvtoVAZ products, and if you keep in mind the properties of the suspension, then this is quite true. And if it weren’t for the rather low-hanging “lip” of the bumper with not the smallest front overhang, Logan would have been the king of primers and curbs at all.

Hate #4: Short Low Gears

The five-speed gearbox of the JH series, eternal, like Logan himself, has a number of advantages, due to which, in fact, it turned out to be such a long-liver. However, like any inexpensive product, it has trade-offs. One of them is short gears, designed to provide tolerable dynamics with engines with not the most outstanding characteristics, as well as, again, cross-country ability, if we keep in mind the ultra-short first gear. In practice, this often turns into the fact that the driver during acceleration is often forced to use the “mixer”, and even get under way from second gear. On the fifth Logan (especially with an 8-valve engine) desperately roars the engine already at 110 km / h. But someone sees an advantage in this character - the “turned on the third and drive like an automatic” technique is used quite often in the city. Here, of course, the merit is not only the box, but also the motors. However, more about them later...

Love #3: Good suspension

First of all, let's debunk the myth: Logan's suspension is not at all "indestructible". If desired, and with the right degree of disregard for it and road conditions, it is killed with a bang, and the list of victims is usually the same as for the rest, normally “killed” suspensions of other brands: stabilizer struts, ball joints (change along with levers), shock absorbers … The suspension is certainly reliable, but definitely not eternal. And the driving characteristics created a good reputation for it - the energy intensity is high, which creates a feeling of permissiveness on not too good coverage. In the restyled Logan, the suspension has become a little stiffer, which some owners complain about, but positive qualities she has not lost hers, and the rolls in corners have become noticeably less.

Hate #2. Weak 8-valve engine

With motors, the situation has also changed. Firstly, at the start of the "new generation" there was a rejection of the "youngest" engine - a 1.4-liter 75-horsepower. The remaining 1.6-liter engines, although in general, satisfied most users, but they could not please with special dynamics - the dynamic indicators were 11.9 and 10.7 seconds to one hundred, respectively, for an 8- and 16-valve in combination with a manual gearbox; the first motor developed 82 hp, the second - 102 hp. And therefore, for those who want more, the “senior” engine with the K4M index has been replaced by the 113-horsepower H4MK, familiar from Renault Duster and Kaptur, Nissan Sentra and Juke. At the same time, the 102-horsepower engine also remained in the line - it is combined with a 4-band automatic transmission, which makes Logan a rather voracious, albeit somewhat more convenient car. But those who choose the 8-valve version, as before, remain dissatisfied with the dynamics of the car. The manufacturer's desire to fit this well-deserved unit into modern environmental standards turns into obvious disadvantages - or rather, noise instead of overclocking. Perhaps it's time for him to rest.

Under the hood of Renault Logan "2004–09

In the photo: Under the hood of Renault Logan "2013–present.

Love # 2: a large amount of trunk

Few people can surpass Logan in terms of trunk volume - it has 510 liters, and only the Ravon R4 (aka Chevrolet Cobalt) has more. There are also those who don’t like Logan’s trunk - but not with volume, of course, but with poor, practically absent decoration, and also with the fact that the lid hinges eat up a fair amount of volume when closing, and this has to be taken into account when packing loads. In the cabin - about the same set of compromises: it is spacious, but not too rich and comfortable.

In the photo: Trunk Renault Logan "2013–present.

Hate #1: Poor cabin comfort

For the most part, people understand that Logan is a relatively inexpensive car, and are ready to put up with the glare of the instrument panel in the windshield, the freezing of the multimedia system or its periodic unwillingness to read flash drives, with errors in the standard navigator, with electrical and electronic glitches that are considered almost family feature of the "French" ... But with poor sound insulation, noisy regular tires, still inconveniently located power window buttons, a “cheap” clapping sound when closing the doors, uncomfortable (albeit improved compared to the previous ones) front seats, the same people are not ready to put up. But they reconcile.

In the photo: Torpedo Renault Logan "2014–present

Love # 1: simplicity and reliability of the design

They put up because Logan as a whole is a very successful car. And mainly this success is based on the relative simplicity and outstanding reliability of the design. Many people drive a hundred or two hundred thousand kilometers on this car, operating the car in the tail and in the mane (both the old and the new Logan are really very fond of taxi drivers) and changing only consumables - oil, filters, pads and headlight bulbs classified in this category optics.


By the way, there are those who scold the new Logan for a weak head light - sorry, it's not too clear compared to what it's so bad. Or for poor visibility. Or poor build quality. With the latter, everything is more or less clear - after all, the build quality often becomes “bad” in our country, one has only to find out that the assembly is carried out at AVTOVAZ ... And if we discard all these little things, which every inexpensive car is full of in one proportion or another, it remains here what.

Logan is like a wife with whom he lived for 30 years. If he hated her, then once a very long time ago, when he knew her poorly. And you love not for any specific qualities, but simply because she is what she is - sweet, kind and rarely breaks down.

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